dapet translatean yang final tour dalam rangka 20th L'Anniversarry...
yatta!!! dan good newsnya, bakal dijadiin materi LV di XXI Epicentrum lagi... horeeeeee...
insyaAllah dateng, dah pesen tiketnya (walo blom dibayar, wkwkwkwk)...
di live ini kan yang Ken ngomongin soal megang punya hyde, wkwkwkwk....
penasaran huahahahahaha *devil's laugh*
oke, dapet lagi dari anak2 UK...
thanks so much guys for your hardwork !!!
yatta!!! dan good newsnya, bakal dijadiin materi LV di XXI Epicentrum lagi... horeeeeee...
insyaAllah dateng, dah pesen tiketnya (walo blom dibayar, wkwkwkwk)...
di live ini kan yang Ken ngomongin soal megang punya hyde, wkwkwkwk....
penasaran huahahahahaha *devil's laugh*
oke, dapet lagi dari anak2 UK...
thanks so much guys for your hardwork !!!
TRANSLATED REPORT: "20th L'Anniversary Report" - Osaka 3rd and 4th Dec (FINAL)
by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Monday, 5 December 2011 at 07:06 ·
I sit here typing this, it's just made me realise how long this tour
has been going on for, and how scarily fast the time has past!!! During
this time we've experienced the excitement of the release of tour
information, ticket purchasing information, AND the arrival of the
tickets!!! With just over 4 months to go, I'm sure you'll all agree that
we can't wait top have the boys here!!
But in the meantime, the 20th L'Anniversary Tour came to an end this weekend. All that waits now is the WORLD TOUR!!!(well, and the Le Ciel fanclub exclusive live in February) Apparently it was announced today that the 'And more' actually was referring to them playing in Tokyo and Osaka in May after they tour the world. Also announced was that there's a NEW ALBUM coming soon, as well as a PUNK album! Details of these are still unclear, but it's great to see L'Arc being so active and FINALLY an album!!!
Anyway here comes the report of the last 2 lives - as usual the translations are based on a range of snippets of reports around the internet - I may add more onto the second day when more stuff comes out!This weekend's live was held at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka (previously known as Osaka Dome) which is famous for shaking when the audience jump - not that that stopped from hyde shouting "JUMP!" repeatedly anyway!!
01. NIJI
02. Caress of Venus
04. the Fourth Avenue Café
-hyde MC-
We’ve turned 20! Good evening, we’re L’Arc~en~ciel! Now that we’re adults, I want to go to Kitashinchi (area famous for nightlife)! We’re in Osaka here right? The Kyocera Dome in Osaka right? I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have a particularly smooth tongue, but the name’s too long and it’s hard to say it. Can I shorten it? Since it’s the Kyocera dome, how about KYO-CHAN! …actually no, let’s just call you Osaka (lol)!
Can you do it Osaka!!!!!! Are you ready Osaka????? Today we’re in a rather spacious venue, but I’m paying attention to everyone including you guys at the back! Can you do it Osakaaa???? Can you do it Osakaaaaaa? (looks around behind him) Wait, I was going to move on to the next number but we’re missing one member!
(tetsuya comes back onto the stage making “sorry” gesture as he goes into standby)
OK? Can you do it (laughing)? Since it’s becoming colder and it’s winter now, here’s a chilly song… winterfall.
05. winter fall
06. fate
07. As if in a dream
08. Kaze no Yukue
09. forbidden lover
BEFORE REVELATION – tetsuya, yukihiro and ken appear on a cart firing dry ice/smoke guns (apparently like fire extinguishers) at the audience whilst driving through the bit between the arena and the stands. And then hyde appears on a carriable chair type thing (like from the AWAKE tour – sorry, it’s hard to explain!). In the meantime everyone else has reached the stage and starts playing, hyde still on the thing.
14. Blurry Eyes
-tetsuya MC- (during the interlude of Blurry Eyes)
Apparently hyde missed the timing on blowing the whistle because the string got tangled up (haha) .
Wassho-i! Wasshooi! (something you shout when you lift things up including carriable chairs (like the thing hyde was on). You guys ok? YOU GUYS OK?? Osaka? Kyocera dome right? What’s the nick name…? Kyo-dome? …dome?? CONDOM? (again, when you say condom in a Japanese accent the “dom” sounds like “dome”. Condom-chan!! You guys doing alright??? (apparently at this point tetsuya noticed the reaction of the audience (which was like “wtf?”) and stood there grinning for a while.) WASSHOOOI! You want to hear the rest of the song?? You want to hear it?? HERE WE GO! HERE WE GOOOO! Blurry Eyes!
