dapet translate an oleh nanani Tetchan siaran di radio tgl 11 n 18 Juli kemaren...
senengnya soal kesan Tetchan waktu di Indonesia, dia surprise ma cielers Indo yg antusias banget waktu konser... (hahahaha, baru tau ya tetchan.. :3)
so, langsung ja baca translate annya... (sekali lagi, ini copas dari blog nya nanani bukan tulisan aq)
senengnya soal kesan Tetchan waktu di Indonesia, dia surprise ma cielers Indo yg antusias banget waktu konser... (hahahaha, baru tau ya tetchan.. :3)
so, langsung ja baca translate annya... (sekali lagi, ini copas dari blog nya nanani bukan tulisan aq)
Return to RADIO! Gocha Maze 6/11 and 6/18 2012
Hi everyone! It's been a long long long time ^^
Banana came back to the radio a few weeks ago BUT, this Bird was away and/or too busy to listen for a while.
However, thanks to
tetsuowl and
asuka_tsuzuki, I've got files and now it's time to catch up!
First, a Gocha double-header!
TETSUYA is back!
They're all in for the first time in ages and welcome TETSUYA back.
Banana (in fake accent): HELLO PEOPLE OF JAPAN!
Of course, they ask about the world tour.
Joshima: Your passport must be full!
TETSUYA: Oh yeah, I went to 10 countries...
Also, Bobby followed him to Singapore for the live.
TETSUYA: Yeah, I was surprised you really came.
Apparently Bobby had a hard time getting to and from the venue, but he had a lot of fun and says the live itself was AMAZING.
TETSUYA: I saw you with some cute girls, too.
Bobby: No no no, I wasn't!
TETSUYA then says they had dinner together. Bobby admits he took leftovers with him.
TETSUYA: What, you took the waitress home?
Bobby: NO I took food home.
Joshima asks if all the members were at the restaurant but Banana says he was tired and doesn't remember.
Bobby: They were! I said hi to all of them.
TETSUYA: Oh yeah? I don't remember. Well, I remember hyde was there.
They ate at a Chinese restaurant in Singapore, and it was both fancy and a bit weird.
Bobby says it was great but Banana doesn't believe him. He thinks it was weird because there were too many people so the quality couldn't have been that good.
Also, Banana learned that Japan and Korea are the only countries where starting a concert at 6 or 7 pm is normal. In other places it's 8pm or later.
Everyone's surprised to hear this.
TETSUYA: That means by the time we finish, shower, and get out to eat, it's already 11 pm.
Then he has a thought.
TETSUYA: Oh I know. Next time, I'll buy the whole restaurant.
Bobby: I'm sure a lot of restaurants would stay open all night for L'Arc!
Then, TETSUYA brings out some souvenirs. Even for Bobby 8D
It's a toy from USS (Universtal Studios Singapore) from Shrek, that reminds Banana of Bobby.
Bobby: Are you sure it's not from Osaka? (Birdnote: The Japan version of this theme park is in Osaka, and a live was there too, so it's suspicious)
Banana also brought a Louis Vuitton bag, and decides to give it to Joshima.
Joshima: It's so small.
Turns out it's not really a bag ... but rather chocolate that LOOKS like a bag.
The bag-chocolate is from Indonesia, not Paris like the hosts first thought ^^
He found at a shop near his hotel.
Of course, it was the fanciest hotel in Jakarta. He thinks.
He also brought some tshirts for them to choose from.
Bobby: You bought the entire shop, didn't you? Wow.
The tshirts are from Hawaii, where the final was.
They describe them as they look - rhinestones and coconuts feature prominently.
Joshima then gets the idea to offer two tshirts as prizes for listeners! And he describes how the contest will work.
(Sorry everyone, it's way too late for us to enter the contest)
Song time!
- Bye Bye -
Since Banana is here, they want to hear all about the World Tour instead of reading fanmail.
TETSUYA: It all started in Hong Kong. There was a roast pig at this ceremony, before the concert started. They roasted it and did some kind of prayer..
Bobby: So the tour would go well?
TETSUYA: Yeah like that.
Nao has seen similar things for theatre. But L'Arc's was done Chinese-style.
Bobby: Did you have trouble in Indonesia? I heard they canceled Lady Gaga right after you guys. It must be tough to go there.
TETSUYA: Why did they cancel her? She's too controversial?
They discuss Lady Gaga for a bit and conclude that L'Arc isn't as provocative as her.
Bobby: But you are provocative, the way you throw bananas!
TETSUYA: My bananas!
Bobby: And lollipops!
Joshima: Do you always do that?
Joshima asks how it went the first day, and Banana answers that he's used to throwing Bananas in HK since he's been there before.
Next, they went to Thailand, where it was 38 degrees and significantly hotter than HK had been.
They didn't have any big problems, though.
Joshima wants to know the hidden secrets of the show, but TETSUYA says there aren't any secrets to tell :3
The only thing he can think of is gossiping about Bobby's activities with the women in Singapore, which Bobby denies happened.
