klo yg ini report dari fans UK (seperti biasa)
the end is nigh! Today saw the first of the 2 National Stadium 'FINAL"
shows, which has also been referred to as "A festival" and "A thank you
party". The shows were promoted in a way that it promised to be a live
that was different to any of the World Tour shows, and had a special
feel to it, especially as they even handed out uchiwa's (paper fans) to
everyone coming today to boost this "festival" atmosphere!! Another
special feature of this show was the venue - the National Stadium boasts
a very well maintained grass pitch, which means that only one artist
can have a gig here per year. And only 3 (SMAP, Dreams Come True and
Arashi) have played here before, which meant that L'Arc were the first
rock band that played here!! The famous Kao-T-shirts (with the members
faces) sold out at 11am and the expectations were high, with much TV
And did they live up to these expectations? HELL YES!!! From what I can see it was really a very special live, with many older songs as well as the much loved classics. However apparently the MCs were quite short today, so there isn't the usual length of report - and believe it or not, NO FILTH from ken-chan today!!! Man that must have been special ;)
The live started with an opening movie – a "Breaking News" clip from LCN (L'Arc cable news??) which reported a UFO sighting in many places around the world. The first sighting was on March 3rd in Hong Kong - yes, the first date of their world tour!! And then a diamond-shaped object (the UFO?! lol) appeared with the Kao-T-shirt faces of the members - and this object was sighted in all of the cities where L'Arc had performed. This included footage of the UFO floating above the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben etc! And then the newscaster asked "where is the object heading" It seems like it is doing a world tour!". And then breaking news - the object is heading to Tokyo!! And the screen showed the UFO hovering above the Kokuritsu stadium, with reports from a newscaster in a helicopter watching the UFO. And then inscriptions appeared on the object, which spelled L'Arc~en~Ciel!!!
And a marching band appeared (who were playing the chorus of Niji) and the members made a grand entrance, eventually getting on a float, which circled the stadium, apparently taking a good 20mins to go round.
01.READY STEADY GO - Apparently from the beginning hyde was shouting “TOKYO!!!!!” which I’m sure was funny considering the whole ZIP thing about “when hyde will say “Kokuritsu”, the name of the venue" - shout Kokuritsu hyde, not Tokyo!!!
03.REVELATION - finally, before REVELATION he shouted “Let’s go Kokuritsu!!! SHOOOUTTT!!!”
05.Vivid Colors
-hyde MC-
Tadaima!!! We’re back Tokyo! Today, it’s a festival, so let’s all go wild!! Can you do it?!?! Can you guys do it!?!?!? CAN YOU DO IT!?!? We’ve really been looking forward to today – because it’s a party! So let’s celebrate the final of this 20th year anniversary together!!! Can you do it!? KOKURICHUUUU!!! (apparently that’s the way he said it – aww) Let’s go!!!
So the next song is one that we played last year in the rain… We didn’t manage to achieve the atmosphere and feeling because of the rain, today is the revenge for that!!! CAN WE TAKE REVENGE TODAY!? Ok, tecchan, take it away!
06.In The Air
07.Kaze no Yukue
All 4 of the adverts previously shown at the Nissan and USJ were shown today – apparently yukkie was spotted looking fondly at his Doal’arc chocolate advert! Man he must really like that Doara!
09.Driver's High
10.Caress of Venus
-ken MC- Welcome back the 21st-Century MC!!! (as in the one when ken-chan shouts/talks along with the beat of the intro of SEVENTH HEAVEN)
During “Caress of Venus” the cheerleaders were dancing on the stage, and at the end when the members left the stage, they stayed and eventually gathered around ken’s microphone. And from behind the group of cheerleaders ken appeared, shouting:
YAAAY! (audience: YAAAY!) YAAAY??? (audience: YAAY!!) you’re shouting too early! Do it like this: YAAAAY (momentary gap) YAAAAY! Ok? YAAAAAY!!! (momentary gap, then audience: YAAAY!) …(and this went on for a while, to develop into his rhythmical YAYAYAYAYA!! along to the beat of SEVENTH HEAVEN)
How is it going?? Erm, L’Arc~en~Ciel are back from touring the world!! These beautiful ladies here today are from the cheer leading team “Planets”. They won second place in the world championships! I hear that today is a festival, so I want everyone in the audience, together with the Planets, together with L’Arc~en~Ciel, to dance! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYY!!!! SEVENTH HEAVEN!!!!!!
