hadeeeew..... tadi baca report konser Vamps dari L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) agak gimanaaaaaaa gituuuuuh... bener2 harus adult ne buat yg pengen nonton konser vamps, wkwkwkwk
bagian mc nya tuh loooooh... ckckckckck
hyde bener2 devil side nya yg dikeluarin klo di vamps... wkwkwkwk
once again, dapet dari sini
en kayaknya ini masih bersambung... cz ada tulisan to be continued...
so, check it out aja deh....
have now returned to Tokyo and are taking over their hometurf, Zepp
Tokyo, for a month!! They'lll be playing 13 gigs over the next couple of
weeks, and that means plenty of MCs to translate!
I'm doing these as they happen since I thought I'd get all the shows mixed up, so I'll keep editing this note as the shows happen. I will let you know once I update them :D
ENJOY! (Beware: some adult content ;D )
4/7/12 Day 1
VAMPS ARE HERE!!! Welcome to VAMPS TOKYO!!! Come on Tokyo! Let’s go! We’re going to devour all of you for the next month or so – you guys better be prepared!!! Let’s be naughty together!
TOKYO!! Show us everything you’ve got!! Make a funny face! Show us your funny face!!! We’ll still think it’s cute! Go on! Show us! Act on your instinct! Lose your reason!
(NB this is apparently the call and response that is clearly the trend of this tour – HYDE makes the audience shout back like H: Lose your! A: Reason!!!)
Make some noise!!! If you don’t make noise, K.A.Z-kun can’t come!! K.A.Z is that type of person (LAUGH)! TOKYO! TOKYO!!!
Hello VAMPS TOKYO!! We’re going to play 13 gigs here.
How has everyone been? We’ve been touring around Japan, starting from Sendai, Niigata, Kochi, Hiroshima, Kumamoto… I think we played 12 gigs altogether. But we're going to play more gigs here than the total so far! I hope everyone has been building up their stamina so they can cope! (A: we washed our necks! NB please see earlier note for meaning of this expression) You washed your necks? I hope you washed your faces too! Erm, to build up your stamina, you have to eat… so we have to go hunting… (looking at HYDE)
H: I’m hungry!! I haven't had enough blood!! I want virgin blood… but I don't think there is any here… SO I WANT TO EAT THE CRAZY ONES!!! WHO’S THE CRAZIEST OF THEM ALL??????? LET’S GO HUNTING!!!!!!!
I just looked in the mirror backstage and my flies were undone!!! (A: show us!!!) If you ever catch a glimpse of 'it", you’ll all die!!
Odaiba (NB where the venue is) has changed a lot since I last came here – there’s a massive robot (NB Recently they’ve built a life-sized GUNDAM robot statue in Odaiba) (A: have you seen it??) I saw it in passing earlier.
So VAMPS TOKYO has kicked off – we’re going to be here for a month, so please come by, after going to see the robot (laugh). The stage set has been renewed too – it looks like you guys are on fire from where I stand, does it look ok from your side?? I'm having so much fun!
It’s summer. We’ll be doing a gig on the beach – I hope you can come and join us. This summer you can go to the beach as well as going to see the robot!
(suddenly crunches the sweet that he’s been sucking on)
(A: what are you eating??)
It’s a candy. Peach flavour. Momo (NB “momo” is Japanese for peach). MOMO. M, O, M, O (pronouncing the letters). MOMO. Sounds like HOMO (laughing). Do you like peaches too K.A.Z-kun?
K: Yes, I like it.
H: Ooh, stop telling me you love me (pretends to be bashful)
(I have to explain this bit – so in Japanese the word “suki” cannot be clearly distinguished as “like” or “love”, and as you may know the Japanese language can often bypass the use of the object within a sentence. So when HYDE asked “do you like peaches?” to K.A.Z-kun, his reply of “Yes I do like (lack of object but meaning peaches)” can also be taken as “Yes I love (you)”. That is why HYDE claims that K.A.Z-kun was confessing his love to him!)
H: (A: we love you HYDE!) I love you all too! Thank you! Thank you! I feel lonely if you guys aren’t here with me! We’re going to cause chaos wherever we go this year – so make sure you join us!
I’ll play with you guys tomorrow so wait for it!! Make sure you’re ready!!!
