Ken !!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

20th L'Anniversary WORLD TOUR 2012 THE FINAL, National Stadium (Kokuritsu Kyougijou) – 26th and 27th May

klo yg ini report dari fans UK (seperti biasa)

TRANSLATED REPORT: 20th L'Anniversary WORLD TOUR 2012 THE FINAL, National Stadium (Kokuritsu Kyougijou) – 26th and 27th May

by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Sunday, 27 May 2012 at 05:04 ·
So the end is nigh! Today saw the first of the 2 National Stadium 'FINAL" shows, which has also been referred to as "A festival" and "A thank you party". The shows were promoted in a way that it promised to be a live that was different to any of the World Tour shows, and had a special feel to it, especially as they even handed out uchiwa's (paper fans) to everyone coming today to boost this "festival" atmosphere!! Another special feature of this show was the venue - the National Stadium boasts a very well maintained grass pitch, which means that only one artist can have a gig here per year. And only 3 (SMAP, Dreams Come True and Arashi) have played here before, which meant that L'Arc were the first rock band that played here!! The famous Kao-T-shirts (with the members faces) sold out at 11am and the expectations were high, with much TV hype.

And did they live up to these expectations? HELL YES!!! From what I can see it was really a very special live, with many older songs as well as the much loved classics. However apparently the MCs were quite short today, so there isn't the usual length of report - and believe it or not, NO FILTH from ken-chan today!!! Man that must have been special ;)


The live started with an opening movie – a "Breaking News" clip from LCN (L'Arc cable news??) which reported a UFO sighting in many places around the world. The first sighting was on March 3rd in Hong Kong - yes, the first date of their world tour!! And then a diamond-shaped object (the UFO?! lol) appeared with the Kao-T-shirt faces of the members - and this object was sighted in all of the cities where L'Arc had performed. This included footage of the UFO floating above the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben etc! And then the newscaster asked "where is the object heading" It seems like it is doing a world tour!". And then breaking news - the object is heading to Tokyo!! And the screen showed the UFO hovering above the Kokuritsu stadium, with reports from a newscaster in a helicopter watching the UFO. And then inscriptions appeared on the object, which spelled L'Arc~en~Ciel!!!

And a marching band appeared (who were playing the chorus of Niji) and the members made a grand entrance, eventually getting on a float, which circled the stadium, apparently taking a good 20mins to go round.

01.READY STEADY GO - Apparently from the beginning hyde was shouting “TOKYO!!!!!” which I’m sure was funny considering the whole ZIP thing about “when hyde will say “Kokuritsu”, the name of the venue" - shout Kokuritsu hyde, not Tokyo!!!
03.REVELATION - finally, before REVELATION he shouted “Let’s go Kokuritsu!!! SHOOOUTTT!!!”
05.Vivid Colors

-hyde MC-
Tadaima!!! We’re back Tokyo! Today, it’s a festival, so let’s all go wild!! Can you do it?!?! Can you guys do it!?!?!? CAN YOU DO IT!?!? We’ve really been looking forward to today – because it’s a party! So let’s celebrate the final of this 20th year anniversary together!!! Can you do it!? KOKURICHUUUU!!! (apparently that’s the way he said it – aww) Let’s go!!!

So the next song is one that we played last year in the rain… We didn’t manage to achieve the atmosphere and feeling because of the rain, today is the revenge for that!!! CAN WE TAKE REVENGE TODAY!? Ok, tecchan, take it away!

06.In The Air
07.Kaze no Yukue

All 4 of the adverts previously shown at the Nissan and USJ were shown today – apparently yukkie was spotted looking fondly at his Doal’arc chocolate advert! Man he must really like that Doara!

09.Driver's High
10.Caress of Venus

-ken MC- Welcome back the 21st-Century MC!!! (as in the one when ken-chan shouts/talks along with the beat of the intro of SEVENTH HEAVEN)

During “Caress of Venus” the cheerleaders were dancing on the stage, and at the end when the members left the stage, they stayed and eventually gathered around ken’s microphone. And from behind the group of cheerleaders ken appeared, shouting:

YAAAY! (audience: YAAAY!) YAAAY??? (audience: YAAY!!) you’re shouting too early! Do it like this: YAAAAY (momentary gap) YAAAAY! Ok? YAAAAAY!!! (momentary gap, then audience: YAAAY!) …(and this went on for a while, to develop into his rhythmical YAYAYAYAYA!! along to the beat of SEVENTH HEAVEN)

How is it going?? Erm, L’Arc~en~Ciel are back from touring the world!! These beautiful ladies here today are from the cheer leading team “Planets”. They won second place in the world championships! I hear that today is a festival, so I want everyone in the audience, together with the Planets, together with L’Arc~en~Ciel, to dance! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYY!!!! SEVENTH HEAVEN!!!!!!

12.Ibara no Namida
13.C'est La Vie - apparently before this song, tecchan had his banana-bass solo, and everyone was expecting the next track to be Stay away, but then, as the band were ready to go to the next track with some nodding at oneanother, hyde opened with "Oui C'est la Vie" - obviously, audience was in a frenzy!!!
14.Shout at the Devil
15.Drum Solo

For the encore the members appeared on the sub-stage.

hyde: Ahhh you’re all beautiful! Beautiful! Can we do a track that feels a little like that? Pieces.

16.Pieces (members sat on the drum set)

hyde: (looking at the glow sticks) It’s really beautiful. They look like stars. Can we do another track? Yes? They look like stars!! It’s really, truly beautiful. Can we carry on??


As they returned to the main stage, they showed some futuristic clips on the screen, still with the UFO going round and round!

20.X X X

-tetsuya MC-
WASSHOOOI!!! WASSSHOOOOI!!!!!! Ogenki-?? How are you all??? KOKURITSU-!!! Egg!!! (Please see other note translations for tetsuya’s egg jokes!) DO YOU WANT TO EAT MY BANANA~!? ORRRRR, DO YOU WANT TO LICK MY LOLLIPOPPPP!?!?!?!?! Which?! WHICH!?!? (holding his bananas and lollipops and asking which one the audience wants) CATCH! Ooh, nice catch!! You want to hear the rest of the song?? YOU WANT TO HEAR IT?? Can you do it Kokuritsu~!? Let’s GOO!!!

-hyde MC-
Erm, yes, can I ask you guys a question? You know you all jump during LINK, isn’t it tough?? I’ve always thought that it looks tiring. Do you guys do that all the time?? It must drain your energy. Does it feel good to jump like that?? It’s like finishing off with that (laugh), as long as it ends well! I wonder who started doing those jumping moves?? They must have been thinking like, “I want to jump, but I also want to clap my hands to the beat” and that’s how it ended up - with you doing both (laugh). You’re all wonderful. Beautiful, really beautiful.

We didn’t think that we could play somewhere so wonderful as this for the final of our 20th anniversary year. I guess it makes it even more special that it’s not often that you can play at this venue. You know, we are sort of in our 21st year now – how do you think? (looking at tecchan)

tetsuya: Did you notice that we've actually entered the 21st year? Did you guys notice too (to audience)??

hyde: I wonder for how long we’re going to be saying it’s our 20th anniversary.

tetsuya: We should just celebrate our 21st year now.

hyde: We’re a very free-wheeling band who only does what we want when we want it, so we have to do everything when we have the momentum and energy to do so. You have no idea what’s going to happen next…we’re joking (laugh).
But I think that the reason we’ve managed to come this far for 20 years despite being such a difficult band,is because of this stance we had - which was probably the right way for us. Different people (bands) will have different ways of doing things, but since we’ve managed to get this far, we probably weren’t wrong in what we did.

(the camera shooting hyde also showed yukihiro in the background so the screen shows both of them together – hyde looks around at the screen)

That was a great 2-shot (2 people in one camera frame) with yukihiro-san. It looks like a manga comic or something – like me being a character saying “and yeah, yukkie”. By the way yukihiro-kun apparently wants a hyde T-shirt. (yukkie nods and strums some beats) You like the face right? (yukkie nods) Me, I want a yukihiro T-shirt. What about you ken-chan? Which one do you want? I want to ask everyone’s opinion.

ken: All of them.

hyde: Do you still have those dolls in your toilet? (NB This is referring to an MC during the tour last year where ken said that he had the pinky street dolls lined up in his toilet)

ken: Yeah, there’s more of them now. Like the person with wings (referring to hyde’s newest pinky).

hyde: Well now with the T-shirts you can make your wardrobe L’Arc~en~Ciel style too. What about you tecchan?

tetsuya: Huh? T-shirt??

hyde: we were talking about the T-shirts, but you weren’t listening were you?

tetsuya: I WAS listening!

hyde: I guess you may not have anything to say since you weren't listening, but say something!

tetsuya: Erm… it’s hard to come up with a punchline to amuse everyone… Erm, I guess, I’d like to wear each member’s T-shirt on rotation everyday??

hyde: Err…I’m sorry I asked and forced you for an answer… (haha)

Thank you to everyone for coming to play (NB that is how he referred to the lives – “coming out to play” – that’s sweet!) every time. Thank you. We have nothing planned next for L’Arc~en~Ciel at the moment, but, will you guys come out and play with us again? I hope you will come out to play with us again. This is our final song, Niji.

