final tour mereka di Yokohama.. (aq blm sempet bikin report waktu di Jakarta kemaren... T^T)
the boys are back in Japan!!! Their first show of the L'Arc-filled
month of May was held at the Nissan Stadium, Yokohama. Yes, an OUTDOOR
STADIUM! Which meant that it left the fans worrying about the weather
for ages before the live, but fortunately there was no repeat of the
L'Anniversary lives last year, although apparently it was rather cold
and windy.
So here comes the setlist/translations of the MCs. As usual the translations are based on a range of snippets of reports around the internet, so may or may not be entirely accurate. And BOY DID I LAUGH/CRINGE when I was sifting through all those reports - DAMN YOU ken-chan, you and your dirty jokes!!!!!! WHY MUST YOU MAKE MY LIFE SO DIFFICULT!?!?! I would just like to say I am in no way responsible for the filth of his jokes (haha)!
Anyhow, I'm glad to see the boys are having fun :D See you tomorrow for another update!
01.Ibara no Namida
03.GOOD LUCK MY WAY (hyde shouted ‘JAPAN!’ in English during this song)
-hyde MC-
Tadaima! (N.B. What Japanese people say when they come home) We’re back from the world! We are L’Arc~en~Ciel. Tadaima-! I kept on shouting “Japan” earlier but is that ok for what to call you? Japan? Or Yokohama??? Or Nissan????? Leader, what do you think? (mouths “Japan?” at tecchan) Ok, we’ll say JAPAN! Although I feel a bit shy saying that.
We released our album ‘BUTTERFLY’ a little while back, but as soon as we released it we left to go tour the world, so we haven’t played these songs very much. So today we’ll be playing lots of songs from the album! Is that ok?? Ok, the next song, HONEY (laughter from the audience since it isn’t an album track!)
05. Bye Bye
06. wild flower (interestingly, apparently the back screen showed dandelions during wild flower – which solves my personal mystery of what flower hyde was imagining when writing the lyrics to this)
(at the end of this track the members left the stage)
-advert for Doihachi confectionary’s sugar free marshmallows (which was sold as part of the goods)-
A video of an old lady eating the marshmallow with her supposed grandchild. She holds 2 marshmallows in one of her hands, fidgets a bit and mutters ‘Granddad...’ (ie her husband).
(NB for anyone that doesn’t know about the whole issue with the marshmallow, it’s an on-going joke since the L’Anniversary tour last year that according to ken-chan (who accidentally touched them), hyde’s bits/balls (ahem) feels like marshmallows. I will let you all interpret this advert as you wish!!!)
After the advert, the members travelled to the sub-stage which was situated on the other side of the arena on a cart-type vehicle, whilst the intro of REVELATION was playing. But before REVELATION, hyde said ‘Before REVELATION, please listen to ‘metropolis’. (Aaaaaaaaaaaarggghhhhh!!!!!!!!)
08. metropolis
The members then returned to the main stage.
11. Driver’s High
-ken MC-
Japaaan! Yokohamaaa!! Whilst on tour I was buying souvenirs for the members, but I’m not doing the that anymore, so I don’t know what to say in the MCs now... especially since I haven’t done a Japanese MC in a while. So I was wondering what to speak about, when I thought of something, 2 minutes before the live.
When I was doing my stretches, the anus part (NB THAT IS WHAT HE SAID lol) of my trousers ripped and now there’s a hole! It was a really small hole the size of the hole of your ear at first, but then it got bigger, like the size of your anus. When you try really hard your anus is really narrow, but if you try really hard it can expand... wait which way would you be trying hard? Anyway, the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Because I’m wearing lots of layers today you can’t see my underwear (NB he called his underwear ‘battle underwear’, which is what the Japanese refer to their special/sexy underwear’), but now it’s the size of... can I say this? A woman’s hole (NB It’s not my fault, HE REALLY SAID THIS!). Although a woman’s hole also can expand when she tries really hard. (NB apparently the members were properly laughing throughout this – bless them)
Should I talk about the world tour? Um, well obviously we played lives, but apart from that, what did we do...? We ate loads! Even on the plane, I felt like I had to eat everything... they would serve us fancy things like ‘something something style curry’ which in the end just tasted like normal curry! And then after we got off the plane, it would be in the evening, so again we would eat a massive dinner! For dinner we ate a lot of crab and prawns. Like pepper-flavoured crab, or chilli prawns. And then we would sleep, get on the plane, eat again... In one word, we felt full! Fulfilled! Since we’re now back in Japan and we’re not full anymore, I’m sure we can make this a great live! Since it’s becoming darker, we’ll do a hard-track now! DRINK IT DOWN!!