5/7/12 Day 2
So this was the day that HYDE arrived at the venue in his black Ferrari – very celeb indeed! Apparently he appeared in his open top Ferrari (with red seats apparently), gave the fans a wave, then went in to the venue, and from then on there was always a member of staff watching over the car (LOL).
Ju-ken MC
HELLOO!!! VAMPS TOKYO!!! It’s great isn’t it, Zepp Tokyo has been renamed VAMPS Tokyo for this month! Today is the 2nd day – you guys having fun??
Whenever I’m told to do the MCs, I always end up talking about useless rubbish, so I thought I should ask you guys for your opinions today. What did you guys do this morning?? I woke up, and then practiced skateboarding – which is something we’re all into at the moment. So from about 6am, I was skateboarding, and then the granny living opposite me saw me and asked “Is that just a piece of wood? How is it moving??” and was really surprised (smiling). But skateboarding makes you hungry. Who did something that made them hungry this morning??? (Audience says lots of things at once) What? I can’t make out what you’re saying!! I assumed this was going to happen, this call and response thing is hard!
After that I was practicing playing the bass. Is there anything you do every morning?? (Again, audience shouts randomly) Yeah… it’s fine, we’re communicating with our hearts!
Anyway, talking makes us hungry. Aniki~ (NB the way Ju-ken calls HYDE)?
(HYDE ignores him and goes off somewhere) erm, both of them have gone somewhere… should I make you guys more hungry? So once I arrived at the venue today, I took lots of photos of the members arriving – JIN-chan was very cool, he came driving his own car. Arly came in his Harley Davidson! Anyway, we’re hungry now right??
(HYDE ignores him again lol) hungry…?
H: I’m not that hungry, I ate a lot earlier… BUT THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR BLOOD!!! Can I eat you?? CAN I EAT YOU??? I’M GOING TO ARREST YOU ALL (NB Lol WTF) I WANT TO EAT ANKOROMOCHI-!!! (LOL not again!)
Ahhhh it’s so hot. SO HOT!! I can feel that your hearts are hot!!! I’m getting excited! I’m getting aroused! Thank you for coming everybody! I can see only the top of the heads of some of you – can you see anything? Are you still enjoying yourself?? If only you could have eyes on your hands – just like a crab. You know, so you could put your hand up and see (gestures crab motions)!
I want to go to Diver City (NB entertainment complex in Odaiba). You can ride the GUNDAM there right? Like pretend to steer it? There’s a game arcade there where you can bobsleigh - I did it before. There’s this ride where it feels like the floor is shaking. I did that before too. It felt good.
Are you guys feeling good? You guys feeling it??
Shall we have sex again?? But those of you who can't see very much, make sure you jump! Move! Jump!
Move like you're cowgirling/straddling me (LOL I love translating for you seriously) – look down upon us and move!! Look down on…Ju-ken (laughs). What about it Ju-ken?
J: you’re asking me what sexual position I prefer??
H: Actually don't tell me, that’s gross (laugh - lol HYDE you asked him!). You know everyone has some sort of fetish. (looks at Ju-ken)
J: You want to know my fetish?
H: Actually don’t tell me, that’s gross (laughs again) (A: what about K.A.Z??)
As for K.A.Z-kun, he’s into spanking. I can always here these sounds coming from next door (imitates spanking noises) – does that really feel good?
K: (laughing) I’ve never done such a thing!! I’m more into the you know, this (points at dog collar he’s wearing).
H: Dog collars? You like being made to wear a collar?
K: Or someone else.
(A: You like making them wear a collar???)
H: What are you on about?! (LOL the whole thing here was apparently amusing because HYDE tried to make K.A.Z-kun talk about such ‘adult’ things, but as soon as K.A.Z started to do so, HYDE pretended that he had no clue why he was talking about such things. Cheeky!)
How many of you are virgins here?
(One man in the audience shouts ‘ME!’)
You’re a man (laughing) oh ok, so you’re a male-virgin (NB in Japanese the word for virgin is different for male and female). You must have been very protective. Keep it up! And in your next life, try harder (laugh)!!!
Anyway let’s go!