16. Kasou
17. X X X
-ken MC-
Hi! Hello! Come on, say hello! (audience: hello!) You know, I recently bought glasses! The reason being because I’m crap at golf! I can’t see the flag… nor can I see the screen properly when I'm playing video games… So I thought, if I put glasses on at the Kyocera Dome I’d see really clearly! (puts glasses on, looks around) WOW, glasses are super!! You know I fall over a lot on the stage? I thought maybe it’s because I have bad eyesight and I can’t see properly. So, I want to have my glasses on during the lives! But it’s a bit embarrassing when they steam up right? LOOK, it’s already steaming up! How do the people who wear glasses do lives? It’s fine if its contacts but glasses will get steamy! Who thinks I can play with my glasses on? (majority of audience: yeeees!!) Who thinks I shouldn’t (some of audience: yessss). I see, you all approve!
Anyway, recently I’ve being playing this game called “Minna no golf”. At the beginning you have to name the characters, and it’s actually a woman. And I named her hyde! (lol) so a busty hyde hits the ball for me! (screen shows hyde laughing).
When I used to play Dragon Quest 3, there was that big bird you had to fight against right? And it was really hard to beat! So everytime I was about to be defeated I used to reset the game and try again, but I’d always always lose! And you know what, it turned out that you HAD to lose against it, or the story wouldn't’ carry on!
I bet you guys name game characters after us right? But I want to say, just because you think it’ll come back to life, you shouldn’t kill the characters that you name after us unnecessarily or leave them to die! Look after them properly!! Anyway, over the new year holidays, please enjoy playing games (lol).
No wait, before that we have Christmas! What are you guys doing for Christmas? (audience say whatever) …Right, I see! I understand! We should do a rehearsal for Christmas – Merry Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! HURRY XMAS!!!
19. Hurry Xmas
20. Link
-hyde MC-
There are lots of Santa Claus’ in the audience today – give me a present! Oh (sudden realisation) wait, I haven’t been a good boy so I’m not allowed presents!
I heard a scary story the other day – you know yukki-, he’s really rich. He has lots of super cars at home, and one of them is REALLY fast! And he drives it around as if he’s risking his life (screen shows yukki- pretending to drive) but apparently he has moments where he sits back and thinks “wait, why am I risking my life for something like this?”. This is exactly the feeling I wanted to express when I was writing CHASE! But somehow the director of the PV went “This should be like the Creation! Like the Gods and Demons fighting against oneanother” … so I thought ok, the lyrics do include words like God and stuff… so I let him go with it and then it ended up like that! Scary (lol).
(hyde stares at the camera for ages….. and then blows a kiss)
I don’t know where the cameras are shooting from!
(audience: "welcome home!")
Home? Ah, “I’m home!” L’Arc began from here, Osaka. At a venue called Namba ROCKETS. I think we started with around 130 people in the audience? (asking tetsuya – tetsuya: yeah, around 130 or 150.) Indeed, like this one block here. That was our beginning. (tetsuya: it was so crowded) yeah, it was really a tight squeeze. We want to play there again… although we weren’t allowed to take shits there! Me? No, I never take shits – my hole is there only for decoration (LOL please hyde, I have to translate this you know).
Yesterday we went back to Nambra ROCKET and took a photo. There were some people around so we tried to be as discrete as possible. We’ll show you the photo tomorrow!
It’s been 20 years since Nambra ROCKETS… It’s shocking. Anyone here been fans since then? (few ppl in audience put their hands up) REALLY? WOW!!! 20 years ago…some of you must not have been born yet! (quite a proportion of the audience put hands up). Yeah I thought so, I saw some kids earlier too.
You know, L’Arc aren’t that great a band. But so many of you like us and have supported us.Thank you for following us for such a long time. After 20 years, all we can say is thank you. Thank you! And we’re going to continue from now on, so it’d be great if you continue to follow us. Let’s grow old together. Thank you for coming today – and we express this gratitude with our final song – BLESS.