22. Niji

After Niji, hyde said “Thank you. We’ll come back. You guys be good/behave yourselves while you wait for us. (as if he remembered that there is still a show tomorrow – yes hyde there is!) And there’s also tomorrow. Good night!!

Tecchan came back out to throw his bananas, “THANK YOU! See you tomorrow!!!”

(A special thank you to my live-buddy はるか who helped me with some details to put together this report! Thank you dearest, it was SUPER helpful!!!)


Day 2

For some reason the Hawaii shows seem like they're in a league of their own, so, as hyde mentioned, today was the final of the final... Which makes me sad but at least they mentioned the next world tour (although we have no idea when that would be!).

The same opening routine as yesterday as the boys entered the packed stadium once again!

02. GOOD LUCK MY WAY (hyde shouting KOKURITSU-! Let’s goo!!! Can you do it Kokuritsu-!? Show us all you’ve got! Give us everything!! Shout!! Can you shout?? Shout Kokurits-!!!’ )
05. Flower

-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! Kokuritsu, we’re back!!! It’s’s here. Yes, today is finally here. Today is really the final of the final, so go for it like crazy!! If you come here tomorrow we won’t be here! OK? So give everything you’ve got today! Can you?? CAN YOU?? Today is a festival, so go wild! Kokuritsu-! Kokuritsu-!!! Koku! (audience: ritsu!) Koku! (audience: ritsu!) Koku Koku!! (audience: Ritsu! Ritsu!!) ...we’re nicely in time (laugh). We’re in time? (yukkie strums some beats and nods) Koku Koku! (audience: Ritsu! Ritsu!)

Yaaay! Can we take it easy today?? You know, since it’s a festival. It’s a beautiful day today – it feels great. I wanted to do it under a blue sky like this. (ken says something to him) What? Hey, don’t say those things!! (NB some speculations here about what ken said to hyde, but apparently it may have had something to do with ‘doing it outisde’. Lol ken, trust!) No really, I wanted to do it under a blue sky (ken continues). No (to ken)! Anyway tecchan, take it away!

06. In the Air
07. Natsu no Yuutsu -time to say good-bye-
09. Driver's High
10. the Fourth Avenue Cafe

-ken MC- (21st Century MC)
Like yesterday, ken appeared from behind the group of cheerleaders who were dancing to the Fourth Avenue Cafe!

We’ve played many songs. And so you guys have listened to many songs right? So I think it’s time that you wanted to dance! Can you dance? CAN YOU DANCE KOKURITSU-?? I’m going to dance. Ladies from The Planets, let's go!! (ken-chan swaps his guitar for some gold pompoms and dances, leg-kicking and all! Apparently they were beautifully in time too lol! After some dancing he takes his guitar again) Gosh I’m tired... Um, I’m going to play my guitar now, but I want the rest of Kokuritsu to keep dancing! (audience: yaay) But you’re not dancing!! (audience start to dance like crazy) That’s better. Can you do it?? Can you do it?? Can you give us everything you’ve got? Let’s go! SEVENTH! HEAVEN!!

12. C'est La Vie (with tetsuya bass solo)
13. いばらの涙
14. Shout at the Devil

-Encore- (substage)
15. Anata

hyde: Yaay! It’s sooo beautiful. You, all of you, you’re all beautiful. Chuuu (blows kisses through microphone). Can we do another song? Ok... winterfall.

16. winter fall

Back to the main stage
19. XXX
20. Link

-testuya MC-
FOOOOO!!!!! FOFOOOO!! WASSHOOOI! WASSHOOOI!!! OGENKI-?? How are you all?? People of Japan, Ogenki- (in foreigner-like broken Japanese)??? Egg!!! DO YOU WANT TO EAT MY BANANAAA? ORRR, DO YOU WANT TO LICK MY LOLLIPOOOP?? Nice catch!! Can you do it??? There’s the rest of the song to go, but do you want to listen to it??? Really?? Did you gozonji (know) that we’re still in the middle of sooong?? WASSHOOOI!!! Let’s goo!!!!

-hyde MC-
Yaaaay! It feels so good. I think we’re so lucky to be able to play at such a wonderful place, right at the end. I’ve got a great view from here – there’s even a fire at the top (looking at the Olympic flame which was lit for the occasion). It really, really feels good. Yaay! We say 20 years, but it’s actually nearly 21 years. Sorry guys, sorry we’ve lasted for so long (laugh). It’s another 3 days, 3 days to go. Thank you! Erm... I’ve been thinking what we were doing around now, 20 years ago – I guess we were just about to come to Tokyo?

tetsuya: Really?

hyde: Yeah, probably when we were giving out videos at Loft.

tetsuya: Ahhh, the ones we were giving out for free.

hyde: It’s probably about the time we had finished giving them out. Wasn’t it around the time that our first guitarist left?

tetsuya: Ahhh that must mean that it’s nearly the 20th year anniversary for ken-chan!

hyde: he’s already on standby! (kenchan smiling) Exactly 20 years ago ken-chan was probably just going to university as usual – little did he know that soon, his world gets turned upside down!

It’s amazing, after 20 years, having done our world tour, it felt like a year in which we managed to make a mark in history. We managed to do what only L’Arc could do, the way that L’Arc would do it – and we’re lucky to have been able to do that. Thank you.

As we went around the world, we noticed that even if everyone was of a different nationality, or religion, their smiles were all the same. There were fans who were crying with joy. Just like you guys today. That really left an impression on me and I found it remarkable. I’m sure it was much work for the staff, but because of that, I think we managed to reach out to all their hearts.

I think we played great lives in each of the places we went, and that it was memorable for all the fans around the world. I think the band will continue together in the future, so please support L’Arc~en~Ciel. We’ve nothing planned next, but let’s play again together. Thank you. Our final song, Niji.

21. 虹 (with some rainbow coloured balloons!)

hyde: Thank you very much! When we come back, please come out and play with us. Be good/behave while you wait for us! Thank you!!

And our usual banana throwing action from tecchan – but today, even yukkie was throwing bananas!! Apparently at the end, he came and was dancing around, moving from one side of the stage to the other, throwing water bottles, waving at the audience, and doing some Doara like moves (lol). Then tecchan handed him a banana, they shook hands, and then he threw it into the audience!

tetsuya: Thank you!! Thank you very much. Thank you for all your continuing support – til now and from now on! See you again!!!

I think the overall mood for these 2 days was really 'like a festival' - as if the members didn't want to make it feel too much like a 'final' to make their fans sad :) So let's all behave until they next come back!!!

...oh yes, and we do still have Hawaii - I will try and get as much info on that, but because not that many fans are going, it may take more time than usual (plus it's a weekday!), but stay tuned!!!

Indonesian report at National Stadium, Tokyo

ini adalah report org Indonesia yg nonton di National Std. Tokyo, kemaren.. *ngiriiii*
and the lucky girl itu adalah Vicka Eve Indrias
so, check it out, asyik neh bacanya en sumpah bikin envy  banget *wish i'll be there someday*

Report Konser Laruku National Stadium 26 Mei 2012

Setelah bertahun-tahun menunggu dan rajin ikut petisi buat bawa Laruku ke Indonesia, akhirnya kesampaian juga. Padahal sebenarnya saya sudah pesimis bisa menonton konser Laruku yang selalu 'wah' secara langsung. Pengumuman konser laruku di Indonesia keluar hanya beberapa hari setelah saya membeli tiket pesawat ke Jepang. Mungkin bisa dibayangkan bagaimana BETE-nya saya waktu itu..hmm..