7/7/12 Day 3
(Another thing to explain – so this day was the 7th July. In Japan we celebrate Tanabata (the 7th evening), a star festival which is the meeting of Orihime (female star deity) and HIkoboshi (male star deity), two lovers who are separated by the Milky Way during the rest of the year but are allowed to meet on this day for one night only. Normally one writes their wishes on a piece of paper that they hang on bamboo branches.
HELLO TOKYO!!! Are you ok?? Have you been washing your necks?? Let’s go!!! Let’s do it together!!!!!!!
Apparenlty HYDE was panting suggestively, saying “I’m nearly there… I’m going to come…!” whilst playing with his flies (LOL HYDE SERIOUSLY). He continued to open and close his flies, stick his hand into his trousers and overall just playing with his crotch area. Oh dear HYDE!
Arly MC
Today is the 7th July right?? Tanabata festival! Did you make your wishes?? It’s the only day that Orihime and Hikoboshi can meet up… I wonder what they’re going to do – especially if they haven’t seen eachother in a year…?
(A: wolf whistling) No need to wolf whistle, it’s not me that’s going to do “it”! But it must feel good if they haven’t done it for a year!
So we kicked off our tour last month, and we’ve visited some places which we don’t usually go to… Like Niigata, and Hiroshima. It’d been 2 years since we last went! And now we’re back in Tokyo. We’re going to play 13 gigs! Today is the 3rd day… I hope you guys aren’t feeling too relaxed because there’s so many more gigs to go! Are you ok? Can you do it?? Who’s coming all 13 days?? (some of audience cheer) Who’s coming only today?? (Some of audience cheer) Make some noise! More! Are we hungry?? Let’s go!!!
It’s raining a lot today… The rain makes you moist and sticky… you guys like feeling moist and sticky?? I don’t (laugh).
How did you guys come here today? By train?? Did you see the robot??
By the way I have a question for the people who wait to greet us when we arrive at the venue – what do you guys do after we’ve arrived? There's quite a lot of time til the show right? (A: we go and eat!) eat? Where do you go? The Venus Fort? (NB a rather fancy shopping mall which is meant to look like a medieval European village) I’ve never been there, considering I come to the Zepp so often! Do they have those purikura (NB photo sticker) machines there? I have this image that only girls go there. No? I wouldn't be allowed in since I have a willy (laugh)! Do they check? Willy check??? Willy check!!! Do they sell men’s clothing aswell? Oh they do?? I should go then at one point…
Oh I did go to the Mediage yesterday (NB cinema in Odaiba). I saw Spiderman! It was clearly very popular… there were only 3 people in the audience! It was like the place had been reserved! It was really good! Why was no one there to see it? It was so good!
You know he was like K.A.Z-kun. Spiderman was skateboarding, just like K.A.Z-kun! I think K.A.Z-kun should dress up as Spiderman tomorrow! He can climb the walls, and fly towards the upper floor and come back.
K: You want me to play the guitar like that!?
(laughing) You know I told you we went bungee jumping in Sendai? There was this horizontal one, where you jump horizontally – Spiderman was like that! Like this (gestures shooting web from hand) and you know, jumping. I guess if you did it here, you can shoot the web here, and then fly that way…ok maybe you’ll fall and hit the floor (laugh). Unless you shoot the web directly above… anyway, K.A.Z-kun will be Spiderman tomorrow! (to K.A.Z) If you don’t want to, or if you have a stomach ache tomorrow, Ju-ken will do it (laugh).
Anyway, you guys should go and see the film too! I recommend the dubbed version (A: really??) – Don’t be silly – you can’t understand English right? You don’t have time to be reading subtitles when Spiderman is impressively flying around! Especially since the subtitles are 3D too – it’s distracting to have to read the kanji whilst he’s there flying around!
Anyway, you guys hungry??? Let’s go!!!! (HUNTING was after the encore apparently)
8/7/12 DAY 4
HELLO TOKYO!! Have you been washing your necks??? I’m starving today, so I’m going to drink loads of blood!! Don’t be afraid, we’re going to treat you well!
It’s nearly summer! (A: it already is summer!) We’re going to be playing at the beach. Have you already bought your swimsuits?? (A: mixed response) No? If you haven’t, buy a school uniform swimsuit and label it with your name. (A: do you like them??) No, but all the other members do (laugh) (NB The “school uniform swimsuit” thing is some bizarre fetish that is known amongst the Japanese. Strange, I know!)