01. Fare Well
02. Caress of Venus
-hyde MC-
We’ve turned 20, we're L'Arc~en~ciel!!! L'Arc is an adult now... Since we're adults now, we should go to Kitashinchi (see Day1) tonight. Oh yeah, tadaima (we're back)! We're back in our hometown Osaka. As I said yesterday, we're recording today. Today’s live is being broadcasted to cinemas too. They’re watching us from all around Japan and also from Asia – (Hello in Chinese) (Hello in Korean) have fun!! Today is the last day of our tour, so I hope everyone enjoys themself. This Kyocera dome is a massive venue, but I'm paying attention to all of you, even at the back! I'm paying attention to you all in the cinemas, and all over Asia! CAN YOU DO IT OSAKAAAA?? LET'S GO OSAKAAAA!!! Next song, "Flower".
You know, we’ve been doing this band for a long time now, but recently I’m really enjoying singing again. CAN YOU DO IT OSAKAAAA???????? LET'S GOOO!!!
05. flower
07. Dune
08. Garasudama
09. forbidden lover
13. Driver's High
16. Anemone
17. X X X
-ken MC-
(singing) Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear...dear ME! Happy birthday to you! Happy 20th birthday L'Arc~en~ciel! It's all thanks to you guys that we've managed to keep going for 20 years. Thank you all!
In a venue as big as this, I used to feel that you were all so far away, like watching a city landscape from a motorway… but recently I really feel you guys are closer. Don’t you think? What? You don’t think so? Or do you!?
(Laughing to himself) You know before, after going around the dome during REVELATION, I saw hyde being carried high up on the (carriable chair thing). And as he passed by, I thought, “Ah, it’s hyde” and touched him in the crotch. But the thing is, the fabric of his trousers were much thinner than I expected… So I pretty much directly grabbed his thing...Man, it was soft… like marshmallows… hyde's thing was soft, delicate and fragile...like a marshmallow. Throughout these 20 years, it's the first time I've grabbed his crotch. I'm glad this day has come after 20 years. I haven’t even felt a dog’s crotch, the first experience of touching someone’s crotch was hyde… it was so soft, I now understand why girls like it so much. (hyde laughing embarrassed shows on the screen). Mine? Well it's usually soft too, although sometimes it gets harder. But coz I'm getting older, maybe it'll be soft all the time now... Anyway, since it’s nearly Christmas, I hope you guys all find someone to touch eachother’s marshmallows with too. I hope you can grab the marshmallows that you want to grab! Anyway, an early Christmas present for you all - Hurry Xmas!!!
19. Hurry Xmas
20. Link
-hyde MC-
How am I supposed to sing straight after being referred to as a marshmallow… Was I meant to sing all embarrassed or something!? How awkward! (screen shows ken laughing) Yeah but my thing is doing fine... how about we let one lucky winner touch my marshmallow? (LOL)
You know when we played CHASE earlier, there were some lasers that come out of the stage right? Well during the intro I always take a drink of water as I wait, but this time, as I drank, I suddenly felt something really hot by my leg, and when I checked, there was a hole in my trousers (showing hole around his thigh). I felt the same heat yesterday, and found a hole in the costume around my arm - I had no idea that when you get hit by the laser it makes holes!! How scary! That's the first time I noticed that in the entire 20 years!
So during this tour we had an orchestra playing with us - but we had a different orchestra for each venue. Thank you for the last 2 days (to orchestra). The Osaka orchestra seem to be funky (NB that is the word he used!) people - apparently they dance backstage! Although we haven't spoken much, we should go for a drink after this!
Oh by the way our album is nearly complete. It's out 12th album! We're trying to decide the track order at the moment... but it should be finished soon. After so long there’s so many tunes that we want to play during our lives… Obviously people have different tastes, so we can never please everyone unless we do all of them - which is clearly impossible. What, you guys would come if we did every single song?? (audience: yaaaay) You should really think about it properly before agreeing to that - I mean, I'd be fine with it, but I don't know about the other members... Or even you guys, if none of you turn up I'll kill you!! It's not everyday that we do the rare songs like Yasouka!
Yukihiro also says that he’ll beat you up if you don’t come (screen shows yukihiro – audience scream) Ah, you guys want to be beaten up? (audience scream) yukihiro is apparently quite violent in bed? (yukki- starts laughing) yukki- never says dirty things… he was grinning whilst ken was talking earlier, but he never says them himself! I wonder if it’s because he’s shy? (all members laugh as yukihiro looks shy (lol)).
