Ken !!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

TRANSLATION: FM802 L'Arc comment

ah, ternyata tgl 21 april kemaren, om2 tuh pada siaran di radio FM802....
dan seperti biasa, mereka gokil2 jawabnya kalo diinterview (pada ga inget umur *plaaakkkk*)
wkwkwkwk, tapi itu yg bikin betah en selalu ditunggu2....
en, seperti biasa, dapet translate an dari sini
so, check it out.... (aq blom sempet bacaaa.... T^T)

TRANSLATION: FM802 L'Arc comment

by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Sunday, 22 April 2012 at 03:02 ·
There seems to be plenty to translate on a daily basis these days! Today I bring you a short radio interview.

The FM802 radio programme was part of the 20th L'Anniversary Special. The programme was an hour long, where they played some L'Arc songs as well as some messages from various artists/musicians for the band. (yes if you are curious there indeed was a message from yasu from ABC!) There was also a short interview with the L'Arc boys!


DJ: It's finally time to present you these band!

tetsuya: Good evening listeners of FM802, I'm tetsuya from L'Arc~en~Ciel.
ken: I'm hyde
hyde: haha..! we overlapped.
(all laugh)
hyde: I'm hyde.
ken: I'm hyde.
yukihiro: Then I'm hyde too!
hyde: 1nyoki!
ken & yukihiro: 2nyoki!
ken: aaahhh we've overlapped!
hyde: you're not allowed to overlap!

(NB what they're doing here is this game where the players have to say a number and then "nyoki" (which is meant to resemble a bamboo shooting emerging from the ground - don't ask!), consecutively and spontaneously so that they don't overlap. I know, strange Japanese games...)

take 2:

tetsuya: Good evening listeners of FM802, I'm tetsuya from L'Arc~en~Ciel.
hyde: I'm hyde.
ken: I'm ken.
yukihiro: I'm yukihiro.

DJ: The guys really get along great - by the way, this message is recorded the day before their NY show last month. According to the staff, the members seemed relaxed, and recorded the message in a really great atmosphere. We asked the guys a couple of questions.

Q: L'Arc~en~Ciel are currently in the middle of touring the world. You perform in countries where the culture and language are totally different - what do you keep in mind whilst touring?

tetsuya: What we keep in make sure we don't get sick. We're always careful about trying to stay healthy and keeping fit, but because we have to travel for a long time... especially in planes, the air is really dry, so I wear a mask with a wet cloth that stops my throat from drying.

ken: What I always do is take some snacks/sweets with me. Like, I might suddenly want to eat Almond choco (Note: popular chocolate in Japan), so I always carry some around with me.

hyde: Let's see, I try not to be I try and "control" (apparently said in a very English accent in a joking way, lol) it. But today, I seem to have slept in a funny position, so it hurts to move my neck.... I wonder why...

yukihiro: I'm normally careful about what I eat out there. Once, when we ate out, we had a dish which had loads of alcohol in it, but I didn't know - and because I really can't drink alcohol, I felt really ill afterwards. So I'm careful about things like that.

Q: Having been together for 20 years, there's plenty of musicians and bands that have listened to L'Arc~en~Ciel as they've been growing up. Are there any good younger bands that you've noticed?

tetsuya: school food punishment. They're really good. The vocalist is cute too.

yukihiro: I don't know... maybe FACT? I think they're cool.

ken: I have no idea...

hyde: those wolf people. erm... MAN WITH A MISSION. I think they're cool.

Q: To conclude your world tour you'll be playing here in japan. Last month you announced L'Arc~en~Ciel's first ever 2-days live at the National Stadium! What were your thoughts when you first heard about this? hyde?

hyde: I thought WOW!
ken: WoooooW...

Q: And before that the Nissan Stadium live had been announced. And here in Osaka you"ll be playing at the USJ - are they going to differ in content? hyde?

hyde: content...? Erm... I think yukki-'s outfit will be different.

yukihiro: ....indeed (laugh).

hyde: But basically, it's the conclusion of our 20th anniversary, so it'll be a great offer (NB he actually said that as if he was trying to sell something lol).

Q: Finally, a message for everyone coming to the USJ show! tetsuya!

tetsuya: Well, I hope people can come to the visit USJ, and along the way come to the L'Arc live... actually no, it's the other way round! Erm, if they could come and enjoy USJ first, become tired and then come to the live...(laugh). no, that won't work! Erm, if they could enjoy USJ to a moderate extent, and save some energy for dancing at the live, and come to enjoy our show.