12.Ibara no Namida
13.C'est La Vie - apparently before this song, tecchan had his banana-bass solo, and everyone was expecting the next track to be Stay away, but then, as the band were ready to go to the next track with some nodding at oneanother, hyde opened with "Oui C'est la Vie" - obviously, audience was in a frenzy!!!
14.Shout at the Devil
15.Drum Solo
For the encore the members appeared on the sub-stage.
hyde: Ahhh you’re all beautiful! Beautiful! Can we do a track that feels a little like that? Pieces.
16.Pieces (members sat on the drum set)
hyde: (looking at the glow sticks) It’s really beautiful. They look like stars. Can we do another track? Yes? They look like stars!! It’s really, truly beautiful. Can we carry on??
As they returned to the main stage, they showed some futuristic clips on the screen, still with the UFO going round and round!
20.X X X
-tetsuya MC-
WASSHOOOI!!! WASSSHOOOOI!!!!!! Ogenki-?? How are you all??? KOKURITSU-!!! Egg!!! (Please see other note translations for tetsuya’s egg jokes!) DO YOU WANT TO EAT MY BANANA~!? ORRRRR, DO YOU WANT TO LICK MY LOLLIPOPPPP!?!?!?!?! Which?! WHICH!?!? (holding his bananas and lollipops and asking which one the audience wants) CATCH! Ooh, nice catch!! You want to hear the rest of the song?? YOU WANT TO HEAR IT?? Can you do it Kokuritsu~!? Let’s GOO!!!
-hyde MC-
Erm, yes, can I ask you guys a question? You know you all jump during LINK, isn’t it tough?? I’ve always thought that it looks tiring. Do you guys do that all the time?? It must drain your energy. Does it feel good to jump like that?? It’s like finishing off with that (laugh), as long as it ends well! I wonder who started doing those jumping moves?? They must have been thinking like, “I want to jump, but I also want to clap my hands to the beat” and that’s how it ended up - with you doing both (laugh). You’re all wonderful. Beautiful, really beautiful.
We didn’t think that we could play somewhere so wonderful as this for the final of our 20th anniversary year. I guess it makes it even more special that it’s not often that you can play at this venue. You know, we are sort of in our 21st year now – how do you think? (looking at tecchan)
tetsuya: Did you notice that we've actually entered the 21st year? Did you guys notice too (to audience)??
hyde: I wonder for how long we’re going to be saying it’s our 20th anniversary.
tetsuya: We should just celebrate our 21st year now.
hyde: We’re a very free-wheeling band who only does what we want when we want it, so we have to do everything when we have the momentum and energy to do so. You have no idea what’s going to happen next…we’re joking (laugh).
But I think that the reason we’ve managed to come this far for 20 years despite being such a difficult band,is because of this stance we had - which was probably the right way for us. Different people (bands) will have different ways of doing things, but since we’ve managed to get this far, we probably weren’t wrong in what we did.
(the camera shooting hyde also showed yukihiro in the background so the screen shows both of them together – hyde looks around at the screen)
That was a great 2-shot (2 people in one camera frame) with yukihiro-san. It looks like a manga comic or something – like me being a character saying “and yeah, yukkie”. By the way yukihiro-kun apparently wants a hyde T-shirt. (yukkie nods and strums some beats) You like the face right? (yukkie nods) Me, I want a yukihiro T-shirt. What about you ken-chan? Which one do you want? I want to ask everyone’s opinion.
ken: All of them.
hyde: Do you still have those dolls in your toilet? (NB This is referring to an MC during the tour last year where ken said that he had the pinky street dolls lined up in his toilet)
ken: Yeah, there’s more of them now. Like the person with wings (referring to hyde’s newest pinky).
hyde: Well now with the T-shirts you can make your wardrobe L’Arc~en~Ciel style too. What about you tecchan?
tetsuya: Huh? T-shirt??
hyde: we were talking about the T-shirts, but you weren’t listening were you?
tetsuya: I WAS listening!
hyde: I guess you may not have anything to say since you weren't listening, but say something!
tetsuya: Erm… it’s hard to come up with a punchline to amuse everyone… Erm, I guess, I’d like to wear each member’s T-shirt on rotation everyday??
hyde: Err…I’m sorry I asked and forced you for an answer… (haha)
Thank you to everyone for coming to play (NB that is how he referred to the lives – “coming out to play” – that’s sweet!) every time. Thank you. We have nothing planned next for L’Arc~en~Ciel at the moment, but, will you guys come out and play with us again? I hope you will come out to play with us again. This is our final song, Niji.