13. shade of season
14. STAY AWAY (including tecchan’s banana-bass solo)
-yukihiro drum solo-
Where apparently at the end, he put his sticks down, and made a peace sign with his right hand at the audience before he left the stage!
16. Mirai sekai (members sat on the drum set)
17. Hitomi no Jyuunin
18. X X X
19. NEXUS 4
(apparently hyde got the opening of NEXUS completely wrong, where he started to sing before he was meant to and was like ‘ate-..ate...atena-ku- tadayou...’ lol)
20. Link
-tetsuya MC-
Tadaima-!!! I’m Shioya Shun (NB an actor that’s been in the Japanese news recently because he’d been two-timing and proposed to 2 different women (a model and a celebrity chef). Obviously because of this the media are tearing him apart)!...NOT! Was that funny? Was it funny?? Good evening, we’re L’Arc~en~Ciel! Egg... egg...Okera?? (NB here he was talking about some egg joke he made during his Ki/oon event) Ah, the Japanese people don’t get the joke yet!
Do you want to eat my banana-? Do you want to eat my... what do you call this...lollipoooop??? OK, let's continue with Link!
-hyde MC-
Wow it’s become really dark now. And it didn’t rain...which would have given us lots to worry about. Although it is cold (laugh). We had a rehearsal the day before yesterday, and I was driving here with my own car, when it started to hail! I was worried that my car was going to be bashed by the hail!
...I know that hyde (NB he called himself that...awww) got the lyrics wrong earlier... but don’t write it on your blogs and on mixi!!! (NB mixi is the Japanese social networking site equivalent of facebook) word travels fast these days (sorry sweetheart, but it's inevitable that I write about this cuteness!)! You can write it on Zexy though (NB a wedding magazine, which rhymes with mixi). If it becomes a DVD, I’m sure that bit will be cut (laugh).
Everyone is really smiley today, we’re so lucky to be loved by so many fans! For you guys at the back (of the stadium), I bet the already small hyde looks even smaller! (LOL)
We travelled...(looking at tecchan) how many, 10 countries? Everywhere we visited the world, everyone welcomed us so warmly. I really felt that we are a loved band. But it’s only because we’ve been here for 20 years that we could go out into the world. And it’s thanks to everyone that we’ve managed to keep going for 20 years. So thank you. The L’Arc~en~Ciel that you all love was loved all around the world. Here is our final song, BLESS.
hyde shouted ‘See you tomorrow!’ as he left the stage, tecchan ‘Mattane-! (see you!)’ as usual.

01. Ibara no Namida
-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! We’re back! We are L’Arc~en~Ciel. We’ve travelled the world. Have you guys been well? You’ve been ok?? Every country we went to, our music crossed the borders. It was like we were communicating via the language of music. It was all very memorable. From the rest of the world it may only look like a small step, but for us Japanese, I think it was a very big step. Please enjoy the final today.
JAPAN! Or Nippon? Or maybe “1,2,3” (audience seem confused), you know, as in “1,Nissan” (NB hyde is trying to make a joke/pun here – the Japanese word for “2,3” is pronounced “ni, san” which sounds a lot like NISSAN. Still hyde, it’s a bit of a stretch!) (audience finally understand and go “ahhhh”). Or Yokohama… LET’S GO JAPAN!!! JAPAAANNNN!!!! “Killing Me”!!!
04. Killing Me (apparently a very fast version!)
06. wild flower
-advert – for Doa-l’arc Chocolate-
So following hyde’s marshmallow advert yesterday, today was yukihiro’s Doa-l’arc chocolate advert! In case anyone missed this on-going joke, Doara is the mascot character for Chunichi Dragons, a Japanese baseball team. Yukihiro has recently been expressing his love (?) for the character, and so created the Doa-l’arc chocolate as part of the goods. The advert shows Doara prancing around and doing funny dances around places like Nagoya Castle and Nagoya Dome (which is where the baseball team are based) with New World playing in the background. The advert finally ended with Doara holding the chocolate and posing.