Erm… What shall I talk about? Have you guys been to the Diver City yet?? I haven’t been there yet, but apparently they're building a skate boarding park on the roof ! We’re all very into practicing our skate boarding, so we want to go at some point.
I hope everyone can build up their stamina! Have some cold ramen! (Audience shouts things) What? Huh? (Audience continues to shout) I can’t understand unless you talk one by one! (Audience still shout randomly) Er… yeah, whatever (laughing) anyway, I’m hungry! I don’t think I can speak anymore coz I’m hungry… Can we go huntiiing???
Today is the day after Tanabata… Who thinks that the stars representing Orihime and Hikoboshi are meant to overlap on Tanabata day?? (half of audience put hand up) Actually, the stars don’t actually overlap, which means they can’t meet. The media are tricking you into believe that because of the story! I’m sure Orihime and Hikoboshi feel satisfied today though, since it’d been a year since they last did it… (A: You said they don’t overlap!) Oh yeah, they didn't meet (laugh). What day is it today? (looks at Ju-ken) Ju-ken researches what every day represents!
(mic catches sound of HYDE sucking on sweet) What flavour do you think it is? What flavour?? (A: peach!!) If you spell it? (A: M, O, M, O) YES! M, O, M, O!! Peaches look like bums no? You guys are like peaches too (laugh).
My voice finally seems to be getting better. This time my schedule was so tight that I could only join the rehearsals 5 times, although the other members were rehearsing more. So my voice wasn’t as good at the beginning. It was especially hard for the Sendai shows. Now it feels like it’s back on top form. It feels good!!
We’re doing 13 gigs for VAMPS Tokyo, so there’s hardly time to rest – I’m a bit worried about what could happen! Like we should be careful not to fall over when we’re skateboarding (laugh).
So we’ve taken over the Zepp Tokyo for a month. There’s no one else who has played so many times here. The Zepp Sendai has now closed… (A: buy it!!) It’s not a matter of buying it – it’s already gone! In Sendai we were the record holders. In second place were Nightmare, who are local to Sendai. I wonder if we hold the record for the other Zepps as well? We like to play many small shows - If we played bigger venues, they’d be over so quickly! (A: Yaaay! Thank you!) No, we’re doing it because we want to. - so thank you for joining us every time!
(to be continued)

bagian mc nya tuh loooooh... ckckckckck
hyde bener2 devil side nya yg dikeluarin klo di vamps... wkwkwkwk
once again, dapet dari sini
en kayaknya ini masih bersambung... cz ada tulisan to be continued...
so, check it out aja deh....
by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Monday, 9 July 2012 at 09:19 ·
I'm doing these as they happen since I thought I'd get all the shows mixed up, so I'll keep editing this note as the shows happen. I will let you know once I update them :D
ENJOY! (Beware: some adult content ;D )
4/7/12 Day 1
VAMPS ARE HERE!!! Welcome to VAMPS TOKYO!!! Come on Tokyo! Let’s go! We’re going to devour all of you for the next month or so – you guys better be prepared!!! Let’s be naughty together!
TOKYO!! Show us everything you’ve got!! Make a funny face! Show us your funny face!!! We’ll still think it’s cute! Go on! Show us! Act on your instinct! Lose your reason!
(NB this is apparently the call and response that is clearly the trend of this tour – HYDE makes the audience shout back like H: Lose your! A: Reason!!!)
Make some noise!!! If you don’t make noise, K.A.Z-kun can’t come!! K.A.Z is that type of person (LAUGH)! TOKYO! TOKYO!!!
Hello VAMPS TOKYO!! We’re going to play 13 gigs here.
How has everyone been? We’ve been touring around Japan, starting from Sendai, Niigata, Kochi, Hiroshima, Kumamoto… I think we played 12 gigs altogether. But we're going to play more gigs here than the total so far! I hope everyone has been building up their stamina so they can cope! (A: we washed our necks! NB please see earlier note for meaning of this expression) You washed your necks? I hope you washed your faces too! Erm, to build up your stamina, you have to eat… so we have to go hunting… (looking at HYDE)
H: I’m hungry!! I haven't had enough blood!! I want virgin blood… but I don't think there is any here… SO I WANT TO EAT THE CRAZY ONES!!! WHO’S THE CRAZIEST OF THEM ALL??????? LET’S GO HUNTING!!!!!!!