Having reached the end of our tour in Osaka, it makes me look back over the years... Over the last 20 years L'Arc~en~ciel have experienced rain, we've been hit by storms, snow and even typhoons. But we have made it so far. It's thanks to all of you and your support. Thank you for supporting us for 20 years. We are an incomplete and awkward band, but we will continue to produce good songs, so please look forward to it and come with us. This is our final song, NIJI.
21. NIJI
So that's the end of the tour! Thank you everyone for reading my haphazard translations throughout the last 3 months- I will translate and update any other articles/interviews etc that will come out in the meantime!
Natalie articles here - cool photos!
ahahaha, ne final tour 20th L'Anniversary yang bakal diputer ntar Maret di acara Live Viewing... hohohohoho, ne konser yang pengeeeeeeeen bangut aq tonton...
But in the meantime, the 20th L'Anniversary Tour came to an end this weekend. All that waits now is the WORLD TOUR!!!(well, and the Le Ciel fanclub exclusive live in February) Apparently it was announced today that the 'And more' actually was referring to them playing in Tokyo and Osaka in May after they tour the world. Also announced was that there's a NEW ALBUM coming soon, as well as a PUNK album! Details of these are still unclear, but it's great to see L'Arc being so active and FINALLY an album!!!
Anyway here comes the report of the last 2 lives - as usual the translations are based on a range of snippets of reports around the internet - I may add more onto the second day when more stuff comes out!This weekend's live was held at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka (previously known as Osaka Dome) which is famous for shaking when the audience jump - not that that stopped from hyde shouting "JUMP!" repeatedly anyway!!
01. NIJI
02. Caress of Venus
04. the Fourth Avenue Café
-hyde MC-
We’ve turned 20! Good evening, we’re L’Arc~en~ciel! Now that we’re adults, I want to go to Kitashinchi (area famous for nightlife)! We’re in Osaka here right? The Kyocera Dome in Osaka right? I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have a particularly smooth tongue, but the name’s too long and it’s hard to say it. Can I shorten it? Since it’s the Kyocera dome, how about KYO-CHAN! …actually no, let’s just call you Osaka (lol)!
Can you do it Osaka!!!!!! Are you ready Osaka????? Today we’re in a rather spacious venue, but I’m paying attention to everyone including you guys at the back! Can you do it Osakaaa???? Can you do it Osakaaaaaa? (looks around behind him) Wait, I was going to move on to the next number but we’re missing one member!
(tetsuya comes back onto the stage making “sorry” gesture as he goes into standby)
OK? Can you do it (laughing)? Since it’s becoming colder and it’s winter now, here’s a chilly song… winterfall.
05. winter fall
06. fate
07. As if in a dream
08. Kaze no Yukue
09. forbidden lover
BEFORE REVELATION – tetsuya, yukihiro and ken appear on a cart firing dry ice/smoke guns (apparently like fire extinguishers) at the audience whilst driving through the bit between the arena and the stands. And then hyde appears on a carriable chair type thing (like from the AWAKE tour – sorry, it’s hard to explain!). In the meantime everyone else has reached the stage and starts playing, hyde still on the thing.
14. Blurry Eyes
-tetsuya MC- (during the interlude of Blurry Eyes)
Apparently hyde missed the timing on blowing the whistle because the string got tangled up (haha) .
Wassho-i! Wasshooi! (something you shout when you lift things up including carriable chairs (like the thing hyde was on). You guys ok? YOU GUYS OK?? Osaka? Kyocera dome right? What’s the nick name…? Kyo-dome? …dome?? CONDOM? (again, when you say condom in a Japanese accent the “dom” sounds like “dome”. Condom-chan!! You guys doing alright??? (apparently at this point tetsuya noticed the reaction of the audience (which was like “wtf?”) and stood there grinning for a while.) WASSHOOOI! You want to hear the rest of the song?? You want to hear it?? HERE WE GO! HERE WE GOOOO! Blurry Eyes!
16. Kasou
17. X X X
-ken MC-
Hi! Hello! Come on, say hello! (audience: hello!) You know, I recently bought glasses! The reason being because I’m crap at golf! I can’t see the flag… nor can I see the screen properly when I'm playing video games… So I thought, if I put glasses on at the Kyocera Dome I’d see really clearly! (puts glasses on, looks around) WOW, glasses are super!! You know I fall over a lot on the stage? I thought maybe it’s because I have bad eyesight and I can’t see properly. So, I want to have my glasses on during the lives! But it’s a bit embarrassing when they steam up right? LOOK, it’s already steaming up! How do the people who wear glasses do lives? It’s fine if its contacts but glasses will get steamy! Who thinks I can play with my glasses on? (majority of audience: yeeees!!) Who thinks I shouldn’t (some of audience: yessss). I see, you all approve!