22. Niji
After Niji, hyde said “Thank you. We’ll come back. You guys be good/behave yourselves while you wait for us. (as if he remembered that there is still a show tomorrow – yes hyde there is!) And there’s also tomorrow. Good night!!
Tecchan came back out to throw his bananas, “THANK YOU! See you tomorrow!!!”
(A special thank you to my live-buddy はるか who helped me with some details to put together this report! Thank you dearest, it was SUPER helpful!!!)

Day 2
For some reason the Hawaii shows seem like they're in a league of their own, so, as hyde mentioned, today was the final of the final... Which makes me sad but at least they mentioned the next world tour (although we have no idea when that would be!).
The same opening routine as yesterday as the boys entered the packed stadium once again!
02. GOOD LUCK MY WAY (hyde shouting KOKURITSU-! Let’s goo!!! Can you do it Kokuritsu-!? Show us all you’ve got! Give us everything!! Shout!! Can you shout?? Shout Kokurits-!!!’ )
05. Flower
-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! Kokuritsu, we’re back!!! It’s here...it’s here. Yes, today is finally here. Today is really the final of the final, so go for it like crazy!! If you come here tomorrow we won’t be here! OK? So give everything you’ve got today! Can you?? CAN YOU?? Today is a festival, so go wild! Kokuritsu-! Kokuritsu-!!! Koku! (audience: ritsu!) Koku! (audience: ritsu!) Koku Koku!! (audience: Ritsu! Ritsu!!) ...we’re nicely in time (laugh). We’re in time? (yukkie strums some beats and nods) Koku Koku! (audience: Ritsu! Ritsu!)
Yaaay! Can we take it easy today?? You know, since it’s a festival. It’s a beautiful day today – it feels great. I wanted to do it under a blue sky like this. (ken says something to him) What? Hey, don’t say those things!! (NB some speculations here about what ken said to hyde, but apparently it may have had something to do with ‘doing it outisde’. Lol ken, trust!) No really, I wanted to do it under a blue sky (ken continues). No (to ken)! Anyway tecchan, take it away!
06. In the Air
07. Natsu no Yuutsu -time to say good-bye-
09. Driver's High
10. the Fourth Avenue Cafe
-ken MC- (21st Century MC)
Like yesterday, ken appeared from behind the group of cheerleaders who were dancing to the Fourth Avenue Cafe!
We’ve played many songs. And so you guys have listened to many songs right? So I think it’s time that you wanted to dance! Can you dance? CAN YOU DANCE KOKURITSU-?? I’m going to dance. Ladies from The Planets, let's go!! (ken-chan swaps his guitar for some gold pompoms and dances, leg-kicking and all! Apparently they were beautifully in time too lol! After some dancing he takes his guitar again) Gosh I’m tired... Um, I’m going to play my guitar now, but I want the rest of Kokuritsu to keep dancing! (audience: yaay) But you’re not dancing!! (audience start to dance like crazy) That’s better. Can you do it?? Can you do it?? Can you give us everything you’ve got? Let’s go! SEVENTH! HEAVEN!!
12. C'est La Vie (with tetsuya bass solo)
13. いばらの涙
14. Shout at the Devil
-Encore- (substage)
15. Anata
hyde: Yaay! It’s sooo beautiful. You, all of you, you’re all beautiful. Chuuu (blows kisses through microphone). Can we do another song? Ok... winterfall.
16. winter fall
Back to the main stage
19. XXX
20. Link
-testuya MC-
FOOOOO!!!!! FOFOOOO!! WASSHOOOI! WASSHOOOI!!! OGENKI-?? How are you all?? People of Japan, Ogenki- (in foreigner-like broken Japanese)??? Egg!!! DO YOU WANT TO EAT MY BANANAAA? ORRR, DO YOU WANT TO LICK MY LOLLIPOOOP?? Nice catch!! Can you do it??? There’s the rest of the song to go, but do you want to listen to it??? Really?? Did you gozonji (know) that we’re still in the middle of sooong?? WASSHOOOI!!! Let’s goo!!!!