Kemudian saya masih berusaha mencari tiket untuk konser mereka di Jepang melalui browsing di official site. Sayangnya kemampuan bahasa Jepang yang belum ada apa-apanya membuat saya benar-benar pesimis bisa nonton konser, ditambah lagi saya mendapat info dari seorang teman cielers Indonesia yang berdomisili di Jepang bahwa 'calo' tiket di Jepang kebanyakan Yakuza..oow..saat itu saya benar-benar mengurungkan niat untuk menonton dan hanya bisa gigit jari melihat histeria fans laruku di Indonesia melalui Youtube dan Facebook fans Indonesia.
Menonton Laruku secara langsung sepertinya hanya sebatas mimpi buat saya, hingga kemudian saya mendapatkan kembali info situs penjualan tiket konser di Jepang. Tanpa berfikir panjang saya langsung menghubungi Sensei bahasa saya untuk membantu memahami isi situs yang dimaksud. Pembelian tiket seperti ini di Jepang sangat rumit. Kita tdak hanya dibingungkan dengan isinya yang menggunakan kanji, tapi juga prosedur yang harus dilakukan selama transaksi pembelian tiket berlangsung. Beruntung sekali Sensei bahasa saya sangat baik dan membantu dari mulai menterjemahkan situs, registrasi, order tiket, nemenin payment tiketnya di kombini, hingga mengabari situs penjual tiket tersebut bila tiket sudah sampai di tangan kita. Bahkan beliau mencarikan info mengenai konser serta venue-nya. wah sugooii.. :)
Tadinya saya berniat membeli tiket konser Laruku yang di Universal Studios Osaka 19/20 Mei 2012. Selain lebih dekat dengan tempat tinggal saya di Okayama, tiket konser sudah termasuk Universal Studios pass, jadi bisa sekalian main di sana. Tapi karena ada beberapa hal yang harus dipertimbangkan, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mnonton konser yang di National Stadium Tokyo 26/27 Mei 2012. Lagipula sebelumnya saya belum pernah ke Tokyo.
Akhirnya sekitar empat hari setelah transaksi tiket secara online, tiketpun sampai di tangan :D.. Saya mendapatkan dua tiket konser dengan harga 8.500 yen/tiket (harga aslinya 9.000 yen) untuk tanggal 26 Mei 2012 di National Stadium Tokyo.
Saya memutuskan berangkat ke Tokyo tanggal 25 Mei 2012 dengan menggunakan bis malam. Walaupun bis malam adalah alternatif transportasi yang paling murah menuju Tokyo, tapi tetap saja ongkos bis jauh lebih mahal daripada harga tiket nontonnya karena jarak dari Okayama-Tokyo yang lumayan jauh. Dan lebih parahnya, saya mendapatkan tempat duduk paling belakang (benar-benar paling belakang) karena pemesanan tiket sangat mepet dengan jadwal keberangkatan. Saya berangkat pukul 20.00 dari Okayama dan tiba di Tokyo pukul 07.00. Walaupun kondisi bis jauh lebih baik dari bis malam di Indonesia, tetap saja 11 jam perjalanan menuju Tokyo benar-benar bikin pinggang saya encok. Setibanya di Tokyo, saya benar-benar dipusingkan dengan situasi eki (saya tiba di Shinjuku Station) yang sangat (sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt) padat. Anehnya ribuan orang berlalu lalang dengan cepatnya tanpa saling menabrak satu sama lain. Itulah hebatnya orang jepang, jalannya kayak lari.heheheee... sementara saya masih celingukan mengumpulkan nyawa sekaligus memahami rute kereta api di sini yang sangat rumit.
Sambil menunggu konser sore harinya, saya sudah merencanakan untuk mengunjungi Gyoeng park (taman kaisar), Skytree (menara paling tinggi di dunia) yang baru opening beberapa hari sebelumnya, dan kuil di Asakusa (sensoo-ji) yang letaknya tidak jauh dari Skytree. Setelah puas seharian berjalan-jalan di sekitar Asakusa, saya langsung menuju statsiun Sendagaya yang terletak tidak jauh dari venue konser.
  Selama perjalanan di kereta, saya sudah mulai menemukan banyak orang menggunakan atribut konser 20'L. Sesampainya di statsiun Sendagaya pukul 15.00, kerumunan le ciel semakin ramai terlihat. Kebanyakan dari mereka menggunakan kostum yang mencolok dan menggunakan atribut konser yang mudah dikenali. Setelah mencari spot yang rada tenang untuk shalat, saya langsung menuju TKP. Venue yang sangat besar membuat saya harus mondar mandir mencari pintu masuk dan beberapa kali bertanya pada staff disana. Gerbang memasuki venue tidak seheboh yang saya bayangkan. Diatas gerbang hanya terdapat satu baligho panjang konser tour Laruku. setelah melewati gerbang, terlihat tempat penitipan kamera. Tapi saya juga sudah menyembunyikan kamera saya di tas, dan beruntungnya saat melewati pemeriksaan kamera saya bisa lolos. Mungkin staffnya malas membuka-buka tas saya yang sangat penuh :p..
Saya langsung menuju booth penjualan goodies. Niatnya sih hanya membeli light stick dan towel saja, tapi setelah tiba di TKP saya tergiur dengan goodies lainnya dan berniat membeli kao t-shirt, windbreaker, eco bag, dan sugar free marshmallow-nya Hyde. Sayangnya booth penjualan goodies di dalam venue tidak selengkap booth yang disediakan di luar venue. Jadi saya hanya membeli light stick seharga 1.000 yen dan towel seharga 2.500 dan berniat membeli goodies lainnya setelah konser.
Setelah membeli goodies dan masukin surat buat bang hyde, saya langsung memasuki gate 26. Di dalam venue para fans sudah menunggu konser sambil menikmati banyak lagu dari album tribute. Sayangnya tidak ada pemutaran cuplikan video seperti yang dilakukan di konser-konser sebelumnya.
Konser dimulai sedikit ngaret dari jadwalnya yaitu pukul 17.30. Dimulai dengan sambutan-histeria fans saat layar mulai menyala. opening dari konser ini dimulai dengan breaking news dari LCN yang melaporkan bahwa ditemukan benda terbang (flying object) di berbagai tempat di dunia. Flying object seperti ufo tapi berbentuk limas segitiga terbalik dimana setiap sisinya terdapat gambar wajah setiap personel Laruku (gambarnya sama dengan kao t-shirt). Flying object itu mulai tertangkap kamera pada 3 maret di Hongkong, Bangkok, Shanghai, Taipei, New York,  Big Ben London, Eiffel Tower Paris, Patung Marlion Singapura, Kota Tua Jakarta, Yokohama, dan Osaka. Lalu kemudian breaking News tiba-tiba terpotong oleh siaran langsung yang menyatakan bahwa flying object tersebut menuju Tokyo. Tanpa disadari, siaran langsung berasal dari helikopter yang dari siang tadi mondar mandir di atas National Stadium. Spontan saja hal itu membuat para fans semakin histeris. Layar menunjukan flying object yang menabrak National Stadium lalu muncul asap-asap di bagian kiri panggung. Dari sanalah muncul Laruku. Diawali dengan keluarnya marching band seperti pada setiap pembukaan olimpiade (National Stadium adalah Stadion Olympic) yang memainkan lagu Niji lalu disusul oleh para personel Laruku yang duduk manis di atas potongan flying object tadi yang diikuti oleh para cheerleaders. Mereka mengelilingi stadium melewati para fans. Sesampainya di tengah stadium, mereka berhenti. Dari layar terlihat Tetsuya menyalakan api/obor olimpiade dengan jarinya dari kejauhan yang berada di belakang venue. hal itu membuat para fans tertawa sekaligus terkagum-kagum dengan ide-nya. Lalu iringan berlanjut hingga ke panggung.