Joshima: Did you go to any good bars?
TETSUYA: Yeah, in Singapore! Wow, all my stories are about Singapore.
He describes a "night safari" where you go through a zoo at night and see all the nocturnal animals. It's lit enough to see but not enough to bother the animals. Banana had fun doing that. Except...
TETSUYA: It was hot!
He describes it more, saying how there's no fences, only ditches the animals can't cross.
Also, he loves the elephants!
TETSUYA: They're so cute! I love how they move~ I imitated them with my own elephant.
Then we hear a smack and TETSUYA laughs in mock-pain :p
Next, Joshima asks which place was the most impressive. It's hard to answer, but Banana decides that, as far as the lives themselves go, the most impressive was NYC.
TETSUYA: It was the biggest venue, and we were the first Japanese band to ever play there.
Bobby: Singapore wasn't exactly small either.
TETSUYA says it fit about 10 000 people, and had lots of floors.
Joshima: How about London?
TETSUYA: London! It's the birthplace of rock! They're a tough crowd.
Bobby: It's not that, it's just the British personality. Even when they're impressed they don't show it, so it's hard to say how they really feel.
However, London was the smallest venue on the tour.
Joshima: That must be fun in its own way. A new kind of atmosphere.
TETSUYA: Four years ago when we went to Paris for the first time, they told us we'd never get any fans to come to London. But actually this time, it sold out. And of course we went back to Paris, and we went to New York too. It was great.
Bobby says he saw the news from Paris about L'Arc, and confesses he news-stalks L'Arc ^^
As for Hawaii, it wasn't his first time there but it was the first L'Arc live to be held there.
The concert was outside and a lot of fans were in swimsuits.
Bobby: I wanna go to Hawaii!!
There were two concerts in Hawaii, but one of them was FC-only while the other was sold normally.
TETSUYA: I wore a lei.
He says they did a lot of songs that the fans wanted, by picking them out of a hat XD
Everyone is impressed.
Joshima: What if you can't remember how the songs go?? At least vocalists can use printed lyrics, I guess.
Joshima then reads a news piece about L'Arc~en~Ciel day having been declared by the mayor of Honolulu.
TETSUYA: Yeah, we had a little ceremony with the mayor, and we got an official certificate and everything.
Impressive L'Arc is Impressive.
Bobby: So will you go back to Honolulu every year?
TETSUYA: If they invite us, yeah.
They all laugh at this.
Joshima: Didn't you come back to Ebisu Liquidroom in the middle of the tour?
TETSUYA: Yeah, it was tiny! But it was a label event and everyone on the label played.
He explains that he went twice, once as L'Arc and once as his solo.
Each live was about 17 songs, so it was a real live for L'Arc.
They had a day all to themselves, while TJBs shared with a few other bands for a shorter show.
The audience were all winners of the 777 drawing, as we know.
Bobby then says TETSUYA lost weight.
TETSUYA: Eh? WellI guess it makes sense. I ran around a lot, and I sweated. And it was tiring.
Joshima: What did you eat?
TETSUYA: Chinese, Italian, and Japanese food.
He got to go home between shows only long enough to re-pack his suitcases, really.
The most exhausting live was Jakarta, he says.
Joshima: Oh yeah, you had Jakarta and Seoul one day after the other. That must have been rough.
TETSUYA: Exactly. We had to leave in the middle of the night, and got to Seoul by morning. Then there was a press conference. I think I was pretty loopy for that conference. It was a rough day.
Bobby asks if it's easier to avoid jet lag when you travel at night but Banana says he was just tired. Plus, he couldn't get a Japanese airline.
Joshima: Was it a direct flight?
TETSUYA : It was for us, but the staffs had to transfer in Hong Kong. But still, I couldn't sleep very well in it.
- Song -
The world tour talk continues!
Bobby went to Singapore with his manager but he is sad because he really wanted to go with Nao ^^
Joshima remembers him inviting her a lot. The others laugh at Bobby's sadness.
Nao: I'm sorry, I had to work!
Bobby: You could have rescheduled it! (Bird notices Bobby is picking up some Kansai-isms here)
TETSUYA: She just didn't want to look at you for a whole trip 8D
Nao apologizes but then says she at least got to go to the Tokyo lives!
Bobby went to that too, but not with Nao.
TETSUYA: She avoided you in Tokyo too!
Banana laughs as Bobby complains that they were at the same concert but she still wouldn't hang out with him.
Joshima says it counts as together since they WERE at the same place at the same time.
Joshima: I remember you talked about going when we talked about it on this show.
Nao: I just said I'd see him at the concert, not that we'd go together! I had work to do that morning so I went with my manager.
Bobby: But I could have gone to pick you up! At home!
Their seats were pretty close to each other but they didn't take the same entrance so they never ran into each other.
Bobby ended up going with his brother and another friend, who were visiting Japan at that time. Now they are both L'Arc fans 8D
TETSUYA thanks them both for coming.
Joshima: Does it feel like a relief when you come back to Japan?