-hyde MC-
Yaaaay! It feels so good. I think we’re so lucky to be able to play at such a wonderful place, right at the end. I’ve got a great view from here – there’s even a fire at the top (looking at the Olympic flame which was lit for the occasion). It really, really feels good. Yaay! We say 20 years, but it’s actually nearly 21 years. Sorry guys, sorry we’ve lasted for so long (laugh). It’s another 3 days, 3 days to go. Thank you! Erm... I’ve been thinking what we were doing around now, 20 years ago – I guess we were just about to come to Tokyo?
tetsuya: Really?
hyde: Yeah, probably when we were giving out videos at Loft.
tetsuya: Ahhh, the ones we were giving out for free.
hyde: It’s probably about the time we had finished giving them out. Wasn’t it around the time that our first guitarist left?
tetsuya: Ahhh that must mean that it’s nearly the 20th year anniversary for ken-chan!
hyde: he’s already on standby! (kenchan smiling) Exactly 20 years ago ken-chan was probably just going to university as usual – little did he know that soon, his world gets turned upside down!
It’s amazing, after 20 years, having done our world tour, it felt like a year in which we managed to make a mark in history. We managed to do what only L’Arc could do, the way that L’Arc would do it – and we’re lucky to have been able to do that. Thank you.
As we went around the world, we noticed that even if everyone was of a different nationality, or religion, their smiles were all the same. There were fans who were crying with joy. Just like you guys today. That really left an impression on me and I found it remarkable. I’m sure it was much work for the staff, but because of that, I think we managed to reach out to all their hearts.
I think we played great lives in each of the places we went, and that it was memorable for all the fans around the world. I think the band will continue together in the future, so please support L’Arc~en~Ciel. We’ve nothing planned next, but let’s play again together. Thank you. Our final song, Niji.
21. 虹 (with some rainbow coloured balloons!)
hyde: Thank you very much! When we come back, please come out and play with us. Be good/behave while you wait for us! Thank you!!
And our usual banana throwing action from tecchan – but today, even yukkie was throwing bananas!! Apparently at the end, he came and was dancing around, moving from one side of the stage to the other, throwing water bottles, waving at the audience, and doing some Doara like moves (lol). Then tecchan handed him a banana, they shook hands, and then he threw it into the audience!
tetsuya: Thank you!! Thank you very much. Thank you for all your continuing support – til now and from now on! See you again!!!
I think the overall mood for these 2 days was really 'like a festival' - as if the members didn't want to make it feel too much like a 'final' to make their fans sad :) So let's all behave until they next come back!!!
...oh yes, and we do still have Hawaii - I will try and get as much info on that, but because not that many fans are going, it may take more time than usual (plus it's a weekday!), but stay tuned!!!

TRANSLATED REPORT: 20th L'Anniversary WORLD TOUR 2012 THE FINAL, National Stadium (Kokuritsu Kyougijou) – 26th and 27th May
by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Sunday, 27 May 2012 at 05:04 ·
And did they live up to these expectations? HELL YES!!! From what I can see it was really a very special live, with many older songs as well as the much loved classics. However apparently the MCs were quite short today, so there isn't the usual length of report - and believe it or not, NO FILTH from ken-chan today!!! Man that must have been special ;)
The live started with an opening movie – a "Breaking News" clip from LCN (L'Arc cable news??) which reported a UFO sighting in many places around the world. The first sighting was on March 3rd in Hong Kong - yes, the first date of their world tour!! And then a diamond-shaped object (the UFO?! lol) appeared with the Kao-T-shirt faces of the members - and this object was sighted in all of the cities where L'Arc had performed. This included footage of the UFO floating above the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben etc! And then the newscaster asked "where is the object heading" It seems like it is doing a world tour!". And then breaking news - the object is heading to Tokyo!! And the screen showed the UFO hovering above the Kokuritsu stadium, with reports from a newscaster in a helicopter watching the UFO. And then inscriptions appeared on the object, which spelled L'Arc~en~Ciel!!!
And a marching band appeared (who were playing the chorus of Niji) and the members made a grand entrance, eventually getting on a float, which circled the stadium, apparently taking a good 20mins to go round.
01.READY STEADY GO - Apparently from the beginning hyde was shouting “TOKYO!!!!!” which I’m sure was funny considering the whole ZIP thing about “when hyde will say “Kokuritsu”, the name of the venue" - shout Kokuritsu hyde, not Tokyo!!!
03.REVELATION - finally, before REVELATION he shouted “Let’s go Kokuritsu!!! SHOOOUTTT!!!”