As yesterday, then the members got on the cart-trolley thing and travelled to the substage whilst the intro of REVELATION plays in the background.
Once they got to the substage, apparently hyde’s ear monitor got tangled in his braids, so he asked the members to wait before they start. Apparently, then tecchan came along and untangled it for him (aaaaawwwwwwwwwwww). Then tecchan looked around proudly, waved his hands about, and then got ready for the next track. And in the meantime apparently ken was pretending to open the flies of this trousers along to the beat (hahaha). And with hyde’s word of approval, the next track.
08. metropolis
09. REVELATION (with some nice headbanging from all the members around yukihiro’s drumset – although at one point ken was banging so hard that he fell over!)
And another funny incident! During REVELATION, yukihiro seemed to have some trouble with the drums/equipment and during the bit where they make the audience shout, he was fiddling with it trying to fix it. But there still seemed to be a problem, but nevertheless he carried on. At the end of the track, when he tried to get up he tripped on a wire and nearly fell over, so he kicked the equipment (some sort of box), kicked it again and then threw it (lol). Not satisfied, he threw another box, jumped onto it and then stuck his finger up proudly at the audience (lol) and happily marched off onto the cart-thing. You’re a true rock star, yukkie!!!
Then, as ken and yukihiro were travelling via the cart-thing back to the mainstage, yukkie entertained the audience with a dance!!! Go yukkie!!! Apparently it was this sort of dance (the first youtube video I found, lol ) and then ken-chan noticed yukkie doing this dance, stood behind him and also danced, waving his arms about. HOW ADORABLE!!! Also, during the travelling the members were given a canon that shot out some big plastic balls (?), and because there was some left at the end of their travels, ken-chan and yukkie carried on firing them, playfully in synchro as they danced. AAWWWWW!!!!
11. Driver’s High
-ken MC-
Arrggghhh it’s hot!! It’s so hot!!! Yesterday it was cold and windy, so today I wore an extra layer underneath (he was wearing a black top underneath), but now I’m hot! But because it’s under all these layers, I can’t take it off!!
When we were touring, the weather was really different wherever we went – some places it was hot, and then the next destination would be freezing!! I didn’t take many short sleeved tops with me, so I was really hot in some countries. Did you guys know that Indonesia was hot?? It was really hot there, so the hotel we were staying at had a swimming pool. Apparently it was open til around 11pm, so one night the stylist suggested that we go swimming. He got me a pair of swimming trunks (audience: let us see it!) what do you mean let us see it? How!? Anyway so I put the trunks on, and I went to the pool at around 10pm. But there was no one there apart from me and the stylist!! I was hoping to see loads of bikini-clad gals! Anyway I got in the pool, but the water was so cold! I tried my best and sat there immersed in the water, but the stylist was so cold that he was just stood there, only hip deep in the water! We decided that we were a bit lonely on our own, so I rang everyone saying “A dolphin show is about to start at the pool!” hoping someone would turn up – we practiced swimming like dolphins and everything! But no one came…and although it wasn’t 11pm yet, they turned the lights off, even when we were still there! So we had to get out…
(since tecchan was still not back on stage) You want me to talk about something else? We went to go and see a show in Paris that featured boobs! …wait, you guys aren’t being put off like yesterday are you? Anyway, it wasn’t anything sleazy, it was meant to be artistic, but I thought maybe I’d feel turned on. The thing was, it was a massive place with around 2000-3000 people, so they were really far away. So what I learnt is, if you can’t reach the boobs, they don’t count as boobs! (LOL SERIOUSLY ken!!!) So in the end I fell asleep. It was going to be a massive event, but I felt bored…
Today’s live is so hot that I want to take off my inner top! Since it’s getting darker the next track (audience cheer) I haven’t even said what sort of song is next yet but you’re cheering already! Anyway next song, DRINK IT DOWN!
13. shade of season
-yukihiro drum solo-
16. Mirai Sekai
17. PIECES (apparently hyde was seen crying! Aaaahhhhh!!!!!)
18. X X X
19. NEXUS 4
20. Link
-testuya MC-
Good evening, I’m Shioya Shun (see yesterday’s notes for details! Apparently today he was doing an impression of him crying as well (the guy was seen crying during interviews and stuff)). No? I did that joke yesterday but still not funny?