TETSUYA: Sort of, but doing lives overseas is fun for me because they scream so much more. We can hear them shriek all day. Japanese people are too shy to do that, and we're used to their voices anyway.
Bobby also comments on how different countries have different attitudes.
He thought the girls overseas jumped too much. But in a good way.
The guys all laugh at what Bobby is implying there.
Joshima asks if all the countries could sing along even though the lyrics are in Japanese, and TETSUYA (of course!) replies that they know all the lyrics to all the songs.
TETSUYA: In fact, in Jakarta, the crowd sang so loud it was hard to hear hyde.
Joshima: You could think of it as a stadium full of hydes.
TETSUYA: They're so amazing that the lives in Japan don't seem like enough anymore.
He also says that now, he's goofier on stage because the fans in Japan aren't reactive enough compared to everywhere else. So he's goofier to make them react more.
TETSUYA: They're so excited that we can tell it will be a good concert, before the concert actually starts!
Joshima asks about other famous guests to the lives.
TETSUYA: There were a lot.
Bobby: Oh, I saw DAIGO there. And like, 20 celebrities.
TETSUYA: That's not a lot.
Bobby: That's just who I saw directly.
Joshima: So there were more than 20?? But, you didn't see Nao.
Bobby: She must have been hiding from me.
She insists she was just too busy to stick around before and after the show.
- Song - L'Arc song requested by Bobby: anata -
Bobby is all emotional about anata, especially since he's never heard it on the radio before.
He squees about how it felt to hear the crowd sing it at the concerts.
Bobby: How could anyone NOT know this song?? Everybody sang it, even in Singapore.
TETSUYA: Yeah, we got the crowd to sing it everywhere. It was very emotional.
He explains how it was used as the opening, while Bobby fanboys and Joshima Ehhs.
Joshima: I can't help but wonder what the Bobby version of this would sound like.
They laugh about Bobby singing along and continue to squee about how wonderful it is for the fans at the concerts.
TETSUYA: This song is 10 years old, or more, and it's not a single, but still all the fans know it.
Lastly, Joshima and Nao go through the details of the tshirt giveaway by which some lucky listeners could win the prizes TETSUYA brought back from Hawaii. TETSUYA even agrees to autograph the tshirts.
(Again, it's too late for us to enter)
They have to stop Bobby from stealing it XD
TETSUYA does the autographing right there so they can post a picture on the website.
Bobby can't read Banana's signature, so Banana jokes that he signed it "Bobby" or "Bon Jovi" ;p
In closing, they joke about how much Shrek and Bobby resemble each other.
And now, one for for the catch up:
Everyone is still happy that TETSUYA is back.
He asks if they had any special guests while he was away.
Turns out Atsushi (from PakuTama) filled in one week, but Nao didn't like him so he didn't come back XD
Nao: He described his perfect date to me and I didn't like it. We're incompatible.
It comes down to Nao not wanting to have two meals in one day with the same person. Or something.
Joshima: She gets mad if he goes to pick her up to early.
Banana agrees that some things are just crazy.
TETSUYA: Like going to a concert together overseas!
Bobby: I feel targetted. But it's OK if it's L'Arc right?
They laugh and agree that exceptions can be made for L'Arc.
TETSUYA: So you were OK without me.
They insist that they were NOT OK without him and he can't leave again. ^^
Bobby still wants Nao to go to a concert with him though XD
Nao explains that she only went to the live in Tokyo because -TETSUYA- invited her, not because Bobby was going too.
Poor Bobby 8D;;
There is a bit of confusion on who invited who, but in any case Nao is not interested in going on a date, just on going to the concerts.
Nao: I would have gone to see L'Arc even if no one invited me.
Bobby: Does that mean I'm an idiot for inviting you?
No one answers, so they all laugh 8D
And Bobby Cries 8D
Nao then tells TETSUYA about how she listens to the album he gave her all the time, and it really wasn't because Bobby invited her that she went to the live. Banana is glad to hear that but Bobby is not.
Next, Joshima recaps the tshirt giveaway from last week.
Song time!
Fanmail time!
1. About June weddings from a fan who went to a wedding where the toasts were made by drawings name at random, so the speakers had no idea what to say and it got explosive as the speeches revealed stories about the groom and sex workers. Have the hosts ever been to a wedding like that?
No, they have not.
They laugh 8D
And Ehh.
It turns into a lesson for Bobby on wedding customs in Japan, and the parties that go on before hand.
Bobby is surprised to learn that it's only men who go to such places.
(Bird would like to note that this isn't true; though we can't blame Nao for not correcting the guys here)
TETSUYA says he doesn't like that sort of thing, though he doesn't deny trying it out.
He and Joshima agree that paying for sex is too direct, and therefore not fun.
They'd rather go to bars and see what happens.
In any case, they all agree that it's not something to talk about at weddings.. because all the relatives are around to hear about it.
Joshima then asks Bobby if he ever made a speech at a wedding, and he says yes, but he was careful only to talk about good things.