1. Ready Gteady Go-hyde memulai konser dengan kalimat khas lagu ini dengan bertanya pada fans "Are you F*cking Ready??!"
2. Good Luck My Way
3. Revelation- Disini suasana semakin memanas dengan teriakan "Shout! Shout!!" dan disambut dengan teriakan fans sama seperti setiap Revelation dimainkan di konser lainnya.
4. Heaven's Drive- saat lagu ini dibawakan jelas sekali simbol illuminati banyak ditampilkan di layar seperti segitiga bermata satu dan angka 6..tapi kita tidak sedang membicarakan itu disini kan.. :p
5. Vivid Colors-one of my fave song. jarang banget denger lagu ini dinyanyiin di konser.
Hyde MC-berhubung bahasa Jepang saya yang masih berantakan, jadi gak banyak yang bisa saya ceritakan di setiap MC. yang pasti, konser kali ini tidak terlalu banyak MC, itupun sangat singkat.
6. In The Air-konser kali ini banyak banget bawain lagu-lagu lama mereka..malahan Wild Flower dan Bye Bye yang sangat saya tunggu tidak dibawakan.. :(
7. Kaze no Yukunue-seneng banget lagu ini dibawain.. :)
8. My Hearts Draws a Dream-dimulai dengan permainan solonya Ken disertai tampilan layar yang memukau.
Setelah My Heart Draws a Dream, layar menampilkan produk-produk Laruku. Dimulai dengan Doal’arc chocolate-nya Yukihiro, lalu iklan iklan Salami Sausage-nya Ken yang rada-rada berbau hentai ala Ken. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan iklan sugar free marshmallow-nya Hyde. Iklannya benar-benar bikin ngakak. Dalam iklan itu terdapat seorang anak dan neneknya yang sedang asyik nongkrong d rumahnya menatap taman sambil menikmati marshmallow. Lucunya si Nenek sangat menghayati marshmellow itu dengan meremasnya (pake nafsu! Lol) di dalam rumah terlihat foto almarhum si kakek. Si Nenek remes-remes marshmallow sampe kejang-kejang.hahahaa....ckckckkk...lalu diikuti dengan iklan Mukimpo Chips-nya Tetsuya.
9. Drivers High
10. Caress of Venus- Lagu ini dibawain dengan tarian para cheerleaders di atas panggung.
Ken MC-  Sambil menari-nari dikelilingi  para cheerleaders Ken berteriak "Yaaayy!" diikuti penonton "Yaaayyy!"..ken berteriak lagi "Yaaay yaayy yaaayyy", diikuti penonton  "Yaaay yaayy yaaayyy". dan begitu seterusnya.
11. Seventh Heaven- Suasana semakin meriah ketika Seventh Heaven dibawakan, pita warna warni ditembakkan ke udara.
12. Ibara no Namida
Setelah Ibara no Namida dimainkan, Tetsuya melakukan solonya dengan memainkan bassnya menggunakan pisang. Sudah ditebak sebentar lagi Stay Away akan dimainkan. Tapi ternyata tidak, setelah solo bassnya Tetsuya, Hyde langsung bernyanyi "Oui C'est la Vie..Oui C'est la Vie.." penontonpun yang tadinya mau berjingkrak dengerin Stay Away langsung bingung.haha..
13. C'est la Vie
14. Shout at the Devil
Drum solo-nya Yukihiro dilanjutkan dengan encore dan wave yang dibuat penonton. Ternyata para personel Laruku sudah berada di belakang, menaiki panggung kecil yang berada di seberang panggung utama. Di panggung ini mereka hanya menyanyikan dua lagu.
15. Pieces
16. Honey
Setelah Honey, diikuti suara-suara futuristik sementara layar menunjukkan flying objects yang melayang-layang dari luar angkasa melewati benda-benda galaksi,menuju sebuah planet dan tampak berterbangan segitiga-segitiga terbalik dimana di dalam masing-masing segitiga itu terdapat dunia yang baru. Para personel Laruku sudah berada di panggung utama dan membawakan Neo Universe.
17. Neo Universe
18. Chase
19. XXX
20. Link- Saat Link dibawakan, Balon-balon besar bercahaya warna-warni dilemparkan ke arah penonton.
Tetsuya MC-seperti biasa tetsuya lempar-lempar pisang dan lolipop ke arah penonton, untungnya telur gak ikut dilempar padahal tadi Tetsuya sudah menunjukkan telur di keranjangnya.
Hyde MC- Sambil terengah-engah setelah tadi loncat-loncat sambil bawain Link, Hyde bilang pada penonton untuk berhenti loncat-loncatnya..dia udah cape..yaaaa..kurang lebih seperti itu.. :-/
Saat Hyde berbicara, layar menunjukkan Yukihiro dan membuat fans menjerit-jerit memanggil Yukihiro. Ketika Hyde lihat layar, layar kembali menampilkan Hyde. Tapi ketika Hyde memalingkan mukanya lagi ke penonton, layar kembali menampilkan Yukihiro dan itu membuat penonton tertawa dan memanggil-manggil Yukihiro. Lalu Hyde bilang pada Yukihiro, jarang-jarang Yuki banyak fans. biasanya yang paling banyak dipanggil namanya Hyde. XD
21. Niji
Konser berakhir dengan kebiasaan Tetsuya melempar-lempat pisang pada penonton. Senangnya penonton yang berada di bawah, karena Tetsuya mendekati mereka menuju sisi panggung. Kerumunan penonton sudah sangat berdesakan menutupi pintu keluar. Begitupula dengan jalur menuju booth goodies dan L'Arc Cafe. Jalanan terlihat macet termasuk pintu masuk menuju statsiun Sendagaya yang dipenuhi oleh fans Laruku.
Dalam konser ini, sepertinya berbeda dengan konser lainnya. di sini MC tidak seperti biasanya. Sangat singkat dan tidak terlalu banyak. Lagu yang dibawakan kebanyakan lagu lama. Sayangnya lagu-lagu jagoan seperti Stay Away, Blurry Eyes, dan Anata tidak dibawakan. Euphoria konser sepertinya tidak berhenti dsitu saja. Keesokan harinya ketika berjalan-jalan di sekitar Harajuku dan Shibuya, saya melihat banyak sekali yang menggunakan atribut konser Laruku.

*maaf ya kalo reviewnya seadanya..saya nggak pinter nulis, belum bisa bahasa jepang, jadi gak bisa ceritain bagian MC-nya, terus banyak lupaya.hehe... :p
buat foto-foto bisa dilihat di : sini

Friday, May 25, 2012


ahaha, sebenernya fungsi utama blog ku ne cuman buat dokumentasi en reminder buat aq sendiri soal Laruku en Ken biar bs diakses dg leluasa by myself... hahaha... so, g peduli da yg baca blog aq ato tidak... ^^
ne da satu lagi translate an interview hyde en seperti biasa, nyomot dari sini
oh, ya, video nya ada di youtube, cek ja di sini
ah, iya, di video nya da beberapa cuplikan konser world tour, en yg di Indonesia muncul terus, how lucky dah yg di vip, ke shoot terus, wkwkwkwk... kayaknya da beberapa org yg kenal, kayaknya da risca juga... ahahaha... how lucky...
so, cekidot....
A quick translation of hyde's Mezamashi interview this morning!!

"At their first stop Hong Kong, a massive welcome greeted them at the airport - where they were mobbed!"

hyde: I wonder if it was like that with Lady Gaga...did she get mobbed too? We went on a bus in Hong Kong. There were some normal people on the bus too, who thought I was Jang Keun-suk (chuckle).

"It was the first time they visited the second city - Bangkok, Thailand."

hyde: The sense that the fans were 'waiting' for us was stronger in the places we went for the first time. Like here (Thai), where they told us 'we've been waiting 13 years'.

I got an upset stomach when I was in Hong Kong, so I went to the hospital when we got to Thailand. There were lots of people at the hospital who were like 'I'm going to the live tomorrow!' So I was like 'waaa I'm embarrassed!'.

"And the highlight of the world tour was their show at the Madison Square Garden, where they made history by being the first Japanese artists to play at the venue.

And after NY, they continued to play successful gigs in London, Paris and Singapore. At their Indonesia gig, the voices of 170,000 fans filled the venue."

hyde: It felt the most like ethnicity didn't matter anymore. The way they receive our music and their smiles are the same in every country. Even if they're of a different nationality, or religion - they all had the same facial expression."

"Having met smiling fans all around the world, L'Arc~en~Ciel will be playing tomorrow at the National Stadium, where they will become the 4th artist to play at this venue."

hyde: I think we have the most enthusiasm amongst the 4 artists so far. We've always said that we wanted to play there. It'll be like a festival/carnival, I wanted to have a Thank you party with everyone. The menu we've planned is like nothing I've experienced before.

Monday, May 21, 2012


translate an report waktu di USJ kemaren (19-20 Mei 2012)


by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Sunday, 20 May 2012 at 02:47 ·
Wooooo! UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know about you, but this combination of theme park and live gig is like a dream come true for me! How cool is it to be able to go on a roller coaster with ‘CHASE’ playing in the background!? I’ve been to USJ once, but because it was just after it opened, it wasn’t as great as it sounds now! I remember going on that Jurassic Park ride about 6 times though...

A pic from Sanspo newspaper. HOW ADORABLE IS THIS!!!!!!!!

OK, so here comes day 1!!



01. Ibara no Namida

-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! We’re back! We are L’Arc~en~Ciel, originally from Osaka! Brilliant weather today – not too sunny, with a little cloud. This is just how I hoped it would be. If the sun’s shining too much, it’s hard to see the screens – which I realised yesterday during the rehearsals. hy-chan is happy (NB HE DID ACTUALLY SAY THAT APPARENTLY AAWWWW)!!

We’re back from touring around the world – we crossed borders with our music! Everyone was smiling wherever we went – just like you guys are smiling today. We had such a brilliant time!!! Thank you everyone, and thank you to you guys here - we’ll repay you with a brilliang time today!!!