I just looked in the mirror backstage and my flies were undone!!! (A: show us!!!) If you ever catch a glimpse of 'it", you’ll all die!!
Odaiba (NB where the venue is) has changed a lot since I last came here – there’s a massive robot (NB Recently they’ve built a life-sized GUNDAM robot statue in Odaiba) (A: have you seen it??) I saw it in passing earlier.
So VAMPS TOKYO has kicked off – we’re going to be here for a month, so please come by, after going to see the robot (laugh). The stage set has been renewed too – it looks like you guys are on fire from where I stand, does it look ok from your side?? I'm having so much fun!
It’s summer. We’ll be doing a gig on the beach – I hope you can come and join us. This summer you can go to the beach as well as going to see the robot!
(suddenly crunches the sweet that he’s been sucking on)
(A: what are you eating??)
It’s a candy. Peach flavour. Momo (NB “momo” is Japanese for peach). MOMO. M, O, M, O (pronouncing the letters). MOMO. Sounds like HOMO (laughing). Do you like peaches too K.A.Z-kun?
K: Yes, I like it.
H: Ooh, stop telling me you love me (pretends to be bashful)
(I have to explain this bit – so in Japanese the word “suki” cannot be clearly distinguished as “like” or “love”, and as you may know the Japanese language can often bypass the use of the object within a sentence. So when HYDE asked “do you like peaches?” to K.A.Z-kun, his reply of “Yes I do like (lack of object but meaning peaches)” can also be taken as “Yes I love (you)”. That is why HYDE claims that K.A.Z-kun was confessing his love to him!)
H: (A: we love you HYDE!) I love you all too! Thank you! Thank you! I feel lonely if you guys aren’t here with me! We’re going to cause chaos wherever we go this year – so make sure you join us!
I’ll play with you guys tomorrow so wait for it!! Make sure you’re ready!!!
5/7/12 Day 2
So this was the day that HYDE arrived at the venue in his black Ferrari – very celeb indeed! Apparently he appeared in his open top Ferrari (with red seats apparently), gave the fans a wave, then went in to the venue, and from then on there was always a member of staff watching over the car (LOL).
Ju-ken MC
HELLOO!!! VAMPS TOKYO!!! It’s great isn’t it, Zepp Tokyo has been renamed VAMPS Tokyo for this month! Today is the 2nd day – you guys having fun??
Whenever I’m told to do the MCs, I always end up talking about useless rubbish, so I thought I should ask you guys for your opinions today. What did you guys do this morning?? I woke up, and then practiced skateboarding – which is something we’re all into at the moment. So from about 6am, I was skateboarding, and then the granny living opposite me saw me and asked “Is that just a piece of wood? How is it moving??” and was really surprised (smiling). But skateboarding makes you hungry. Who did something that made them hungry this morning??? (Audience says lots of things at once) What? I can’t make out what you’re saying!! I assumed this was going to happen, this call and response thing is hard!
After that I was practicing playing the bass. Is there anything you do every morning?? (Again, audience shouts randomly) Yeah… it’s fine, we’re communicating with our hearts!
Anyway, talking makes us hungry. Aniki~ (NB the way Ju-ken calls HYDE)?
(HYDE ignores him and goes off somewhere) erm, both of them have gone somewhere… should I make you guys more hungry? So once I arrived at the venue today, I took lots of photos of the members arriving – JIN-chan was very cool, he came driving his own car. Arly came in his Harley Davidson! Anyway, we’re hungry now right??
(HYDE ignores him again lol) hungry…?
H: I’m not that hungry, I ate a lot earlier… BUT THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR BLOOD!!! Can I eat you?? CAN I EAT YOU??? I’M GOING TO ARREST YOU ALL (NB Lol WTF) I WANT TO EAT ANKOROMOCHI-!!! (LOL not again!)
Ahhhh it’s so hot. SO HOT!! I can feel that your hearts are hot!!! I’m getting excited! I’m getting aroused! Thank you for coming everybody! I can see only the top of the heads of some of you – can you see anything? Are you still enjoying yourself?? If only you could have eyes on your hands – just like a crab. You know, so you could put your hand up and see (gestures crab motions)!