RIGHT! off for a drink :D

Premium Night at Liquid Room 20-04-2012

yg ini translate an pas di Liquid Room kemaren 20 April 2012 en bisa di stream yg beruntung dapet kode di album Butterfly versi Japan....
yg mo liat en dunlut bisa  klik di sini
so, check it out.... ^^

by. Thai Le-Ciel
‎[Quick report L'Arc~en~Ciel at LIQUID ROOM April 20, 2012 in Kioon 20 live festival] (I watched Ustream)

opening SE: a swell in the sun

3.Caress of Venus

hyde MC:
So close. *laugh* Close enough to kiss you. Want some? Long time no see! Let's get sweaty together. Come on! Next is XXX.

5.shade of season
7.wild flower
8.Ibara no Namida
10.NEXUS 4

ken MC:
(He had a paper and spoke as if he doesn't know japanese.)
Hello Ebisu! We are L'Arc~en~Ciel. I'm going to keep the same MC style as other lives during this WORLD TOUR. I went to Lido show after the gig in Paris. I could see the shape of the girls' breasts well, but couldn't see its color clearly due to stage light. Any chance to see it here right now...? As usual I bought souvenirs....why are YOU becoming happy? LoL... I didn't know what's the best, but anyway, yukihiro, can you receive these? Sorry about it being a hassle to carry.

What I bought are, GODIVA truffes, Compartes chocolate beloved by LA celebs, PIERRE HERME macaroon, Keishindo shrimp rice cracker, ORIGINE CACAO chocolate, BEL AMER chocolate doughnut, Gateaux de Voyage galette, Funawa anko rick cake, Eitaro dorayaki named Shibuya no Shippo, Seigetsudou manju. Some of them should be kept in a fridge. Did you like them, yukihiro?

yukihiro smiled. "I'll eat them."

ken: Be careful, tomorrow is the best-before date for some of them. Am I talking too long? Do you want to listen to our songs more? What song? But it's all scheduled of course. What do you think is the next song?! SEVENTH HEAVEN!

12.Driver's High
14.Shout at the Devil


hyde MC:
Yeah!! You are 777 lucky people. And 100,000 people are watching this. Are you enjoying? We are. You are lucky! I got sweaty so much but I like it. But it was cold at backstage so I put this coat on again. You need to let me take it off again!

(Audience started to shout "Take it off! Take it off!")

hyde: Huh, you can't make it by saying like that. You need to show me what you DO. Let me feel your body. Well.....20 years. Kioon, Kioon music and we have worked together for 20 years. I truly thank them for working with us. We are kind of difficult, but they have been working very well for us. It's a great thing. We shared lots of up and down, joy and sorrow, and now we are fellows each other. Good job. Congratulations for Kioon's 20th anniversary. Thank you. we are going to play Mirai Sekai.

15.Mirai Sekai

tetsuya MC (interlude of Link):
Hello Japan! (He said this like he doesn't know Japanese, just like ken did.) Wassho---i! Pocho pocho pocho.....(It seems this is French and his favorite phrase so far.) Do you want to eat my banana? And do you want to eat my lolipop?! Are you having fun?! We are enjoying so much!! Do you want to listen to the rest of the song?!

Then they re-started to play. hyde got down from the stage and walked in front of the first row.


hyde dived to the audience!! Then he said "We'll be back soon! See you then!!" tetsuya threw bananas and lolipops again and got audience wet with his watergun. Then he said "Thank you!! See you again!!" before leaving the stage.

(c) Yui Ku

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tetchan at Ki/oon 20th Anniversary's party

dah lama ga isi blog...
ne dapet translate an kegiatan Tetchan waktu ultah Ki/oon ke-20 th...

TRANSLATION: Short MC snippets of TETSUYA at Ki/oon 20th live

by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Friday, 20 April 2012 at 05:14 ·
So now that the Europe leg of the World Tour is over, the boys are back in Japan, and Leader is the first back on stage! As part of the Ki/oon 20th anniversary live, he played at the LIQUID ROOM, Tokyo, alongside Joe Inoue and Piko (who tetsuya provided the song for recently). Just a short collection of the MCs from the night!!


Set list:

1. Are you ready to ride?
4. Mahou no kotoba
5. empty tears
6. Fantastic Wander
7. Roulette
8. lonely girl
9. 15 1/2
READY STEADY GO(tetsuya on bass)


Snippets of MC

tetsuya: Hello everyone from Japan! I’m Pikooooo!!! ....NOT!  I’m back from Paris!
Audience: Welcome baaaack!
tetsuya: We've been touring in london and Paris - how many times do you think we rehearsed for tonight? Just the once!!! The air in London and Paris was really dry... On the otherhand the air here today in the audience is really humid! Like a natural humidifier!! (waving air towards him with his hands).