ZU! ZU! Come on, say ‘Zu!’ Now say ‘TO!’... what am I trying to do (laugh)? (NB what he was trying to do here, or what I imagine, is that he wanted the audience to shout the first word of ‘HONEY’ – ‘zutto’, so that he says ‘zu’ and the audience say ‘to-!’ lol, but I guess it didn’t work! Apparently he continued to laugh at his own expense for a while, and then finally when he was done laughing at himself, ‘HONEY’ began. Awww!)

05. Bye Bye
06. wild flower (apparently between the end of Bye Bye and wild flower, a rainbow miraculously appeared on the other end from the stage – even if it wasn’t raining!? These boys are capable of miracles I tell you!)

-advert for ken’s dream salami-
So we’ve had hyde’s marshmallows, yukkie’s Doal’arc chocolate, so inevitably, today was the advert for ken’s salami!! The advert showed a group of housewives holding the salami, discussing how they like to enjoy eating their salami... like ‘I like to peel the skin off mine’ or ‘it’s too big so I can only put the tip into my mouth’ OH DEAR GOD KEN!!!!!!!

After the advert, the members travel to the sub-stage on the cart thing, but the surprise here was that, thanks to the cooperation of USJ, Elmo and Cookie Monster from Sesame Street were also on the cart!!! So it was hyde, tecchan & Cookie Monster on one cart, ken, yukkie & Elmo on the other. On Cookie Monster’s team they were taking photos together, calling to the audience together etc, and on Elmo’s team, apparently Elmo was very active (lol), hugging ken, watching yukkie throw the plastic balls into the audience (which he was apparently doing with great force and speed lol), dancing with them etc etc. Awwww!!!!!

08. metropolis  (Shocker!! Apparently ken touched hyde’s marshmallows, gently but surely (HAHAHA). And in the meantime, Elmo and Cookie Monster were dancing on the other side of the stage!)

And as they returned to the stage, more dancing by yukkie, ken and Elmo! At one point Elmo did the ‘Exile dance’ with yukkie (see the first 8 seconds of here).

11. Driver’s High (During the track there were some effects where there were pillars of fire shooting from the edge of the stage. But our problem-child ken was apparently late in returning to the correct side of the stage, tecchan noticed this, and was gesturing at him frantically like ‘come back! Quickly!’ so that he wouldn’t be engulfed by the flames! PLEASE BE CAREFUL DEAREST!!

-ken MC-
Osaka!! ‘Moukarimakka-‘? (NB this is one of the cliché phrases that Osaka people are associated with. It sort of means ‘how’s the business going?’). Haha I’ve never actually said that before. I have the guide to USJ here – so you can meet Snoopy here aswell? I think I’ve only watched Snoopy on TV about twice...what exactly is it about?? Is he Charlie’s dog??  (not much reaction from the audience) You guys don’t know either??
And the Sesame Street guys aswell, who helped us out today. But they scare me! You know how I don’t like haunted houses and stuff! It’s like that! It’s because they don’t say anything...! And they just smile, without saying anything. How scary! Like, don’t come near me!!

Anyway when I was reading the guide, there were some rules of the park that was strange. It’s about clothing regulations. It says ‘Please come clothed’. Seriously!? Do people need to be told that?? Are there actually people that turn up to meet Snoopy with their bits hanging out?? I see there are plenty of you in bikinis today – it’s great to look at, so hopefully there’ll be more of you, especially since it’s getting hotter! BUT, please remember to wear clothes when entering USJ!

Another regulation – ‘Please don’t reveal skin excessively’ – wait, are bikinis alright?? Who’s entered the Park in their bikini?? (audience: yaaay) You have?? So it’s ok to enter the park in a bikini? What exactly is the difference between a bikini top and a bra?? I know there’s girls who say that they’re embarrassed to be seen in their underwear but it’s fine if it’s a bikini. How!? Anyway, never mind that... never mind!

So now that it’s becoming night time, I give you ‘Night-time L’Arc’ – Good enough for a heavy day (NB SERIOUSLY! Ken is using phrases here that would be used for sanitary towels here – LOL), no leaks whatsoever! DRINK IT DOWN!

13. shade of season
15. READY STEADY GO (this is good to know – apparently the spelling mistake of the screen’s ‘READTY STEADY GO’ was fixed!)


16. Mirai Sekai
17. Hitomo no Jyuunin
18. X X X
19. NEXUS 4
20. Blurry Eyes

-tetsuya MC-
WASSHOOOOI!!! (many Wasshoi’s today apparently!) OGENKI---??? How are you guys?? You having fuuuuun? Osakaaaaa Osakkaaaaaaa??? Which is more fun, USJ or L’Arc??? (audience: L’Arc!!!) WHICH??? (audience: L’Arc!!!!!!) OK, now which do you want more?? My banana or my lollipop??? WHICH???  (So apparently tecchan’s knew found thing is to make the audience go “Wooooooooooooooooo” while he prepares to throw the banana. And he won’t throw the banana until the crowd screams to the extent of losing their breath, lol. And then he lobs it into the audience!) You want to carry on with the song??? DO YOU WANT TO HEAR THE REST OF THE SONG!?!?!? LET’S GO OSAKAAA!!!

At the end of Blurry Eyes, apparently yukkie waited for a while before he played his last bang!, to which hyde looked around puzzled, and yukkie pointed at him with his stick, as if to say ‘aren’t you going to jump?’ so hyde climbed onto the drum stand, and jumped! Awwww!!!

-hyde MC-
It’s finally getting dark. We’d planned for it to get darker earlier!
It’s a great view from here – it’s like the Ohm’s tentacles (NB from the film Nausicaa). And I can see the highway behind you – the Kanjou-line? Or the Wangan-line??

Today, actually no, yesterday, I went on the rollercoaster! It was so cool! As soon as it sets off, you can hear the ‘Callin’’!! It feels great! I thought the other members had gone on the ride too, but apparently no one has! You guys don’t like the extreme rides??

(hyde looks at yukkie, who shakes his head smiling)

ken: what do you mean you can hear ‘Callin’’?

hyde: what? You can select to listen to ‘CHASE’ on that ride now! Didn’t you know? Look, the audience are going ‘eeeeehhhh??’

tetsu: I went to Universal Studios too!

hyde: In Singapore right?

tetsu: yeah, and I went on the ride there! It was amazing!

hyde: (bluntly) yes, but that’s not the point. I’m talking about being able to listen to CHASE! It’s number 4! Number 4 on the selection – if you press some other number it’ll be a different track! Before the USJ opened, there was only Kaiyuukan in this area (NB large aquarium in the same area). So it’s nice that there’s the USJ now. If you played ‘Callin’’ in Kaiyuukan, only the fish will come towards you...

Erm, so we’ve travelled the world, and I realised that we are a rare and treasured band. We’ve been making great efforts to come all this way – which is quite an achievement. You know, we played at the Madison Square Garden. There are rarely bands that can do a world tour, and play at the MSG. I don’t think anyone will be playing there for a while. It’s really amazing that it happened, and when you think about it like that, I think we’re a rare and amazing band.. So I want everyone to be nice to us. (audience laugh) You know, because we’re rare and precious. Like those endangered species, like the Japanese Ibis, or the Iriomote wild cat (NB two famous endangered species in Japan). Everyone’s really kind to them and take good care of them right? Just like that. Do you think I’m talking rubbish? If you think it’s strange tell me! Hahaha sorry, I sound like I’m drunk (laugh).

We’re very lucky, and happy. We couldn’t have done it without you all. So thank you. Thank you for the 20 years. And our final song, BLESS.


After BLESS, hyde noticed one of the banners the fans were holding, which apparently said ‘We’ll follow you wherever you go forever’ and shouted ‘Follow us forever! We’ll be waiting for you tomorrow! Thank you!!!’

tecchan re-appeared in an Elmo T-shirt (AAAWWWW) to throw the bananas! ‘THANK YOU!!! SEE YOU TOMORROWWWWW!!!!!!!!!’



01.  Ibara no Namida
02.  CHASE

-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! We’re back Osaka!!! L’Arc~en~Ciel have come back!! Erm yes, we’ve come back from touring the world – we crossed borders with our music. It was amazing everywhere we went – so make sure you do just as well Osaka!

I guess we won’t be seeing eachother for a while (audience: eeeehhhhhh).. We can’t help it, according to the schedule it’s like that! So today, make sure you all have an amazing time  - give everything you’ve got! Osaka! Let’s go crazy today Osaka! Are you ready Osaka!? O! O! Killing Me!