They agree that the people in the fanletter wedding must have been very drunk.
Joshima tells about a wedding he went to where a friend of his, the Crasher, got into the tequila and things got messy.
Then, this year, the tequila friend got married so everyone is hiding the tequila.
Joshima: I couldn't go, but I think they had a great time.
Joshima laments that all his friends his own age are married now.
Bobby then tells about a wedding he went to in South Africa, where the ceremony was crashed by an ostrich.
Bobby: The ostrich sat down and laid an egg right there. Just as they were exchanging rings.
This story supposedly made the news.
As for Nao, she just got invited to her first wedding earlier that year, by a fellow actress marrying a non-celebrity.
Or well, her first one as an adult. She might have gone to some as a kid, but this isn't the same.
Joshima is glad to hear that she wasn't obligated to go, because those are awkward.
Joshima: When you're obligated to go to a bunch of weddings, things get a big tight. Money wise.
Bobby then explains that in other countries, you don't give cash as a wedding present like you do in Japan. You give presents.
Apparently, in some countries, people even give toilet paper at weddings.
TETSUYA: Isn't Japanese toilet paper great?? I can always tell the difference when I'm travelling.
Bobby: Japanese people are sensitive that way.
They ponder that for a moment, then laugh.
Next letter!
2. About the growing number of men who cook, on TV. This fan's dad got into cooking because of this trend. Do the guys on the show cook? Does Nao's dad cook?
Well no, Nao's dad does not cook. She thinks he can't.
Bobby however, does cook. He even used to work at a restaurant.
TETSUYA: What kind of food?
Bobby: Ethnic cuisine.
TETSUYA suddenly remembers seeing him, as he went to that restaurant and saw a black guy behind the counter - at a time when Bobby was the only black person working there. Of course, this was 13 years ago.
TETSUYA swears he ate there.
TETSUYA: Ehhh~ So that was you!
Bobby: It was hard, having to yell IRASSHAIMASE all the time. (That's a greeting to every customer who enters a shop)
Bobby describes a few of the dishes he made, but I can't catch most of them.
They land on the spring rolls and how hard it was to make that.
Then Joshima comments that Nao looks extra pretty lately. TETSUYA agrees.
They suspect she's in love, and Bobby gets all sad ^^
She doesn't answer though.
Nao ends up telling them that she doesn't like ethnic food :p
Except pasta. Because everyone likes pasta.
However, she doesn't like tomatoes. Bobby laugh-cries at how much he can't please her XD
Song time!
- TOKIO song-
Next is a Rakugo session by Nao!
To summarise (because the humour is lost in translation) - it's about the rainy season and umbrellas.
Specifically, a talking umbrella. Who is her superhero protecting her from the rain.
She portrays the umbrella like a classic samurai archetype ^^
She takes the umbrella all the way to "Gocha Maze station" then forgets him on the train, so she can't talk to her umbrella anymore.
It ends with a pun on birthday song and rainy season.
This was also a SUBTLE reminder that he birthday is soon!
TETSUYA then gives her a Union Jack cushion as a present 8D
It sounds like he just happened to have it with him... (Wonder if it's the one he got from ken?)
Anyway, she's 22! Congrats!
Bobby is sad that he wasn't able to impress her more than TETSUYA.
He thinks for a bit and then decides to offer her a special African Birthday Song!
Nobody understands it 8D
But they laugh with him.
Bobby then tries to teach some sentences to the other members, but he can't remember exactly how to say "Happy Birthday"
(Bird didn't catch which language it is, sorry)
As he goes through sentences, TETSUYA contributes "Do you want to eat my Banana?" in Chinese. (Why not.)
TETSUYA: How do you say "Do you want to eat my Banana?"
Joshima: That has nothing to do with Nao's birthday.
At long last they get around to singing her the birthday song.
Or rather, Bobby sings it 8D
In serious voice, even!
TETSUYA: Aren't you getting a little too close to her?
Nao: He keeps creeping up, it's scary.
Nao thanks him for the song but that's all.
TETSUYA: You should sing it to her Marylin Monroe style!
Bobby then does exactly that. Or well, he tries. (it really doesn't work.)
TETSUYA: Nao is scared, now.
Bobby: No, she's just emotionally overwhelmed.
Nao: Yes, that's it.
Joshima then changes the subject... to umbrellas 8D;
Nao explains that she got the idea for her rakugo by wondering why umbrellas don't seem to change over time.
Bobby surprises them all by describing other types of umbrellas that aren't seen in Japan - like ones that are actually hats.
Joshima has seen some interesting ones on the Internet.. but he uses a standard umbrella anyway.
Bobby thought compact umbrellas were for girls but the others disagree.
Nao says she hasn't got an umbrella in her bag, which makes Joshima wonder what the big thing in her bag is...
Turns out it's her phone full of straps!
She doesn't even remember where they all come from.
It says GBO on it, and Joshima and TETSUYA had a hard time figuring out how to pronoucne that.