05.Vivid Colors
-hyde MC-
Tadaima!!! We’re back Tokyo! Today, it’s a festival, so let’s all go wild!! Can you do it?!?! Can you guys do it!?!?!? CAN YOU DO IT!?!? We’ve really been looking forward to today – because it’s a party! So let’s celebrate the final of this 20th year anniversary together!!! Can you do it!? KOKURICHUUUU!!! (apparently that’s the way he said it – aww) Let’s go!!!
So the next song is one that we played last year in the rain… We didn’t manage to achieve the atmosphere and feeling because of the rain, today is the revenge for that!!! CAN WE TAKE REVENGE TODAY!? Ok, tecchan, take it away!
06.In The Air
07.Kaze no Yukue
All 4 of the adverts previously shown at the Nissan and USJ were shown today – apparently yukkie was spotted looking fondly at his Doal’arc chocolate advert! Man he must really like that Doara!
09.Driver's High
10.Caress of Venus
-ken MC- Welcome back the 21st-Century MC!!! (as in the one when ken-chan shouts/talks along with the beat of the intro of SEVENTH HEAVEN)
During “Caress of Venus” the cheerleaders were dancing on the stage, and at the end when the members left the stage, they stayed and eventually gathered around ken’s microphone. And from behind the group of cheerleaders ken appeared, shouting:
YAAAY! (audience: YAAAY!) YAAAY??? (audience: YAAY!!) you’re shouting too early! Do it like this: YAAAAY (momentary gap) YAAAAY! Ok? YAAAAAY!!! (momentary gap, then audience: YAAAY!) …(and this went on for a while, to develop into his rhythmical YAYAYAYAYA!! along to the beat of SEVENTH HEAVEN)
How is it going?? Erm, L’Arc~en~Ciel are back from touring the world!! These beautiful ladies here today are from the cheer leading team “Planets”. They won second place in the world championships! I hear that today is a festival, so I want everyone in the audience, together with the Planets, together with L’Arc~en~Ciel, to dance! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYY!!!! SEVENTH HEAVEN!!!!!!
12.Ibara no Namida
13.C'est La Vie - apparently before this song, tecchan had his banana-bass solo, and everyone was expecting the next track to be Stay away, but then, as the band were ready to go to the next track with some nodding at oneanother, hyde opened with "Oui C'est la Vie" - obviously, audience was in a frenzy!!!
14.Shout at the Devil
15.Drum Solo
For the encore the members appeared on the sub-stage.
hyde: Ahhh you’re all beautiful! Beautiful! Can we do a track that feels a little like that? Pieces.
16.Pieces (members sat on the drum set)
hyde: (looking at the glow sticks) It’s really beautiful. They look like stars. Can we do another track? Yes? They look like stars!! It’s really, truly beautiful. Can we carry on??
As they returned to the main stage, they showed some futuristic clips on the screen, still with the UFO going round and round!
20.X X X
-tetsuya MC-
WASSHOOOI!!! WASSSHOOOOI!!!!!! Ogenki-?? How are you all??? KOKURITSU-!!! Egg!!! (Please see other note translations for tetsuya’s egg jokes!) DO YOU WANT TO EAT MY BANANA~!? ORRRRR, DO YOU WANT TO LICK MY LOLLIPOPPPP!?!?!?!?! Which?! WHICH!?!? (holding his bananas and lollipops and asking which one the audience wants) CATCH! Ooh, nice catch!! You want to hear the rest of the song?? YOU WANT TO HEAR IT?? Can you do it Kokuritsu~!? Let’s GOO!!!
-hyde MC-
Erm, yes, can I ask you guys a question? You know you all jump during LINK, isn’t it tough?? I’ve always thought that it looks tiring. Do you guys do that all the time?? It must drain your energy. Does it feel good to jump like that?? It’s like finishing off with that (laugh), as long as it ends well! I wonder who started doing those jumping moves?? They must have been thinking like, “I want to jump, but I also want to clap my hands to the beat” and that’s how it ended up - with you doing both (laugh). You’re all wonderful. Beautiful, really beautiful.
We didn’t think that we could play somewhere so wonderful as this for the final of our 20th anniversary year. I guess it makes it even more special that it’s not often that you can play at this venue. You know, we are sort of in our 21st year now – how do you think? (looking at tecchan)
tetsuya: Did you notice that we've actually entered the 21st year? Did you guys notice too (to audience)??
hyde: I wonder for how long we’re going to be saying it’s our 20th anniversary.
tetsuya: We should just celebrate our 21st year now.
hyde: We’re a very free-wheeling band who only does what we want when we want it, so we have to do everything when we have the momentum and energy to do so. You have no idea what’s going to happen next…we’re joking (laugh).