04.  Killing Me
05.  SHINE
06.  wild flower
08.  shade of season

-advert for Mukimpo Banana chips-
The advert apparently looked like one of those Apple adverts/presentations, with a white background showing pictures of bananas, and a white person (apparently called Mark Smith lol) presenting the chips, saying things like “The unwanted skin has been peeled and removed” and “It’s hard” LOL. I’m not sure if the innuendoes were intended…but I’m sure they were!
Finally, the words “Mukimpo chips”. Simple but effective!

On the way to the substage: Elmo was on a roll again today! It was Elmo, hyde and tecchan, and Cookie Monster, yukkie and ken-chan on the other wagon. Elmo went to hyde, kissed and hugged him! Dancing around. Then he went to hug tecchan from behind, trying to shoot with the Mukimpo gun together! Apparently at one point, the wagon jolted a little bit because it went over some wires, and hyde ran straight to Elmo as if to say “are you alright?” LOL.

09.  C’est la vie (before the song apparently hyde shouted “OUI C’EST LA VIE!!!” in a hard-rock voice (like properly shouting) – some of the audience were like “what?” because they couldn't make out what he said, but then as the track started, were like kyaaaaa!!!!! I bet!!)

On the way back from the stage, it was the other combination, with yukkie, ken-chan and Elmo on one wagon this time – and man was yukkie having fun! They were apparently dancing together, and then yukkie and Elmo were standing there with the same pose, leaning over the edge of the wagon shaking their heads from side to side, and then Elmo suddenly kissed yukkie on the cheek! And to retaliate (?) yukkie made a peace sign with his hand and started shoving it in Elmo’s mouth, SMILING! Lol how adorable! And then yukkie, Elmo and ken-chan joined hands and did a can-can style line dance (LOL).


-ken MC-
Tadaima*ko-! (NB Here we go again with ken and his filth! This pun he uses between the word ‘tadaima’ and ‘ma*ko’ has the meaning of ‘we’re back’ and ‘pus*y’. SERIOUSLY ken!) We’re back from touring the world! Everywhere we went, I bought souvenirs for the members and we went places.

In Hong Kong, hyde contacted us saying “I’m planning an open top bus tour, so let me know if you want to participate” so I rang him saying I wanted to come. yukihiro-san was there too (looks towards yukkie, yukkie nods). And since hyde was organizing it, I expected that he’d hired the bus exclusively, but he hadn’t, and there were normal people – like normal madams on the bus too. And what did hyde do? He was on the top of the bus, with his arms out like this (does pose, arms stretched wide), you know, like the Titanic pose. Maybe to celebrate the 3D re-release? Then, someone noticed that it was hyde, but the madams probably only thought “it’s PROBABLY hyde” and weren’t sure, but they were like “but wait, this must be a rare occasion, it must be!” and started taking loads of photos of hyde, who was doing the titanic pose, looking like he was going to do a dive into a swimming pool or something. What was that about? (to hyde)

hyde: It felt good.
ken: what, having your photo taken?
hyde: no, it felt like I was flying

ken: Well indeed you were flying! Anyway they were taking loads of photos, so I’m sure they’ll turn up somewhere and you'll see it. yukihiro-san was looking rather tired at that point – were you tired or not well? (to yukkie, who shakes his head) No? You were having fun? (yukkie nods smiling) He was having fun! So hydee (NB yes he called him that) was doing this arms spread pose and yukkie was like this (rolled up in a ball) like “don’t look at me!”, avoiding having his photo taken. It was a strange journey. We spent our free time doing things like this!

At the beginning of the world tour, my shoulder hurt really badly. Because of golf. It was so painful I thought I couldn't sleep. I didn’t tell anyone because I thought I’d be told off… it was painful to play the guitar, but after a while it was better! These days I play my guitar not to show off my skills, but, more like, to absorb the atmosphere – to feel the wind almost. I can feel a good wing blowing today – and I use that as power to play my guitar.

Anyway, since it’s becoming dark, I will end my MC here, and I think it’s time to carry on! What do you think?? Are you ready?? Let’s goooo!!!! DRINK IT DOWN!!!

15.  Driver’s High
16.  Mirai Sekai
18.  X X X
19.  NEXUS 4
20.  Link

-tetsuya MC-
WASSHOOOI!!! WASSHOOOI???? WASSHOOOI!!!! Ogenki--??? How are you all??? Gozonjiiii---- (Do you know???)?? (audience: Gozonji-!) What do you know?? (LOL tecchan!) Ogenkiiiii?????  WASHHHOOOIIII???
Did you guys like the Mukinpo chips advert??? Woooo!!!! Do you want to eat my bananaaaa??? Nice catch (to audience)!!  Or do you want to suck my lollipoppp??? You want to carry onnn??? You still up for it Osakaaa??? Let’s gooooo!!!!!

-hyde MC-
Yaaaay! You’re all beautiful. Yes, beautiful. You’re all cute. Erm, did you guys go on the roller coaster? I advertised it loads in the MC yesterday – you guys went on it right?? (looking at members)

ken: After hearing what you said yesterday, and because the ride stretches over our dressing room, I gave everyone on it a wave, but no one noticed! Probably because they’re all too busy screaming!

hyde: you said yesterday that you weren’t scared, but you ARE scared aren’t you? I bet you were scared!

ken: …well obviously!

hyde: (laughing) But really, it feels cool when you’re on it. When you hear “callin’~”.

Osaka…so we’re in Osaka today. L’Arc were formed here, 20 years ago. At first we were even doubtful that we’d go to Tokyo… (looking at tecchan) we thought no, it was too early to head to Tokyo. But now look, we’ve even been to Jakarta. I saw some people at the back who looked like they were from Jakarta. I think they were really from Jakarta.

Wherever we went, everyone’s smiles were the same. Even if they were people of different nationalities, their facial expressions were the same. They looked really happy. Really cute. The thing I love to see most is to see people crying, like “they’re here~~!”. It makes me go “Aww you’re crying. Yoshi yoshi (word used when you pat someone on the head)”.

tecchan: If you say that, everyone will start crying from now on.

hyde: Er no, that would be disturbing (LOL hyde!). But no, it gives me power, really. Everyone supporting us for so long, nothing makes us more happy (apparently at this point he teared up a little).

So it was a brilliant tour. It’s amazing that even after 20 years, there are new things to discover. There was a period when I thought that there was nothing left to discover, but there was actually plenty more. The band continues to surprise me. It makes me wonder what will happen after 30 years. It makes me wonder… we’ve become a band that’s loved all around the world. L’Arc~en~Ciel were truly loved everywhere around the world. Thank you for all the love you’ve given us. Thank you. This is our final song, Niji.

21.  Niji

After Niji hyde was repeatedly shouting “Thank you Osaka! Ookini (thank you in western dialect) Osaka! We’ll definitely be back!”

Tecchan came back to throw his bananas in a Cookie Monster T-shirt today, and even threw some bananas to the audience who were leaving early and had started to leave the venue. How sweet! And at the end, tecchan grabbed hyde’s floppy hat, wore it on his head, and then pretended to throw it into the audience, but didn’t, saying “hyde would tell me off!”. LOL I'm sure he would!


SO, all that's left is the National Stadium next week (and Hawaii ofcourse but somehow that feels separate)!!!

As much as that makes me sad, I'm taking hyde's words of "what will happen in 30 years" and "we'll definitely be back!" as a promise for the future of the band. Right?? (well you better or you've got a whole world of fans coming for you!)

Artikel Liputan di Nissan Stadium

translate an dari

Translation: Natalie article about the Nissan Stadium Lives

by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 at 06:18 ·
Boy am I thrilled to see tetsuya in his Union Jack jacket again :D
And hahaha look how they've tried to tone down ken's MC!!!

Original article:


L’arc~en~Ciel open their "welcome-home" gigs! 150,000 gather for their 2-day gig in Yokohama

L’Arc~en~Ciel’s opening show of their string of ‘welcome-home’ gigs from their tour ‘L’Arc~en~Ciel 20th L’Anniversary WORLD TOUR 2012 THE FINAL’ was held on the 12th and 13th May at the Nissan Stadium, Kanagawa, Japan.

The band have been touring 10 countries around the world as part of their ‘L’Arc~en~Ciel WORLD TOUR 2012’ since March, playing to excited fans all around the world. They have now returned to play their ‘welcome-home’ gigs, bringing home the heat and excitement to share with their home fans. The opening gigs held at the Nissan Stadium brought together 150,000 fans over the 2 days, welcoming the band’s return with manic excitement.

The first show on the 12th was opened with hyde greeting the packed crowd, shouting “We’re back! We’re L’Arc~en~Ciel!”. He told the audience “Seeing so many of you gathered here today has made me teary already. Today I want to make it a day to remember, so make me think “See, it’s always best in Japan”!”, which was received with  cheers and applause. ken, who has been addressing the audience during the world tour with his ‘local souvenir MCs’ sent the crowd in waves of laughter, telling them in Japanese (which he hadn’t done in a while) "I don’t have any souvenirs today. So I was wondering what to speak about, when I thought of something, 2 minutes before the live. You know, I have a hole in my trousers (laugh)".