Erm, my hair looks like Odagiri Jo (N.B. Odagiri Jo is another famous actor, who at the moment has a shaved bit like tecchan!). Hmm… even worse…! Good evening!!! Ogenki- (how are you?)??? Wasshooooi!!! Egg-! Pocho pocho pocho…you know I can speak French now (NB this is another on-going joke where tetsuya thought that the French language sounded like “pocho pocho pocho” lol). You want to eat my banana-??? You want to lick my lolololollipoooop???” (apparently hyde was gesturing “no no” lol)
-hyde MC-
Did you guys see the Doara advert?? I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll watch it with yukihiro-kun later!! I’m glad it didn’t rain again! I felt some water earlier but it was just the effects (NB during Killing Me they had some water shooting out beside the stage). Overseas it was as if we were bringing the sunny weather with us – even if it was raining lots it would become sunny just before the start of our lives! So you know, the Ajinomoto Stadium last year was part of the effects…
You all look really cute! I’m happy that everyone is smiling. I see some of you in the audience crying…which makes me laugh… like, you wanted to see us so much?? It was the same wherever we went in the world – all our fans were cute. I can’t remember where, but whilst we were abroad an interviewer asked us “do you not get tired while you’re doing so many lives?” But I don’t feel tired at all. How could I, when there are so many fans overseas who have been waiting for us for so many years? All the fans give me strength/energy during the lives...well at least mentally (laugh). Physically…is another story (laugh).
It was the first time we’d set up such a large-scale world tour. And I think it must have been so much work for the staff. Everything was different – the language, how to make the bookings, the value of money being different... It was thanks to their hard work and efforts that we managed to step out into the world. And thank you to you guys for welcoming us back in Japan – we are such a lucky band to have you all. Thank you. We’ll do it again. Maybe the next one will be our 30th anniversary (laughing – yukkie plays the drums as if to say “nooo!” It better be a joke hyde, we want you sooner!)
We’re a band that can keep going… we can continue together, right (looks at members who nod)?
We’ll carry on going, on and on.
Finally tonight, a song of celebration. BLESS.
As they left the stage, hyde shouted “See you at the National Stadium!!” and bowed. Tecchan threw plenty of bananas as usual ;D

by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Sunday, 13 May 2012 at 01:35 ·
So here comes the setlist/translations of the MCs. As usual the translations are based on a range of snippets of reports around the internet, so may or may not be entirely accurate. And BOY DID I LAUGH/CRINGE when I was sifting through all those reports - DAMN YOU ken-chan, you and your dirty jokes!!!!!! WHY MUST YOU MAKE MY LIFE SO DIFFICULT!?!?! I would just like to say I am in no way responsible for the filth of his jokes (haha)!
Anyhow, I'm glad to see the boys are having fun :D See you tomorrow for another update!
01.Ibara no Namida
03.GOOD LUCK MY WAY (hyde shouted ‘JAPAN!’ in English during this song)
-hyde MC-
Tadaima! (N.B. What Japanese people say when they come home) We’re back from the world! We are L’Arc~en~Ciel. Tadaima-! I kept on shouting “Japan” earlier but is that ok for what to call you? Japan? Or Yokohama??? Or Nissan????? Leader, what do you think? (mouths “Japan?” at tecchan) Ok, we’ll say JAPAN! Although I feel a bit shy saying that.
We released our album ‘BUTTERFLY’ a little while back, but as soon as we released it we left to go tour the world, so we haven’t played these songs very much. So today we’ll be playing lots of songs from the album! Is that ok?? Ok, the next song, HONEY (laughter from the audience since it isn’t an album track!)
05. Bye Bye
06. wild flower (interestingly, apparently the back screen showed dandelions during wild flower – which solves my personal mystery of what flower hyde was imagining when writing the lyrics to this)
(at the end of this track the members left the stage)
-advert for Doihachi confectionary’s sugar free marshmallows (which was sold as part of the goods)-
A video of an old lady eating the marshmallow with her supposed grandchild. She holds 2 marshmallows in one of her hands, fidgets a bit and mutters ‘Granddad...’ (ie her husband).