Bobby tries to help them, and hillarity ensues XD
(Seriously, listen to the file - there's a solid minute of Bobby and TETSUYA going "GBO")
Song time!
- Something from the Tribute Album -
When we get back, TETSUYA is telling the others about how "tsu" doesn't exist in Korean so when he's in Korea, people call him "TECHUYA" XD
In closing, they go over the tshirt giveaway one more time and Nao reads out the contact infos.
That's it!
I'll back with more radio very soon!
Banana came back to the radio a few weeks ago BUT, this Bird was away and/or too busy to listen for a while.
However, thanks to
First, a Gocha double-header!
TETSUYA is back!
They're all in for the first time in ages and welcome TETSUYA back.
Banana (in fake accent): HELLO PEOPLE OF JAPAN!
Of course, they ask about the world tour.
Joshima: Your passport must be full!
TETSUYA: Oh yeah, I went to 10 countries...
Also, Bobby followed him to Singapore for the live.
TETSUYA: Yeah, I was surprised you really came.
Apparently Bobby had a hard time getting to and from the venue, but he had a lot of fun and says the live itself was AMAZING.
TETSUYA: I saw you with some cute girls, too.
Bobby: No no no, I wasn't!
TETSUYA then says they had dinner together. Bobby admits he took leftovers with him.
TETSUYA: What, you took the waitress home?
Bobby: NO I took food home.
Joshima asks if all the members were at the restaurant but Banana says he was tired and doesn't remember.
Bobby: They were! I said hi to all of them.
TETSUYA: Oh yeah? I don't remember. Well, I remember hyde was there.
They ate at a Chinese restaurant in Singapore, and it was both fancy and a bit weird.
Bobby says it was great but Banana doesn't believe him. He thinks it was weird because there were too many people so the quality couldn't have been that good.
Also, Banana learned that Japan and Korea are the only countries where starting a concert at 6 or 7 pm is normal. In other places it's 8pm or later.
Everyone's surprised to hear this.
TETSUYA: That means by the time we finish, shower, and get out to eat, it's already 11 pm.
Then he has a thought.
TETSUYA: Oh I know. Next time, I'll buy the whole restaurant.
Bobby: I'm sure a lot of restaurants would stay open all night for L'Arc!
Then, TETSUYA brings out some souvenirs. Even for Bobby 8D
It's a toy from USS (Universtal Studios Singapore) from Shrek, that reminds Banana of Bobby.
Bobby: Are you sure it's not from Osaka? (Birdnote: The Japan version of this theme park is in Osaka, and a live was there too, so it's suspicious)
Banana also brought a Louis Vuitton bag, and decides to give it to Joshima.
Joshima: It's so small.
Turns out it's not really a bag ... but rather chocolate that LOOKS like a bag.
The bag-chocolate is from Indonesia, not Paris like the hosts first thought ^^
He found at a shop near his hotel.
Of course, it was the fanciest hotel in Jakarta. He thinks.
He also brought some tshirts for them to choose from.
Bobby: You bought the entire shop, didn't you? Wow.
The tshirts are from Hawaii, where the final was.
They describe them as they look - rhinestones and coconuts feature prominently.
Joshima then gets the idea to offer two tshirts as prizes for listeners! And he describes how the contest will work.
(Sorry everyone, it's way too late for us to enter the contest)
Song time!
- Bye Bye -
Since Banana is here, they want to hear all about the World Tour instead of reading fanmail.
TETSUYA: It all started in Hong Kong. There was a roast pig at this ceremony, before the concert started. They roasted it and did some kind of prayer..
Bobby: So the tour would go well?
TETSUYA: Yeah like that.
Nao has seen similar things for theatre. But L'Arc's was done Chinese-style.
Bobby: Did you have trouble in Indonesia? I heard they canceled Lady Gaga right after you guys. It must be tough to go there.
TETSUYA: Why did they cancel her? She's too controversial?
They discuss Lady Gaga for a bit and conclude that L'Arc isn't as provocative as her.
Bobby: But you are provocative, the way you throw bananas!
TETSUYA: My bananas!
Bobby: And lollipops!
Joshima: Do you always do that?
Joshima asks how it went the first day, and Banana answers that he's used to throwing Bananas in HK since he's been there before.
Next, they went to Thailand, where it was 38 degrees and significantly hotter than HK had been.
They didn't have any big problems, though.
Joshima wants to know the hidden secrets of the show, but TETSUYA says there aren't any secrets to tell :3
The only thing he can think of is gossiping about Bobby's activities with the women in Singapore, which Bobby denies happened.
Joshima: Did you go to any good bars?
TETSUYA: Yeah, in Singapore! Wow, all my stories are about Singapore.
He describes a "night safari" where you go through a zoo at night and see all the nocturnal animals. It's lit enough to see but not enough to bother the animals. Banana had fun doing that. Except...
TETSUYA: It was hot!
He describes it more, saying how there's no fences, only ditches the animals can't cross.
Also, he loves the elephants!