The setlist included a wide variety of tracks, ranging from songs from their newest album ‘BUTTERFLY’ released in February, their biggest hits that they played on tour, and even some tracks which have rarely been played recently, which were all well-received by a thrilled audience.

On the second day, hyde greeted the audience from each of the runways extended from the stage, shouting "Come on Japan!". Looking back on the world tour, he emotionally expressed "Every country we went to, our music crossed the borders. It was like we were communicating via the language of music. From the rest of the world it may only look like a small step, but for us Japanese, I think it was a very big step".  ken entertained the crowd with some special memories of the tour, telling them "The weather was really different wherever we went. In Indonesia it was really hot so I went swimming in the hotel pool, but there was no one there apart from me and the stylist!! I rang everyone saying “A dolphin show is about to start at the pool!” hoping someone would turn up – we practiced swimming like dolphins and everything! But no one came (laugh)".

In the final MC, hyde thanked the fans both from Japan and all over the world, saying "We wouldn’t have managed to tour the world without the fans who were waiting for us there. And I guess it’s because we’ve carried on for so long that we have fans everywhere. There were fans who told us ‘we’ve been waiting for years’ everywhere we went, which made me glad that we carried out the tour. And once we returned, all of you welcomed us back. We are such a lucky band to have you all. Thank you". The audience seemed touched by his heartfelt message.

Over the two days, the band continued to surprise the audience with dynamic effects and staging only possible in such a large-scale venue. The four members excited the audience with an energetic performance full of spirit, showing them how much they accomplished and achieved by touring the world.

L’Arc~en~Ciel will now go on to play at the Universal Studio Japan, Osaka, and then end their World Tour with their grand finale at the National Stadium, Tokyo. This will mark the first time a rock band will play at the National Stadium. At the end of Sunday’s show, a message from the members was shown, promising the fans that “The National Stadium gig will be a festival!!”.


Photos from Day 1

Photos from Day 2

Monday, May 14, 2012


final tour mereka di Yokohama.. (aq blm sempet bikin report waktu di Jakarta kemaren... T^T)



by L'Arc~en~ciel UK Fans Unite (English Street Team) on Sunday, 13 May 2012 at 01:35 ·
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the boys are back in Japan!!! Their first show of the L'Arc-filled month of May was held at the Nissan Stadium, Yokohama. Yes, an OUTDOOR STADIUM! Which meant that it left the fans worrying about the weather for ages before the live, but fortunately there was no repeat of the L'Anniversary lives last year, although apparently it was rather cold and windy.

So here comes the setlist/translations of the MCs. As usual the translations are based on a range of snippets of reports around the internet, so may or may not be entirely accurate. And BOY DID I LAUGH/CRINGE when I was sifting through all those reports - DAMN YOU ken-chan, you and your dirty jokes!!!!!! WHY MUST YOU MAKE MY LIFE SO DIFFICULT!?!?! I would just like to say I am in no way responsible for the filth of his jokes (haha)!
Anyhow, I'm glad to see the boys are having fun :D See you tomorrow for another update!



01.Ibara no Namida
03.GOOD LUCK MY WAY (hyde shouted ‘JAPAN!’ in English during this song)

-hyde MC-
Tadaima! (N.B. What Japanese people say when they come home) We’re back from the world! We are L’Arc~en~Ciel. Tadaima-! I kept on shouting “Japan” earlier but is that ok for what to call you? Japan? Or Yokohama??? Or Nissan????? Leader, what do you think? (mouths “Japan?” at tecchan) Ok, we’ll say JAPAN! Although I feel a bit shy saying that.

We released our album ‘BUTTERFLY’ a little while back, but as soon as we released it we left to go tour the world, so we haven’t played these songs very much. So today we’ll be playing lots of songs from the album! Is that ok?? Ok, the next song, HONEY (laughter from the audience since it isn’t an album track!)

05. Bye Bye
06. wild flower (interestingly, apparently the back screen showed dandelions during wild flower – which solves my personal mystery of what flower hyde was imagining when writing the lyrics to this)
(at the end of this track the members left the stage)

-advert for Doihachi confectionary’s sugar free marshmallows (which was sold as part of the goods)-
A video of an old lady eating the marshmallow with her supposed grandchild. She holds 2 marshmallows in one of her hands, fidgets a bit and mutters ‘Granddad...’ (ie her husband).
(NB for anyone that doesn’t know about the whole issue with the marshmallow, it’s an on-going joke since the L’Anniversary tour last year that according to ken-chan (who accidentally touched them), hyde’s bits/balls (ahem) feels like marshmallows. I will let you all interpret this advert as you wish!!!)

After the advert, the members travelled to the sub-stage which was situated on the other side of the arena on a cart-type vehicle, whilst the intro of REVELATION was playing. But before REVELATION, hyde said ‘Before REVELATION, please listen to ‘metropolis’. (Aaaaaaaaaaaarggghhhhh!!!!!!!!)

08. metropolis

The members then returned to the main stage.

11. Driver’s High

-ken MC-
Japaaan! Yokohamaaa!! Whilst on tour I was buying souvenirs for the members, but I’m not doing the that anymore, so I don’t know what to say in the MCs now... especially since I haven’t done a Japanese MC in a while. So I was wondering what to speak about, when I thought of something, 2 minutes before the live.

When I was doing my stretches, the anus part (NB THAT IS WHAT HE SAID lol) of my trousers ripped and now there’s a hole! It was a really small hole the size of the hole of your ear at first, but then it got bigger, like the size of your anus. When you try really hard your anus is really narrow, but if you try really hard it can expand... wait which way would you be trying hard? Anyway, the hole is getting bigger and bigger. Because I’m wearing lots of layers today you can’t see my underwear (NB he called his underwear ‘battle underwear’, which is what the Japanese refer to their special/sexy underwear’), but now it’s the size of... can I say this? A woman’s hole (NB It’s not my fault, HE REALLY SAID THIS!). Although a woman’s hole also can expand when she tries really hard. (NB apparently the members were properly laughing throughout this – bless them)

Should I talk about the world tour? Um, well obviously we played lives, but apart from that, what did we do...? We ate loads! Even on the plane, I felt like I had to eat everything... they would serve us fancy things like ‘something something style curry’ which in the end just tasted like normal curry! And then after we got off the plane, it would be in the evening, so again we would eat a massive dinner! For dinner we ate a lot of crab and prawns. Like pepper-flavoured crab, or chilli prawns. And then we would sleep, get on the plane, eat again... In one word, we felt full! Fulfilled! Since we’re now back in Japan and we’re not full anymore, I’m sure we can make this a great live! Since it’s becoming darker, we’ll do a hard-track now! DRINK IT DOWN!!

13. shade of season
14. STAY AWAY (including tecchan’s banana-bass solo)
-yukihiro drum solo-
Where apparently at the end, he put his sticks down, and made a peace sign with his right hand at the audience before he left the stage!


16. Mirai sekai (members sat on the drum set)
17. Hitomi no Jyuunin
18. X X X
19. NEXUS 4
(apparently hyde got the opening of NEXUS completely wrong, where he started to sing before he was meant to and was like ‘ate-..ate...atena-ku- tadayou...’ lol)
20. Link

-tetsuya MC-
Tadaima-!!! I’m Shioya Shun (NB an actor that’s been in the Japanese news recently because he’d been two-timing and proposed to 2 different women (a model and a celebrity chef). Obviously because of this the media are tearing him apart)!...NOT! Was that funny? Was it funny?? Good evening, we’re L’Arc~en~Ciel! Egg... egg...Okera?? (NB here he was talking about some egg joke he made during his Ki/oon event) Ah, the Japanese people don’t get the joke yet!
Do you want to eat my banana-? Do you want to eat my... what do you call this...lollipoooop??? OK, let's continue with Link!

-hyde MC-
Wow it’s become really dark now. And it didn’t rain...which would have given us lots to worry about. Although it is cold (laugh). We had a rehearsal the day before yesterday, and I was driving here with my own car, when it started to hail! I was worried that my car was going to be bashed by the hail!

...I know that hyde (NB he called himself that...awww) got the lyrics wrong earlier... but don’t write it on your blogs and on mixi!!! (NB mixi is the Japanese social networking site equivalent of facebook) word travels fast these days (sorry sweetheart, but it's inevitable that I write about this cuteness!)! You can write it on Zexy though (NB a wedding magazine, which rhymes with mixi). If it becomes a DVD, I’m sure that bit will be cut (laugh).