I want to go to Diver City (NB entertainment complex in Odaiba). You can ride the GUNDAM there right? Like pretend to steer it? There’s a game arcade there where you can bobsleigh - I did it before. There’s this ride where it feels like the floor is shaking. I did that before too. It felt good.
Are you guys feeling good? You guys feeling it??
Shall we have sex again?? But those of you who can't see very much, make sure you jump! Move! Jump!
Move like you're cowgirling/straddling me (LOL I love translating for you seriously) – look down upon us and move!! Look down on…Ju-ken (laughs). What about it Ju-ken?
J: you’re asking me what sexual position I prefer??
H: Actually don't tell me, that’s gross (laugh - lol HYDE you asked him!). You know everyone has some sort of fetish. (looks at Ju-ken)
J: You want to know my fetish?
H: Actually don’t tell me, that’s gross (laughs again) (A: what about K.A.Z??)
As for K.A.Z-kun, he’s into spanking. I can always here these sounds coming from next door (imitates spanking noises) – does that really feel good?
K: (laughing) I’ve never done such a thing!! I’m more into the you know, this (points at dog collar he’s wearing).
H: Dog collars? You like being made to wear a collar?
K: Or someone else.
(A: You like making them wear a collar???)
H: What are you on about?! (LOL the whole thing here was apparently amusing because HYDE tried to make K.A.Z-kun talk about such ‘adult’ things, but as soon as K.A.Z started to do so, HYDE pretended that he had no clue why he was talking about such things. Cheeky!)
How many of you are virgins here?
(One man in the audience shouts ‘ME!’)
You’re a man (laughing) oh ok, so you’re a male-virgin (NB in Japanese the word for virgin is different for male and female). You must have been very protective. Keep it up! And in your next life, try harder (laugh)!!!
Anyway let’s go!
7/7/12 Day 3
(Another thing to explain – so this day was the 7th July. In Japan we celebrate Tanabata (the 7th evening), a star festival which is the meeting of Orihime (female star deity) and HIkoboshi (male star deity), two lovers who are separated by the Milky Way during the rest of the year but are allowed to meet on this day for one night only. Normally one writes their wishes on a piece of paper that they hang on bamboo branches.
HELLO TOKYO!!! Are you ok?? Have you been washing your necks?? Let’s go!!! Let’s do it together!!!!!!!
Apparenlty HYDE was panting suggestively, saying “I’m nearly there… I’m going to come…!” whilst playing with his flies (LOL HYDE SERIOUSLY). He continued to open and close his flies, stick his hand into his trousers and overall just playing with his crotch area. Oh dear HYDE!
Arly MC
Today is the 7th July right?? Tanabata festival! Did you make your wishes?? It’s the only day that Orihime and Hikoboshi can meet up… I wonder what they’re going to do – especially if they haven’t seen eachother in a year…?
(A: wolf whistling) No need to wolf whistle, it’s not me that’s going to do “it”! But it must feel good if they haven’t done it for a year!
So we kicked off our tour last month, and we’ve visited some places which we don’t usually go to… Like Niigata, and Hiroshima. It’d been 2 years since we last went! And now we’re back in Tokyo. We’re going to play 13 gigs! Today is the 3rd day… I hope you guys aren’t feeling too relaxed because there’s so many more gigs to go! Are you ok? Can you do it?? Who’s coming all 13 days?? (some of audience cheer) Who’s coming only today?? (Some of audience cheer) Make some noise! More! Are we hungry?? Let’s go!!!
It’s raining a lot today… The rain makes you moist and sticky… you guys like feeling moist and sticky?? I don’t (laugh).
How did you guys come here today? By train?? Did you see the robot??
By the way I have a question for the people who wait to greet us when we arrive at the venue – what do you guys do after we’ve arrived? There's quite a lot of time til the show right? (A: we go and eat!) eat? Where do you go? The Venus Fort? (NB a rather fancy shopping mall which is meant to look like a medieval European village) I’ve never been there, considering I come to the Zepp so often! Do they have those purikura (NB photo sticker) machines there? I have this image that only girls go there. No? I wouldn't be allowed in since I have a willy (laugh)! Do they check? Willy check??? Willy check!!! Do they sell men’s clothing aswell? Oh they do?? I should go then at one point…
Oh I did go to the Mediage yesterday (NB cinema in Odaiba). I saw Spiderman! It was clearly very popular… there were only 3 people in the audience! It was like the place had been reserved! It was really good! Why was no one there to see it? It was so good!