Audience: Can you do this for us?? (gestures the hand gesture that Laura does (N.B. Laura is a celebrity famous for doing things like this pose – tecchan has done it in a promotional photo recently - see photo)
tetsuya: This?? Ah, ok (does it shyly). This isn’t an impression of Laura! In China or Korea this gesture is for octopus balls... I mean, boiled eggs! (What? since when!?)

As well as the usual WASSHOOOI today he was making these ‘Pocho pocho’ noises (lol).
tetsuya: Pocho pocho pocho... (N.B. his impression of the French language – now that I think back, he was indeed making these noises!) I tried doing this in the MC in Paris, but no one laughed... it was like “Pocho pocho pocho....SILENCE”! They didn’t get it at all (lol)!

Apparently he got the lyrics to Fantastic Wander wrong, and because of that he was laughing with the band members – and then he tried to drink some water from the bottle but knocked it over off the mini-table (aawww).

tetsuya: You know my hairstyle? It’s actually shaved on both sides! You couldn’t see it because I had my hair on one side! The only hairstyle in the universe! Although apparently the fans don’t like it very much... But I don’t care! Tomorrow at the L’Arc gig I’m going to shave the whole of my head!!! (laughing – it is a joke...right?!)

tetsuya: Who’s coming to the L’Arc gig tomorrow? I’ll be playing a 2-days live! (some of audience put hands up) REALLY!? You’ve probably used up all the luck for the rest of your life! Be careful when you go home!

And finally, he threw bananas and lollipops into the crowd, shouted a lot of WASHHOOOOOIs and then finished the evening with MATTANEEE!!!

                                                                The 'Laura' pose:

 yang ku highlight, beneran tetchan mo cukur gundul neeee, howaaaaa.... ntar pas ke Jakarta gundul dunk!!! ahahahaha !!!!

Monday, April 02, 2012

The Hyde (chapter 3 part 1)

credit : Oktavia Ratnasari

[terjemahan] THE HYDE Chapter 3. Childhood (Masa Kecil) unfinished

BIG BIG thanks for my dearest friend Mimi-chan yang udah capek2 dimintai tolong nerjemahin^^
Credit to Rima (Mimi), penerjemah Elex & MNC loh :p
Karena beliau sibuk, jadi postingnya nyicil ya..
Dilarang repost tanpa izin, okay?

Chapter 3. CHILDHOOD (Masa Kecil)

Halaman 16
Kenangan masa kecil yang paling kuingat sepertinya “Mimpi Dikejar Setan”.  Mungkin seperti mimpi, tapi aku sampai berlari sampai ke sudut rumah tetanggaku yang seorang dokter anak (haha). Karena begitu takutnya, aku terus mengingatnya bahkan sampai sekarang. Kemudian selain itu, kenangan tentang Rumah Penitipan Anak. Aku adalah anak satu-satunya dari orang tua yang keduanya bekerja, karenanya dulu agak kesepian dan ibuku selalu datang paling terakhir untuk menjemputku. Ada banyak anak di Rumah Penitipan Anak, tapi ketika menjelang sore berkurang satu persatu dan aku selalu tinggal sendiri atau berdua, menunggu dijemput. Maka dari itu, aku selalu ingat saat aku bermain pesawat kertas di ruang kelas yang luas. Setelah itu, saat diantar jemput, aku ingat kenangan saat dibonceng dengan sepeda. Tapi aku juga tidak yakin apakah kenangan ini benar-benar kenanganku sendiri atau kisah yang diceritakan orang padaku.

Lalu, ada anak perempuan imut yang tinggal di samping Rumah Penitipan Anak dan aku suka padanya. Kurasa itu cinta pertamaku. Aku suka pulang bersamanya dari Rumah Penitipan Anak, tapi karena rumahnya dekat, dia langsung sampai rumahnya (haha). Apa boleh buat, di tengah jalan aku pulang jalan kaki dengan anak perempuan lain, sering main bersama, tapi warna kulitnya agak gelap, bukan tipe kesukaanku. Tapi kemudian, dia yang dulu tidak satu SD denganku karena beda wilayah, saat SMP dia pindah ke SMP yang sama denganku dan dia jadi sangat cantik. Yah, tapi tidak ada perkembangan apapun. Kisahnya hanya sampai situ saja ya (haha).