(NB for anyone that doesn’t know about the whole issue with the marshmallow, it’s an on-going joke since the L’Anniversary tour last year that according to ken-chan (who accidentally touched them), hyde’s bits/balls (ahem) feels like marshmallows. I will let you all interpret this advert as you wish!!!)
After the advert, the members travelled to the sub-stage which was situated on the other side of the arena on a cart-type vehicle, whilst the intro of REVELATION was playing. But before REVELATION, hyde said ‘Before REVELATION, please listen to ‘metropolis’. (Aaaaaaaaaaaarggghhhhh!!!!!!!!)
08. metropolis
The members then returned to the main stage.
11. Driver’s High
-ken MC-
Japaaan! Yokohamaaa!! Whilst on tour I was buying souvenirs for the members, but I’m not doing the that anymore, so I don’t know what to say in the MCs now... especially since I haven’t done a Japanese MC in a while. So I was wondering what to speak about, when I thought of something, 2 minutes before the live.
When I was doing my stretches, the anus part (NB THAT IS WHAT HE SAID lol) of my trousers ripped and now there’s a hole! It was a really small hole the size of the hole of your ear at first, but then it got bigger, like the size of your anus. When you try really hard your anus is really narrow, but if you try really hard it can expand... wait which way would you be trying hard? Anyway, the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Because I’m wearing lots of layers today you can’t see my underwear (NB he called his underwear ‘battle underwear’, which is what the Japanese refer to their special/sexy underwear’), but now it’s the size of... can I say this? A woman’s hole (NB It’s not my fault, HE REALLY SAID THIS!). Although a woman’s hole also can expand when she tries really hard. (NB apparently the members were properly laughing throughout this – bless them)
Should I talk about the world tour? Um, well obviously we played lives, but apart from that, what did we do...? We ate loads! Even on the plane, I felt like I had to eat everything... they would serve us fancy things like ‘something something style curry’ which in the end just tasted like normal curry! And then after we got off the plane, it would be in the evening, so again we would eat a massive dinner! For dinner we ate a lot of crab and prawns. Like pepper-flavoured crab, or chilli prawns. And then we would sleep, get on the plane, eat again... In one word, we felt full! Fulfilled! Since we’re now back in Japan and we’re not full anymore, I’m sure we can make this a great live! Since it’s becoming darker, we’ll do a hard-track now! DRINK IT DOWN!!
13. shade of season
14. STAY AWAY (including tecchan’s banana-bass solo)
-yukihiro drum solo-
Where apparently at the end, he put his sticks down, and made a peace sign with his right hand at the audience before he left the stage!
16. Mirai sekai (members sat on the drum set)
17. Hitomi no Jyuunin
18. X X X
19. NEXUS 4
(apparently hyde got the opening of NEXUS completely wrong, where he started to sing before he was meant to and was like ‘ate-..ate...atena-ku- tadayou...’ lol)
20. Link
-tetsuya MC-
Tadaima-!!! I’m Shioya Shun (NB an actor that’s been in the Japanese news recently because he’d been two-timing and proposed to 2 different women (a model and a celebrity chef). Obviously because of this the media are tearing him apart)!...NOT! Was that funny? Was it funny?? Good evening, we’re L’Arc~en~Ciel! Egg... egg...Okera?? (NB here he was talking about some egg joke he made during his Ki/oon event) Ah, the Japanese people don’t get the joke yet!
Do you want to eat my banana-? Do you want to eat my... what do you call this...lollipoooop??? OK, let's continue with Link!
-hyde MC-
Wow it’s become really dark now. And it didn’t rain...which would have given us lots to worry about. Although it is cold (laugh). We had a rehearsal the day before yesterday, and I was driving here with my own car, when it started to hail! I was worried that my car was going to be bashed by the hail!
...I know that hyde (NB he called himself that...awww) got the lyrics wrong earlier... but don’t write it on your blogs and on mixi!!! (NB mixi is the Japanese social networking site equivalent of facebook) word travels fast these days (sorry sweetheart, but it's inevitable that I write about this cuteness!)! You can write it on Zexy though (NB a wedding magazine, which rhymes with mixi). If it becomes a DVD, I’m sure that bit will be cut (laugh).