Anyway, recently I’ve being playing this game called “Minna no golf”. At the beginning you have to name the characters, and it’s actually a woman. And I named her hyde! (lol) so a busty hyde hits the ball for me! (screen shows hyde laughing).
When I used to play Dragon Quest 3, there was that big bird you had to fight against right? And it was really hard to beat! So everytime I was about to be defeated I used to reset the game and try again, but I’d always always lose! And you know what, it turned out that you HAD to lose against it, or the story wouldn't’ carry on!
I bet you guys name game characters after us right? But I want to say, just because you think it’ll come back to life, you shouldn’t kill the characters that you name after us unnecessarily or leave them to die! Look after them properly!! Anyway, over the new year holidays, please enjoy playing games (lol).
No wait, before that we have Christmas! What are you guys doing for Christmas? (audience say whatever) …Right, I see! I understand! We should do a rehearsal for Christmas – Merry Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! HURRY XMAS!!!
19. Hurry Xmas
20. Link
-hyde MC-
There are lots of Santa Claus’ in the audience today – give me a present! Oh (sudden realisation) wait, I haven’t been a good boy so I’m not allowed presents!
I heard a scary story the other day – you know yukki-, he’s really rich. He has lots of super cars at home, and one of them is REALLY fast! And he drives it around as if he’s risking his life (screen shows yukki- pretending to drive) but apparently he has moments where he sits back and thinks “wait, why am I risking my life for something like this?”. This is exactly the feeling I wanted to express when I was writing CHASE! But somehow the director of the PV went “This should be like the Creation! Like the Gods and Demons fighting against oneanother” … so I thought ok, the lyrics do include words like God and stuff… so I let him go with it and then it ended up like that! Scary (lol).
(hyde stares at the camera for ages….. and then blows a kiss)
I don’t know where the cameras are shooting from!
(audience: "welcome home!")
Home? Ah, “I’m home!” L’Arc began from here, Osaka. At a venue called Namba ROCKETS. I think we started with around 130 people in the audience? (asking tetsuya – tetsuya: yeah, around 130 or 150.) Indeed, like this one block here. That was our beginning. (tetsuya: it was so crowded) yeah, it was really a tight squeeze. We want to play there again… although we weren’t allowed to take shits there! Me? No, I never take shits – my hole is there only for decoration (LOL please hyde, I have to translate this you know).
Yesterday we went back to Nambra ROCKET and took a photo. There were some people around so we tried to be as discrete as possible. We’ll show you the photo tomorrow!
It’s been 20 years since Nambra ROCKETS… It’s shocking. Anyone here been fans since then? (few ppl in audience put their hands up) REALLY? WOW!!! 20 years ago…some of you must not have been born yet! (quite a proportion of the audience put hands up). Yeah I thought so, I saw some kids earlier too.
You know, L’Arc aren’t that great a band. But so many of you like us and have supported us.Thank you for following us for such a long time. After 20 years, all we can say is thank you. Thank you! And we’re going to continue from now on, so it’d be great if you continue to follow us. Let’s grow old together. Thank you for coming today – and we express this gratitude with our final song – BLESS.
01. Fare Well
02. Caress of Venus
-hyde MC-
We’ve turned 20, we're L'Arc~en~ciel!!! L'Arc is an adult now... Since we're adults now, we should go to Kitashinchi (see Day1) tonight. Oh yeah, tadaima (we're back)! We're back in our hometown Osaka. As I said yesterday, we're recording today. Today’s live is being broadcasted to cinemas too. They’re watching us from all around Japan and also from Asia – (Hello in Chinese) (Hello in Korean) have fun!! Today is the last day of our tour, so I hope everyone enjoys themself. This Kyocera dome is a massive venue, but I'm paying attention to all of you, even at the back! I'm paying attention to you all in the cinemas, and all over Asia! CAN YOU DO IT OSAKAAAA?? LET'S GO OSAKAAAA!!! Next song, "Flower".
You know, we’ve been doing this band for a long time now, but recently I’m really enjoying singing again. CAN YOU DO IT OSAKAAAA???????? LET'S GOOO!!!