TETSUYA: They're so cute! I love how they move~ I imitated them with my own elephant.
Then we hear a smack and TETSUYA laughs in mock-pain :p
Next, Joshima asks which place was the most impressive. It's hard to answer, but Banana decides that, as far as the lives themselves go, the most impressive was NYC.
TETSUYA: It was the biggest venue, and we were the first Japanese band to ever play there.
Bobby: Singapore wasn't exactly small either.
TETSUYA says it fit about 10 000 people, and had lots of floors.
Joshima: How about London?
TETSUYA: London! It's the birthplace of rock! They're a tough crowd.
Bobby: It's not that, it's just the British personality. Even when they're impressed they don't show it, so it's hard to say how they really feel.
However, London was the smallest venue on the tour.
Joshima: That must be fun in its own way. A new kind of atmosphere.
TETSUYA: Four years ago when we went to Paris for the first time, they told us we'd never get any fans to come to London. But actually this time, it sold out. And of course we went back to Paris, and we went to New York too. It was great.
Bobby says he saw the news from Paris about L'Arc, and confesses he news-stalks L'Arc ^^
As for Hawaii, it wasn't his first time there but it was the first L'Arc live to be held there.
The concert was outside and a lot of fans were in swimsuits.
Bobby: I wanna go to Hawaii!!
There were two concerts in Hawaii, but one of them was FC-only while the other was sold normally.
TETSUYA: I wore a lei.
He says they did a lot of songs that the fans wanted, by picking them out of a hat XD
Everyone is impressed.
Joshima: What if you can't remember how the songs go?? At least vocalists can use printed lyrics, I guess.
Joshima then reads a news piece about L'Arc~en~Ciel day having been declared by the mayor of Honolulu.
TETSUYA: Yeah, we had a little ceremony with the mayor, and we got an official certificate and everything.
Impressive L'Arc is Impressive.
Bobby: So will you go back to Honolulu every year?
TETSUYA: If they invite us, yeah.
They all laugh at this.
Joshima: Didn't you come back to Ebisu Liquidroom in the middle of the tour?
TETSUYA: Yeah, it was tiny! But it was a label event and everyone on the label played.
He explains that he went twice, once as L'Arc and once as his solo.
Each live was about 17 songs, so it was a real live for L'Arc.
They had a day all to themselves, while TJBs shared with a few other bands for a shorter show.
The audience were all winners of the 777 drawing, as we know.
Bobby then says TETSUYA lost weight.
TETSUYA: Eh? WellI guess it makes sense. I ran around a lot, and I sweated. And it was tiring.
Joshima: What did you eat?
TETSUYA: Chinese, Italian, and Japanese food.
He got to go home between shows only long enough to re-pack his suitcases, really.
The most exhausting live was Jakarta, he says.
Joshima: Oh yeah, you had Jakarta and Seoul one day after the other. That must have been rough.
TETSUYA: Exactly. We had to leave in the middle of the night, and got to Seoul by morning. Then there was a press conference. I think I was pretty loopy for that conference. It was a rough day.
Bobby asks if it's easier to avoid jet lag when you travel at night but Banana says he was just tired. Plus, he couldn't get a Japanese airline.
Joshima: Was it a direct flight?
TETSUYA : It was for us, but the staffs had to transfer in Hong Kong. But still, I couldn't sleep very well in it.
- Song -
The world tour talk continues!
Bobby went to Singapore with his manager but he is sad because he really wanted to go with Nao ^^
Joshima remembers him inviting her a lot. The others laugh at Bobby's sadness.
Nao: I'm sorry, I had to work!
Bobby: You could have rescheduled it! (Bird notices Bobby is picking up some Kansai-isms here)
TETSUYA: She just didn't want to look at you for a whole trip 8D
Nao apologizes but then says she at least got to go to the Tokyo lives!
Bobby went to that too, but not with Nao.
TETSUYA: She avoided you in Tokyo too!
Banana laughs as Bobby complains that they were at the same concert but she still wouldn't hang out with him.
Joshima says it counts as together since they WERE at the same place at the same time.
Joshima: I remember you talked about going when we talked about it on this show.
Nao: I just said I'd see him at the concert, not that we'd go together! I had work to do that morning so I went with my manager.
Bobby: But I could have gone to pick you up! At home!
Their seats were pretty close to each other but they didn't take the same entrance so they never ran into each other.
Bobby ended up going with his brother and another friend, who were visiting Japan at that time. Now they are both L'Arc fans 8D
TETSUYA thanks them both for coming.
Joshima: Does it feel like a relief when you come back to Japan?
TETSUYA: Sort of, but doing lives overseas is fun for me because they scream so much more. We can hear them shriek all day. Japanese people are too shy to do that, and we're used to their voices anyway.
Bobby also comments on how different countries have different attitudes.
He thought the girls overseas jumped too much. But in a good way.
The guys all laugh at what Bobby is implying there.
Joshima asks if all the countries could sing along even though the lyrics are in Japanese, and TETSUYA (of course!) replies that they know all the lyrics to all the songs.