But I think that the reason we’ve managed to come this far for 20 years despite being such a difficult band,is because of this stance we had - which was probably the right way for us. Different people (bands) will have different ways of doing things, but since we’ve managed to get this far, we probably weren’t wrong in what we did.
(the camera shooting hyde also showed yukihiro in the background so the screen shows both of them together – hyde looks around at the screen)
That was a great 2-shot (2 people in one camera frame) with yukihiro-san. It looks like a manga comic or something – like me being a character saying “and yeah, yukkie”. By the way yukihiro-kun apparently wants a hyde T-shirt. (yukkie nods and strums some beats) You like the face right? (yukkie nods) Me, I want a yukihiro T-shirt. What about you ken-chan? Which one do you want? I want to ask everyone’s opinion.
ken: All of them.
hyde: Do you still have those dolls in your toilet? (NB This is referring to an MC during the tour last year where ken said that he had the pinky street dolls lined up in his toilet)
ken: Yeah, there’s more of them now. Like the person with wings (referring to hyde’s newest pinky).
hyde: Well now with the T-shirts you can make your wardrobe L’Arc~en~Ciel style too. What about you tecchan?
tetsuya: Huh? T-shirt??
hyde: we were talking about the T-shirts, but you weren’t listening were you?
tetsuya: I WAS listening!
hyde: I guess you may not have anything to say since you weren't listening, but say something!
tetsuya: Erm… it’s hard to come up with a punchline to amuse everyone… Erm, I guess, I’d like to wear each member’s T-shirt on rotation everyday??
hyde: Err…I’m sorry I asked and forced you for an answer… (haha)
Thank you to everyone for coming to play (NB that is how he referred to the lives – “coming out to play” – that’s sweet!) every time. Thank you. We have nothing planned next for L’Arc~en~Ciel at the moment, but, will you guys come out and play with us again? I hope you will come out to play with us again. This is our final song, Niji.
22. Niji
After Niji, hyde said “Thank you. We’ll come back. You guys be good/behave yourselves while you wait for us. (as if he remembered that there is still a show tomorrow – yes hyde there is!) And there’s also tomorrow. Good night!!
Tecchan came back out to throw his bananas, “THANK YOU! See you tomorrow!!!”
(A special thank you to my live-buddy はるか who helped me with some details to put together this report! Thank you dearest, it was SUPER helpful!!!)
Day 2
For some reason the Hawaii shows seem like they're in a league of their own, so, as hyde mentioned, today was the final of the final... Which makes me sad but at least they mentioned the next world tour (although we have no idea when that would be!).
The same opening routine as yesterday as the boys entered the packed stadium once again!
02. GOOD LUCK MY WAY (hyde shouting KOKURITSU-! Let’s goo!!! Can you do it Kokuritsu-!? Show us all you’ve got! Give us everything!! Shout!! Can you shout?? Shout Kokurits-!!!’ )
05. Flower
-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! Kokuritsu, we’re back!!! It’s here...it’s here. Yes, today is finally here. Today is really the final of the final, so go for it like crazy!! If you come here tomorrow we won’t be here! OK? So give everything you’ve got today! Can you?? CAN YOU?? Today is a festival, so go wild! Kokuritsu-! Kokuritsu-!!! Koku! (audience: ritsu!) Koku! (audience: ritsu!) Koku Koku!! (audience: Ritsu! Ritsu!!) ...we’re nicely in time (laugh). We’re in time? (yukkie strums some beats and nods) Koku Koku! (audience: Ritsu! Ritsu!)
Yaaay! Can we take it easy today?? You know, since it’s a festival. It’s a beautiful day today – it feels great. I wanted to do it under a blue sky like this. (ken says something to him) What? Hey, don’t say those things!! (NB some speculations here about what ken said to hyde, but apparently it may have had something to do with ‘doing it outisde’. Lol ken, trust!) No really, I wanted to do it under a blue sky (ken continues). No (to ken)! Anyway tecchan, take it away!
06. In the Air
07. Natsu no Yuutsu -time to say good-bye-
09. Driver's High
10. the Fourth Avenue Cafe
-ken MC- (21st Century MC)
Like yesterday, ken appeared from behind the group of cheerleaders who were dancing to the Fourth Avenue Cafe!