Everyone is really smiley today, we’re so lucky to be loved by so many fans! For you guys at the back (of the stadium), I bet the already small hyde looks even smaller! (LOL)
We travelled...(looking at tecchan) how many, 10 countries? Everywhere we visited the world, everyone welcomed us so warmly. I really felt that we are a loved band. But it’s only because we’ve been here for 20 years that we could go out into the world. And it’s thanks to everyone that we’ve managed to keep going for 20 years. So thank you. The L’Arc~en~Ciel that you all love was loved all around the world. Here is our final song, BLESS.
hyde shouted ‘See you tomorrow!’ as he left the stage, tecchan ‘Mattane-! (see you!)’ as usual.
01. Ibara no Namida
-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! We’re back! We are L’Arc~en~Ciel. We’ve travelled the world. Have you guys been well? You’ve been ok?? Every country we went to, our music crossed the borders. It was like we were communicating via the language of music. It was all very memorable. From the rest of the world it may only look like a small step, but for us Japanese, I think it was a very big step. Please enjoy the final today.
JAPAN! Or Nippon? Or maybe “1,2,3” (audience seem confused), you know, as in “1,Nissan” (NB hyde is trying to make a joke/pun here – the Japanese word for “2,3” is pronounced “ni, san” which sounds a lot like NISSAN. Still hyde, it’s a bit of a stretch!) (audience finally understand and go “ahhhh”). Or Yokohama… LET’S GO JAPAN!!! JAPAAANNNN!!!! “Killing Me”!!!
04. Killing Me (apparently a very fast version!)
06. wild flower
-advert – for Doa-l’arc Chocolate-
So following hyde’s marshmallow advert yesterday, today was yukihiro’s Doa-l’arc chocolate advert! In case anyone missed this on-going joke, Doara is the mascot character for Chunichi Dragons, a Japanese baseball team. Yukihiro has recently been expressing his love (?) for the character, and so created the Doa-l’arc chocolate as part of the goods. The advert shows Doara prancing around and doing funny dances around places like Nagoya Castle and Nagoya Dome (which is where the baseball team are based) with New World playing in the background. The advert finally ended with Doara holding the chocolate and posing.
As yesterday, then the members got on the cart-trolley thing and travelled to the substage whilst the intro of REVELATION plays in the background.
Once they got to the substage, apparently hyde’s ear monitor got tangled in his braids, so he asked the members to wait before they start. Apparently, then tecchan came along and untangled it for him (aaaaawwwwwwwwwwww). Then tecchan looked around proudly, waved his hands about, and then got ready for the next track. And in the meantime apparently ken was pretending to open the flies of this trousers along to the beat (hahaha). And with hyde’s word of approval, the next track.
08. metropolis
09. REVELATION (with some nice headbanging from all the members around yukihiro’s drumset – although at one point ken was banging so hard that he fell over!)
And another funny incident! During REVELATION, yukihiro seemed to have some trouble with the drums/equipment and during the bit where they make the audience shout, he was fiddling with it trying to fix it. But there still seemed to be a problem, but nevertheless he carried on. At the end of the track, when he tried to get up he tripped on a wire and nearly fell over, so he kicked the equipment (some sort of box), kicked it again and then threw it (lol). Not satisfied, he threw another box, jumped onto it and then stuck his finger up proudly at the audience (lol) and happily marched off onto the cart-thing. You’re a true rock star, yukkie!!!
Then, as ken and yukihiro were travelling via the cart-thing back to the mainstage, yukkie entertained the audience with a dance!!! Go yukkie!!! Apparently it was this sort of dance (the first youtube video I found, lol ) and then ken-chan noticed yukkie doing this dance, stood behind him and also danced, waving his arms about. HOW ADORABLE!!! Also, during the travelling the members were given a canon that shot out some big plastic balls (?), and because there was some left at the end of their travels, ken-chan and yukkie carried on firing them, playfully in synchro as they danced. AAWWWWW!!!!
11. Driver’s High
-ken MC-
Arrggghhh it’s hot!! It’s so hot!!! Yesterday it was cold and windy, so today I wore an extra layer underneath (he was wearing a black top underneath), but now I’m hot! But because it’s under all these layers, I can’t take it off!!