TETSUYA: In fact, in Jakarta, the crowd sang so loud it was hard to hear hyde.
Joshima: You could think of it as a stadium full of hydes.
TETSUYA: They're so amazing that the lives in Japan don't seem like enough anymore.
He also says that now, he's goofier on stage because the fans in Japan aren't reactive enough compared to everywhere else. So he's goofier to make them react more.
TETSUYA: They're so excited that we can tell it will be a good concert, before the concert actually starts!
Joshima asks about other famous guests to the lives.
TETSUYA: There were a lot.
Bobby: Oh, I saw DAIGO there. And like, 20 celebrities.
TETSUYA: That's not a lot.
Bobby: That's just who I saw directly.
Joshima: So there were more than 20?? But, you didn't see Nao.
Bobby: She must have been hiding from me.
She insists she was just too busy to stick around before and after the show.
- Song - L'Arc song requested by Bobby: anata -
Bobby is all emotional about anata, especially since he's never heard it on the radio before.
He squees about how it felt to hear the crowd sing it at the concerts.
Bobby: How could anyone NOT know this song?? Everybody sang it, even in Singapore.
TETSUYA: Yeah, we got the crowd to sing it everywhere. It was very emotional.
He explains how it was used as the opening, while Bobby fanboys and Joshima Ehhs.
Joshima: I can't help but wonder what the Bobby version of this would sound like.
They laugh about Bobby singing along and continue to squee about how wonderful it is for the fans at the concerts.
TETSUYA: This song is 10 years old, or more, and it's not a single, but still all the fans know it.
Lastly, Joshima and Nao go through the details of the tshirt giveaway by which some lucky listeners could win the prizes TETSUYA brought back from Hawaii. TETSUYA even agrees to autograph the tshirts.
(Again, it's too late for us to enter)
They have to stop Bobby from stealing it XD
TETSUYA does the autographing right there so they can post a picture on the website.
Bobby can't read Banana's signature, so Banana jokes that he signed it "Bobby" or "Bon Jovi" ;p
In closing, they joke about how much Shrek and Bobby resemble each other.
And now, one for for the catch up:
Everyone is still happy that TETSUYA is back.
He asks if they had any special guests while he was away.
Turns out Atsushi (from PakuTama) filled in one week, but Nao didn't like him so he didn't come back XD
Nao: He described his perfect date to me and I didn't like it. We're incompatible.
It comes down to Nao not wanting to have two meals in one day with the same person. Or something.
Joshima: She gets mad if he goes to pick her up to early.
Banana agrees that some things are just crazy.
TETSUYA: Like going to a concert together overseas!
Bobby: I feel targetted. But it's OK if it's L'Arc right?
They laugh and agree that exceptions can be made for L'Arc.
TETSUYA: So you were OK without me.
They insist that they were NOT OK without him and he can't leave again. ^^
Bobby still wants Nao to go to a concert with him though XD
Nao explains that she only went to the live in Tokyo because -TETSUYA- invited her, not because Bobby was going too.
Poor Bobby 8D;;
There is a bit of confusion on who invited who, but in any case Nao is not interested in going on a date, just on going to the concerts.
Nao: I would have gone to see L'Arc even if no one invited me.
Bobby: Does that mean I'm an idiot for inviting you?
No one answers, so they all laugh 8D
And Bobby Cries 8D
Nao then tells TETSUYA about how she listens to the album he gave her all the time, and it really wasn't because Bobby invited her that she went to the live. Banana is glad to hear that but Bobby is not.
Next, Joshima recaps the tshirt giveaway from last week.
Song time!
Fanmail time!
1. About June weddings from a fan who went to a wedding where the toasts were made by drawings name at random, so the speakers had no idea what to say and it got explosive as the speeches revealed stories about the groom and sex workers. Have the hosts ever been to a wedding like that?
No, they have not.
They laugh 8D
And Ehh.
It turns into a lesson for Bobby on wedding customs in Japan, and the parties that go on before hand.
Bobby is surprised to learn that it's only men who go to such places.
(Bird would like to note that this isn't true; though we can't blame Nao for not correcting the guys here)
TETSUYA says he doesn't like that sort of thing, though he doesn't deny trying it out.
He and Joshima agree that paying for sex is too direct, and therefore not fun.
They'd rather go to bars and see what happens.
In any case, they all agree that it's not something to talk about at weddings.. because all the relatives are around to hear about it.
Joshima then asks Bobby if he ever made a speech at a wedding, and he says yes, but he was careful only to talk about good things.
They agree that the people in the fanletter wedding must have been very drunk.
Joshima tells about a wedding he went to where a friend of his, the Crasher, got into the tequila and things got messy.
Then, this year, the tequila friend got married so everyone is hiding the tequila.
Joshima: I couldn't go, but I think they had a great time.
Joshima laments that all his friends his own age are married now.
Bobby then tells about a wedding he went to in South Africa, where the ceremony was crashed by an ostrich.