Everyone is really smiley today, we’re so lucky to be loved by so many fans! For you guys at the back (of the stadium), I bet the already small hyde looks even smaller! (LOL)

We travelled...(looking at tecchan) how many, 10 countries? Everywhere we visited the world, everyone welcomed us so warmly. I really felt that we are a loved band. But it’s only because we’ve been here for 20 years that we could go out into the world. And it’s thanks to everyone that we’ve managed to keep going for 20 years. So thank you. The L’Arc~en~Ciel that you all love was loved all around the world. Here is our final song, BLESS.


hyde shouted ‘See you tomorrow!’ as he left the stage, tecchan ‘Mattane-! (see you!)’ as usual.



01. Ibara no Namida

-hyde MC-
Tadaima-! We’re back! We are L’Arc~en~Ciel. We’ve travelled the world. Have you guys been well? You’ve been ok?? Every country we went to, our music crossed the borders. It was like we were communicating via the language of music. It was all very memorable. From the rest of the world it may only look like a small step, but for us Japanese, I think it was a very big step. Please enjoy the final today.

JAPAN! Or Nippon? Or maybe “1,2,3” (audience seem confused), you know, as in “1,Nissan” (NB hyde is trying to make a joke/pun here – the Japanese word for “2,3” is pronounced “ni, san” which sounds a lot like NISSAN. Still hyde, it’s a bit of a stretch!) (audience finally understand and go “ahhhh”). Or Yokohama… LET’S GO JAPAN!!! JAPAAANNNN!!!! “Killing Me”!!!

04. Killing Me (apparently a very fast version!)
06. wild flower

-advert – for Doa-l’arc Chocolate-
So following hyde’s marshmallow advert yesterday, today was yukihiro’s Doa-l’arc chocolate advert! In case anyone missed this on-going joke, Doara is the mascot character for Chunichi Dragons, a Japanese baseball team. Yukihiro has recently been expressing his love (?) for the character, and so created the Doa-l’arc chocolate as part of the goods. The advert shows Doara prancing around and doing funny dances around places like Nagoya Castle and Nagoya Dome (which is where the baseball team are based) with New World playing in the background. The advert finally ended with Doara holding the chocolate and posing.

As yesterday, then the members got on the cart-trolley thing and travelled to the substage whilst the intro of REVELATION plays in the background.

Once they got to the substage, apparently hyde’s ear monitor got tangled in his braids, so he asked the members to wait before they start. Apparently, then tecchan came along and untangled it for him (aaaaawwwwwwwwwwww). Then tecchan looked around proudly, waved his hands about, and then got ready for the next track. And in the meantime apparently ken was pretending to open the flies of this trousers along to the beat (hahaha). And with hyde’s word of approval, the next track.

08. metropolis
09. REVELATION (with some nice headbanging from all the members around yukihiro’s drumset – although at one point ken was banging so hard that he fell over!)

And another funny incident! During REVELATION, yukihiro seemed to have some trouble with the drums/equipment and during the bit where they make the audience shout, he was fiddling with it trying to fix it. But there still seemed to be a problem, but nevertheless he carried on. At the end of the track, when he tried to get up he tripped on a wire and nearly fell over, so he kicked the equipment (some sort of box), kicked it again and then threw it (lol). Not satisfied, he threw another box, jumped onto it and then stuck his finger up proudly at the audience (lol) and happily marched off onto the cart-thing. You’re a true rock star, yukkie!!!

Then, as ken and yukihiro were travelling via the cart-thing back to the mainstage, yukkie entertained the audience with a dance!!! Go yukkie!!! Apparently it was this sort of dance (the first youtube video I found, lol ) and then ken-chan noticed yukkie doing this dance, stood behind him and also danced, waving his arms about. HOW ADORABLE!!! Also, during the travelling the members were given a canon that shot out some big plastic balls (?), and because there was some left at the end of their travels, ken-chan and yukkie carried on firing them, playfully in synchro as they danced. AAWWWWW!!!!

11. Driver’s High

-ken MC-
Arrggghhh it’s hot!! It’s so hot!!! Yesterday it was cold and windy, so today I wore an extra layer underneath (he was wearing a black top underneath), but now I’m hot! But because it’s under all these layers, I can’t take it off!!

When we were touring, the weather was really different wherever we went – some places it was hot, and then the next destination would be freezing!! I didn’t take many short sleeved tops with me, so I was really hot in some countries. Did you guys know that Indonesia was hot?? It was really hot there, so the hotel we were staying at had a swimming pool. Apparently it was open til around 11pm, so one night the stylist suggested that we go swimming. He got me a pair of swimming trunks (audience: let us see it!) what do you mean let us see it? How!? Anyway so I put the trunks on, and I went to the pool at around 10pm. But there was no one there apart from me and the stylist!! I was hoping to see loads of bikini-clad gals! Anyway I got in the pool, but the water was so cold! I tried my best and sat there immersed in the water, but the stylist was so cold that he was just stood there, only hip deep in the water! We decided that we were a bit lonely on our own, so I rang everyone saying “A dolphin show is about to start at the pool!” hoping someone would turn up – we practiced swimming like dolphins and everything! But no one came…and although it wasn’t 11pm yet, they turned the lights off, even when we were still there! So we had to get out…

(since tecchan was still not back on stage) You want me to talk about something else? We went to go and see a show in Paris that featured boobs! …wait, you guys aren’t being put off like yesterday are you? Anyway, it wasn’t anything sleazy, it was meant to be artistic, but I thought maybe I’d feel turned on. The thing was, it was a massive place with around 2000-3000 people, so they were really far away. So what I learnt is, if you can’t reach the boobs, they don’t count as boobs! (LOL SERIOUSLY ken!!!) So in the end I fell asleep. It was going to be a massive event, but I felt bored…

Today’s live is so hot that I want to take off my inner top! Since it’s getting darker the next track (audience cheer) I haven’t even said what sort of song is next yet but you’re cheering already! Anyway next song, DRINK IT DOWN!

13. shade of season
-yukihiro drum solo-

16. Mirai Sekai
17. PIECES (apparently hyde was seen crying! Aaaahhhhh!!!!!)
18. X X X
19. NEXUS 4
20. Link

-testuya MC-
Good evening, I’m Shioya Shun (see yesterday’s notes for details! Apparently today he was doing an impression of him crying as well (the guy was seen crying during interviews and stuff)). No? I did that joke yesterday but still not funny?

Erm, my hair looks like Odagiri Jo (N.B. Odagiri Jo is another famous actor, who at the moment has a shaved bit like tecchan!). Hmm… even worse…! Good evening!!! Ogenki- (how are you?)??? Wasshooooi!!! Egg-! Pocho pocho pocho…you know I can speak French now (NB this is another on-going joke where tetsuya thought that the French language sounded like “pocho pocho pocho” lol). You want to eat my banana-??? You want to lick my lolololollipoooop???” (apparently hyde was gesturing “no no” lol)

-hyde MC-
Did you guys see the Doara advert?? I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll watch it with yukihiro-kun later!! I’m glad it didn’t rain again! I felt some water earlier but it was just the effects (NB during Killing Me they had some water shooting out beside the stage). Overseas it was as if we were bringing the sunny weather with us – even if it was raining lots it would become sunny just before the start of our lives! So you know, the Ajinomoto Stadium last year was part of the effects…

 You all look really cute! I’m happy that everyone is smiling. I see some of you in the audience crying…which makes me laugh… like, you wanted to see us so much?? It was the same wherever we went in the world – all our fans were cute. I can’t remember where, but whilst we were abroad an interviewer asked us “do you not get tired while you’re doing so many lives?” But I don’t feel tired at all. How could I, when there are so many fans overseas who have been waiting for us for so many years? All the fans give me strength/energy during the lives...well at least mentally (laugh). Physically…is another story (laugh).

It was the first time we’d set up such a large-scale world tour. And I think it must have been so much work for the staff. Everything was different – the language, how to make the bookings, the value of money being different... It was thanks to their hard work and efforts that we managed to step out into the world. And thank you to you guys for welcoming us back in Japan – we are such a lucky band to have you all. Thank you. We’ll do it again. Maybe the next one will be our 30th anniversary (laughing – yukkie plays the drums as if to say “nooo!” It better be a joke hyde, we want you sooner!)
We’re a band that can keep going… we can continue together, right (looks at members who nod)?
We’ll carry on going, on and on.

Finally tonight, a song of celebration. BLESS.


As they left the stage, hyde shouted “See you at the National Stadium!!” and bowed. Tecchan threw plenty of bananas as usual ;D