Pada waktu di Rumah Penitipan Anak, aku anak yang introvert dan cengeng. Saat ingin pergi ke toilet, aku tidak bisa bilang dan katanya saat itu aku sampai ngompol (haha). Kurasa aku anak yang pengertian. Pada awalnya aku benci Rumah Penitipan Anak, bahkan aku sengaja menyembunyikan sepatuku (haha). Aku andalkan kecerdasanku loh. Walaupun begitu Ibu selalu menyuruhku pakai sepatu dan aku selalu bilang, “tidak mau”, karena itu beliau masukkan sepatuku ke dalam keranjang sepeda dan membawaku ke Rumah Penitipan Anak.

Impian semasa di Rumah Penitipan Anak adalah jadi Kamen Rider. Namun aku dulu berharap sungguh-sungguh lho (haha). Sangat kekanak-kanakan ya. Tapi, sampai SD tingkat akhir aku percaya Santa Claus benar-benar ada. Aku merasa tidak menarik jika dia “tidak ada” dan setelah tahu pun, aku tetap bilang “dia ada”.

Jarak ke SDku cukup jauh, sekitar 30 menit jalan kaki.

Halaman 17
Karena waktu SD aku introvert, aku tidak punya banyak teman. Bukan berarti tidak ada sama sekali, aku punya beberapa teman main yang tinggal dekat rumah, tapi aku merasa sangat lemah karena sering kali diganggu oleh mereka saat pulang ke rumah. Pada waktu kecil aku suka melukis, selain hobi itu aku sama seperti anak-anak pada umumnya. Membuat camp rahasia, bermain macam-macam mainan. Ah, aku jadi ingat ada boneka Microman yang sangat aku suka.

Memori pada masa itu karena kedua orangtuaku bekerja sejak aku kecil, aku sadar bahwa aku seperti tinggal seorang diri. Masak nasi, buat ramen pun sendiri. Tentu saja berkat pengalaman masa kecil, aku banyak merasakan hal-hal seperti, “Aduduh, panas!” atau “Yahh, jatuh~” saat memasak (haha).

Selain itu, aku benci berendam di bak mandi. Saat itu aku disuruh keluar kalau tidak mau mandi, lalu aku bilang, “Baiklah, aku keluar!” dan aku pernah benar-benar keluar rumah (haha). Sebelum itu meskipun sering dibilang “Keluar kau!” aku tidak pernah keluar rumah, tapi saat itu pertama kalinya aku merasa serius ingin keluar dan aku keluar. Kemudian, aku ingat saat di luar dan menengok ke sebelah kiri ada bibi tetangga yang sedang bersih-bersih, aku berpikir “Kalau pergi ke sana, aku bisa diceramahi.” lalu aku pergi ke arah sebaliknya, berjalan menuju kegelapan malam. Aku tidak ingat lagi kejadian setelah itu, yang aku ingat langsung pada saat aku berendam di ofuro, kemudian Ibu berkata, “Hidechan ternyata benar-benar keluar rumah ya” “Ibu nggak akan bilang keluar rumah lagi deh” dan memori yang melekat saat itu aku puas sekali berkata, “Hehe. Tentu saja!” (haha).

Saat kelas 4 SD aku bercita-cita menjadi komikus. Saat itu aku yakin benar, “jalan hidupku adalah membuat gambar.” Tapi di mata pelajaran sekolah kan tidak fokus belajar menggambar? Ketika itu aku menyadari bakatku sendiri, aku tahu kalau aku bisa menggambar lebih mahir dari orang lain. Lagipula tidak ada teman sekelas yang lebih mahir daripada aku. Kemudian aku berkompetisi dengan kakaknya temanku. Tentu saja kakaknya sudah tingkat tinggi dan aku tidak bisa menggambar lebih bagus darinya, tapi aku mengingat perjuanganku saat itu. Setelah kejadian itu, karena aku merasa bakatku ada di gambar, aku dulu bercita-cita ingin bekerja di bidang gambar dan ingin jadi komikus.

Maka dari itu aku banyak menggambar komik lho. Pada masa itu, komik yang baru mulai terkenal adalah “Urusei Yatsura” (The Return of Lum), komik itu sangat lucu. Karena pengaruhnya, aku meniru itu dan mulai menggambar. Kalau menggambar untuk 1 buku memang masih belum bisa.


berhubung masih bersambung, ditunggu ja di entri2 selanjutnyaaa..... ^^