You know he was like K.A.Z-kun. Spiderman was skateboarding, just like K.A.Z-kun! I think K.A.Z-kun should dress up as Spiderman tomorrow! He can climb the walls, and fly towards the upper floor and come back.
K: You want me to play the guitar like that!?
(laughing) You know I told you we went bungee jumping in Sendai? There was this horizontal one, where you jump horizontally – Spiderman was like that! Like this (gestures shooting web from hand) and you know, jumping. I guess if you did it here, you can shoot the web here, and then fly that way…ok maybe you’ll fall and hit the floor (laugh). Unless you shoot the web directly above… anyway, K.A.Z-kun will be Spiderman tomorrow! (to K.A.Z) If you don’t want to, or if you have a stomach ache tomorrow, Ju-ken will do it (laugh).
Anyway, you guys should go and see the film too! I recommend the dubbed version (A: really??) – Don’t be silly – you can’t understand English right? You don’t have time to be reading subtitles when Spiderman is impressively flying around! Especially since the subtitles are 3D too – it’s distracting to have to read the kanji whilst he’s there flying around!
Anyway, you guys hungry??? Let’s go!!!! (HUNTING was after the encore apparently)
8/7/12 DAY 4
HELLO TOKYO!! Have you been washing your necks??? I’m starving today, so I’m going to drink loads of blood!! Don’t be afraid, we’re going to treat you well!
It’s nearly summer! (A: it already is summer!) We’re going to be playing at the beach. Have you already bought your swimsuits?? (A: mixed response) No? If you haven’t, buy a school uniform swimsuit and label it with your name. (A: do you like them??) No, but all the other members do (laugh) (NB The “school uniform swimsuit” thing is some bizarre fetish that is known amongst the Japanese. Strange, I know!)
Erm… What shall I talk about? Have you guys been to the Diver City yet?? I haven’t been there yet, but apparently they're building a skate boarding park on the roof ! We’re all very into practicing our skate boarding, so we want to go at some point.
I hope everyone can build up their stamina! Have some cold ramen! (Audience shouts things) What? Huh? (Audience continues to shout) I can’t understand unless you talk one by one! (Audience still shout randomly) Er… yeah, whatever (laughing) anyway, I’m hungry! I don’t think I can speak anymore coz I’m hungry… Can we go huntiiing???
Today is the day after Tanabata… Who thinks that the stars representing Orihime and Hikoboshi are meant to overlap on Tanabata day?? (half of audience put hand up) Actually, the stars don’t actually overlap, which means they can’t meet. The media are tricking you into believe that because of the story! I’m sure Orihime and Hikoboshi feel satisfied today though, since it’d been a year since they last did it… (A: You said they don’t overlap!) Oh yeah, they didn't meet (laugh). What day is it today? (looks at Ju-ken) Ju-ken researches what every day represents!
(mic catches sound of HYDE sucking on sweet) What flavour do you think it is? What flavour?? (A: peach!!) If you spell it? (A: M, O, M, O) YES! M, O, M, O!! Peaches look like bums no? You guys are like peaches too (laugh).
My voice finally seems to be getting better. This time my schedule was so tight that I could only join the rehearsals 5 times, although the other members were rehearsing more. So my voice wasn’t as good at the beginning. It was especially hard for the Sendai shows. Now it feels like it’s back on top form. It feels good!!
We’re doing 13 gigs for VAMPS Tokyo, so there’s hardly time to rest – I’m a bit worried about what could happen! Like we should be careful not to fall over when we’re skateboarding (laugh).
So we’ve taken over the Zepp Tokyo for a month. There’s no one else who has played so many times here. The Zepp Sendai has now closed… (A: buy it!!) It’s not a matter of buying it – it’s already gone! In Sendai we were the record holders. In second place were Nightmare, who are local to Sendai. I wonder if we hold the record for the other Zepps as well? We like to play many small shows - If we played bigger venues, they’d be over so quickly! (A: Yaaay! Thank you!) No, we’re doing it because we want to. - so thank you for joining us every time!
(to be continued)
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