We’ve played many songs. And so you guys have listened to many songs right? So I think it’s time that you wanted to dance! Can you dance? CAN YOU DANCE KOKURITSU-?? I’m going to dance. Ladies from The Planets, let's go!! (ken-chan swaps his guitar for some gold pompoms and dances, leg-kicking and all! Apparently they were beautifully in time too lol! After some dancing he takes his guitar again) Gosh I’m tired... Um, I’m going to play my guitar now, but I want the rest of Kokuritsu to keep dancing! (audience: yaay) But you’re not dancing!! (audience start to dance like crazy) That’s better. Can you do it?? Can you do it?? Can you give us everything you’ve got? Let’s go! SEVENTH! HEAVEN!!
12. C'est La Vie (with tetsuya bass solo)
13. いばらの涙
14. Shout at the Devil
-Encore- (substage)
15. Anata
hyde: Yaay! It’s sooo beautiful. You, all of you, you’re all beautiful. Chuuu (blows kisses through microphone). Can we do another song? Ok... winterfall.
16. winter fall
Back to the main stage
19. XXX
20. Link
-testuya MC-
FOOOOO!!!!! FOFOOOO!! WASSHOOOI! WASSHOOOI!!! OGENKI-?? How are you all?? People of Japan, Ogenki- (in foreigner-like broken Japanese)??? Egg!!! DO YOU WANT TO EAT MY BANANAAA? ORRR, DO YOU WANT TO LICK MY LOLLIPOOOP?? Nice catch!! Can you do it??? There’s the rest of the song to go, but do you want to listen to it??? Really?? Did you gozonji (know) that we’re still in the middle of sooong?? WASSHOOOI!!! Let’s goo!!!!
-hyde MC-
Yaaaay! It feels so good. I think we’re so lucky to be able to play at such a wonderful place, right at the end. I’ve got a great view from here – there’s even a fire at the top (looking at the Olympic flame which was lit for the occasion). It really, really feels good. Yaay! We say 20 years, but it’s actually nearly 21 years. Sorry guys, sorry we’ve lasted for so long (laugh). It’s another 3 days, 3 days to go. Thank you! Erm... I’ve been thinking what we were doing around now, 20 years ago – I guess we were just about to come to Tokyo?
tetsuya: Really?
hyde: Yeah, probably when we were giving out videos at Loft.
tetsuya: Ahhh, the ones we were giving out for free.
hyde: It’s probably about the time we had finished giving them out. Wasn’t it around the time that our first guitarist left?
tetsuya: Ahhh that must mean that it’s nearly the 20th year anniversary for ken-chan!
hyde: he’s already on standby! (kenchan smiling) Exactly 20 years ago ken-chan was probably just going to university as usual – little did he know that soon, his world gets turned upside down!
It’s amazing, after 20 years, having done our world tour, it felt like a year in which we managed to make a mark in history. We managed to do what only L’Arc could do, the way that L’Arc would do it – and we’re lucky to have been able to do that. Thank you.
As we went around the world, we noticed that even if everyone was of a different nationality, or religion, their smiles were all the same. There were fans who were crying with joy. Just like you guys today. That really left an impression on me and I found it remarkable. I’m sure it was much work for the staff, but because of that, I think we managed to reach out to all their hearts.
I think we played great lives in each of the places we went, and that it was memorable for all the fans around the world. I think the band will continue together in the future, so please support L’Arc~en~Ciel. We’ve nothing planned next, but let’s play again together. Thank you. Our final song, Niji.
21. 虹 (with some rainbow coloured balloons!)
hyde: Thank you very much! When we come back, please come out and play with us. Be good/behave while you wait for us! Thank you!!
And our usual banana throwing action from tecchan – but today, even yukkie was throwing bananas!! Apparently at the end, he came and was dancing around, moving from one side of the stage to the other, throwing water bottles, waving at the audience, and doing some Doara like moves (lol). Then tecchan handed him a banana, they shook hands, and then he threw it into the audience!
tetsuya: Thank you!! Thank you very much. Thank you for all your continuing support – til now and from now on! See you again!!!
I think the overall mood for these 2 days was really 'like a festival' - as if the members didn't want to make it feel too much like a 'final' to make their fans sad :) So let's all behave until they next come back!!!
...oh yes, and we do still have Hawaii - I will try and get as much info on that, but because not that many fans are going, it may take more time than usual (plus it's a weekday!), but stay tuned!!!
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