When we were touring, the weather was really different wherever we went – some places it was hot, and then the next destination would be freezing!! I didn’t take many short sleeved tops with me, so I was really hot in some countries. Did you guys know that Indonesia was hot?? It was really hot there, so the hotel we were staying at had a swimming pool. Apparently it was open til around 11pm, so one night the stylist suggested that we go swimming. He got me a pair of swimming trunks (audience: let us see it!) what do you mean let us see it? How!? Anyway so I put the trunks on, and I went to the pool at around 10pm. But there was no one there apart from me and the stylist!! I was hoping to see loads of bikini-clad gals! Anyway I got in the pool, but the water was so cold! I tried my best and sat there immersed in the water, but the stylist was so cold that he was just stood there, only hip deep in the water! We decided that we were a bit lonely on our own, so I rang everyone saying “A dolphin show is about to start at the pool!” hoping someone would turn up – we practiced swimming like dolphins and everything! But no one came…and although it wasn’t 11pm yet, they turned the lights off, even when we were still there! So we had to get out…
(since tecchan was still not back on stage) You want me to talk about something else? We went to go and see a show in Paris that featured boobs! …wait, you guys aren’t being put off like yesterday are you? Anyway, it wasn’t anything sleazy, it was meant to be artistic, but I thought maybe I’d feel turned on. The thing was, it was a massive place with around 2000-3000 people, so they were really far away. So what I learnt is, if you can’t reach the boobs, they don’t count as boobs! (LOL SERIOUSLY ken!!!) So in the end I fell asleep. It was going to be a massive event, but I felt bored…
Today’s live is so hot that I want to take off my inner top! Since it’s getting darker the next track (audience cheer) I haven’t even said what sort of song is next yet but you’re cheering already! Anyway next song, DRINK IT DOWN!
13. shade of season
-yukihiro drum solo-
16. Mirai Sekai
17. PIECES (apparently hyde was seen crying! Aaaahhhhh!!!!!)
18. X X X
19. NEXUS 4
20. Link
-testuya MC-
Good evening, I’m Shioya Shun (see yesterday’s notes for details! Apparently today he was doing an impression of him crying as well (the guy was seen crying during interviews and stuff)). No? I did that joke yesterday but still not funny?
Erm, my hair looks like Odagiri Jo (N.B. Odagiri Jo is another famous actor, who at the moment has a shaved bit like tecchan!). Hmm… even worse…! Good evening!!! Ogenki- (how are you?)??? Wasshooooi!!! Egg-! Pocho pocho pocho…you know I can speak French now (NB this is another on-going joke where tetsuya thought that the French language sounded like “pocho pocho pocho” lol). You want to eat my banana-??? You want to lick my lolololollipoooop???” (apparently hyde was gesturing “no no” lol)
-hyde MC-
Did you guys see the Doara advert?? I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll watch it with yukihiro-kun later!! I’m glad it didn’t rain again! I felt some water earlier but it was just the effects (NB during Killing Me they had some water shooting out beside the stage). Overseas it was as if we were bringing the sunny weather with us – even if it was raining lots it would become sunny just before the start of our lives! So you know, the Ajinomoto Stadium last year was part of the effects…
You all look really cute! I’m happy that everyone is smiling. I see some of you in the audience crying…which makes me laugh… like, you wanted to see us so much?? It was the same wherever we went in the world – all our fans were cute. I can’t remember where, but whilst we were abroad an interviewer asked us “do you not get tired while you’re doing so many lives?” But I don’t feel tired at all. How could I, when there are so many fans overseas who have been waiting for us for so many years? All the fans give me strength/energy during the lives...well at least mentally (laugh). Physically…is another story (laugh).
It was the first time we’d set up such a large-scale world tour. And I think it must have been so much work for the staff. Everything was different – the language, how to make the bookings, the value of money being different... It was thanks to their hard work and efforts that we managed to step out into the world. And thank you to you guys for welcoming us back in Japan – we are such a lucky band to have you all. Thank you. We’ll do it again. Maybe the next one will be our 30th anniversary (laughing – yukkie plays the drums as if to say “nooo!” It better be a joke hyde, we want you sooner!)
We’re a band that can keep going… we can continue together, right (looks at members who nod)?
We’ll carry on going, on and on.
Finally tonight, a song of celebration. BLESS.
As they left the stage, hyde shouted “See you at the National Stadium!!” and bowed. Tecchan threw plenty of bananas as usual ;D
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