Bobby: The ostrich sat down and laid an egg right there. Just as they were exchanging rings.
This story supposedly made the news.
As for Nao, she just got invited to her first wedding earlier that year, by a fellow actress marrying a non-celebrity.
Or well, her first one as an adult. She might have gone to some as a kid, but this isn't the same.
Joshima is glad to hear that she wasn't obligated to go, because those are awkward.
Joshima: When you're obligated to go to a bunch of weddings, things get a big tight. Money wise.
Bobby then explains that in other countries, you don't give cash as a wedding present like you do in Japan. You give presents.
Apparently, in some countries, people even give toilet paper at weddings.
TETSUYA: Isn't Japanese toilet paper great?? I can always tell the difference when I'm travelling.
Bobby: Japanese people are sensitive that way.
They ponder that for a moment, then laugh.
Next letter!
2. About the growing number of men who cook, on TV. This fan's dad got into cooking because of this trend. Do the guys on the show cook? Does Nao's dad cook?
Well no, Nao's dad does not cook. She thinks he can't.
Bobby however, does cook. He even used to work at a restaurant.
TETSUYA: What kind of food?
Bobby: Ethnic cuisine.
TETSUYA suddenly remembers seeing him, as he went to that restaurant and saw a black guy behind the counter - at a time when Bobby was the only black person working there. Of course, this was 13 years ago.
TETSUYA swears he ate there.
TETSUYA: Ehhh~ So that was you!
Bobby: It was hard, having to yell IRASSHAIMASE all the time. (That's a greeting to every customer who enters a shop)
Bobby describes a few of the dishes he made, but I can't catch most of them.
They land on the spring rolls and how hard it was to make that.
Then Joshima comments that Nao looks extra pretty lately. TETSUYA agrees.
They suspect she's in love, and Bobby gets all sad ^^
She doesn't answer though.
Nao ends up telling them that she doesn't like ethnic food :p
Except pasta. Because everyone likes pasta.
However, she doesn't like tomatoes. Bobby laugh-cries at how much he can't please her XD
Song time!
- TOKIO song-
Next is a Rakugo session by Nao!
To summarise (because the humour is lost in translation) - it's about the rainy season and umbrellas.
Specifically, a talking umbrella. Who is her superhero protecting her from the rain.
She portrays the umbrella like a classic samurai archetype ^^
She takes the umbrella all the way to "Gocha Maze station" then forgets him on the train, so she can't talk to her umbrella anymore.
It ends with a pun on birthday song and rainy season.
This was also a SUBTLE reminder that he birthday is soon!
TETSUYA then gives her a Union Jack cushion as a present 8D
It sounds like he just happened to have it with him... (Wonder if it's the one he got from ken?)
Anyway, she's 22! Congrats!
Bobby is sad that he wasn't able to impress her more than TETSUYA.
He thinks for a bit and then decides to offer her a special African Birthday Song!
Nobody understands it 8D
But they laugh with him.
Bobby then tries to teach some sentences to the other members, but he can't remember exactly how to say "Happy Birthday"
(Bird didn't catch which language it is, sorry)
As he goes through sentences, TETSUYA contributes "Do you want to eat my Banana?" in Chinese. (Why not.)
TETSUYA: How do you say "Do you want to eat my Banana?"
Joshima: That has nothing to do with Nao's birthday.
At long last they get around to singing her the birthday song.
Or rather, Bobby sings it 8D
In serious voice, even!
TETSUYA: Aren't you getting a little too close to her?
Nao: He keeps creeping up, it's scary.
Nao thanks him for the song but that's all.
TETSUYA: You should sing it to her Marylin Monroe style!
Bobby then does exactly that. Or well, he tries. (it really doesn't work.)
TETSUYA: Nao is scared, now.
Bobby: No, she's just emotionally overwhelmed.
Nao: Yes, that's it.
Joshima then changes the subject... to umbrellas 8D;
Nao explains that she got the idea for her rakugo by wondering why umbrellas don't seem to change over time.
Bobby surprises them all by describing other types of umbrellas that aren't seen in Japan - like ones that are actually hats.
Joshima has seen some interesting ones on the Internet.. but he uses a standard umbrella anyway.
Bobby thought compact umbrellas were for girls but the others disagree.
Nao says she hasn't got an umbrella in her bag, which makes Joshima wonder what the big thing in her bag is...
Turns out it's her phone full of straps!
She doesn't even remember where they all come from.
It says GBO on it, and Joshima and TETSUYA had a hard time figuring out how to pronoucne that.
Bobby tries to help them, and hillarity ensues XD
(Seriously, listen to the file - there's a solid minute of Bobby and TETSUYA going "GBO")
Song time!
- Something from the Tribute Album -
When we get back, TETSUYA is telling the others about how "tsu" doesn't exist in Korean so when he's in Korea, people call him "TECHUYA" XD
In closing, they go over the tshirt giveaway one more time and Nao reads out the contact infos.
That's it!
I'll back with more radio very soon!