05. flower
07. Dune
08. Garasudama
09. forbidden lover
13. Driver's High
16. Anemone
17. X X X
-ken MC-
(singing) Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear...dear ME! Happy birthday to you! Happy 20th birthday L'Arc~en~ciel! It's all thanks to you guys that we've managed to keep going for 20 years. Thank you all!
In a venue as big as this, I used to feel that you were all so far away, like watching a city landscape from a motorway… but recently I really feel you guys are closer. Don’t you think? What? You don’t think so? Or do you!?
(Laughing to himself) You know before, after going around the dome during REVELATION, I saw hyde being carried high up on the (carriable chair thing). And as he passed by, I thought, “Ah, it’s hyde” and touched him in the crotch. But the thing is, the fabric of his trousers were much thinner than I expected… So I pretty much directly grabbed his thing...Man, it was soft… like marshmallows… hyde's thing was soft, delicate and fragile...like a marshmallow. Throughout these 20 years, it's the first time I've grabbed his crotch. I'm glad this day has come after 20 years. I haven’t even felt a dog’s crotch, the first experience of touching someone’s crotch was hyde… it was so soft, I now understand why girls like it so much. (hyde laughing embarrassed shows on the screen). Mine? Well it's usually soft too, although sometimes it gets harder. But coz I'm getting older, maybe it'll be soft all the time now... Anyway, since it’s nearly Christmas, I hope you guys all find someone to touch eachother’s marshmallows with too. I hope you can grab the marshmallows that you want to grab! Anyway, an early Christmas present for you all - Hurry Xmas!!!
19. Hurry Xmas
20. Link
-hyde MC-
How am I supposed to sing straight after being referred to as a marshmallow… Was I meant to sing all embarrassed or something!? How awkward! (screen shows ken laughing) Yeah but my thing is doing fine... how about we let one lucky winner touch my marshmallow? (LOL)
You know when we played CHASE earlier, there were some lasers that come out of the stage right? Well during the intro I always take a drink of water as I wait, but this time, as I drank, I suddenly felt something really hot by my leg, and when I checked, there was a hole in my trousers (showing hole around his thigh). I felt the same heat yesterday, and found a hole in the costume around my arm - I had no idea that when you get hit by the laser it makes holes!! How scary! That's the first time I noticed that in the entire 20 years!
So during this tour we had an orchestra playing with us - but we had a different orchestra for each venue. Thank you for the last 2 days (to orchestra). The Osaka orchestra seem to be funky (NB that is the word he used!) people - apparently they dance backstage! Although we haven't spoken much, we should go for a drink after this!
Oh by the way our album is nearly complete. It's out 12th album! We're trying to decide the track order at the moment... but it should be finished soon. After so long there’s so many tunes that we want to play during our lives… Obviously people have different tastes, so we can never please everyone unless we do all of them - which is clearly impossible. What, you guys would come if we did every single song?? (audience: yaaaay) You should really think about it properly before agreeing to that - I mean, I'd be fine with it, but I don't know about the other members... Or even you guys, if none of you turn up I'll kill you!! It's not everyday that we do the rare songs like Yasouka!
Yukihiro also says that he’ll beat you up if you don’t come (screen shows yukihiro – audience scream) Ah, you guys want to be beaten up? (audience scream) yukihiro is apparently quite violent in bed? (yukki- starts laughing) yukki- never says dirty things… he was grinning whilst ken was talking earlier, but he never says them himself! I wonder if it’s because he’s shy? (all members laugh as yukihiro looks shy (lol)).
Having reached the end of our tour in Osaka, it makes me look back over the years... Over the last 20 years L'Arc~en~ciel have experienced rain, we've been hit by storms, snow and even typhoons. But we have made it so far. It's thanks to all of you and your support. Thank you for supporting us for 20 years. We are an incomplete and awkward band, but we will continue to produce good songs, so please look forward to it and come with us. This is our final song, NIJI.
21. NIJI
So that's the end of the tour! Thank you everyone for reading my haphazard translations throughout the last 3 months- I will translate and update any other articles/interviews etc that will come out in the meantime!
Natalie articles here - cool photos!
ahahaha, ne final tour 20th L'Anniversary yang bakal diputer ntar Maret di acara Live Viewing... hohohohoho, ne konser yang pengeeeeeeeen bangut aq tonton...
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